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# run from dir above changedetectionio/ dir
# python3 -m unittest changedetectionio.tests.unit.test_notification_diff
import unittest
import os
from changedetectionio import diff
# mostly
class TestDiffBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
def test_expected_diff_output(self):
base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
with open(base_dir + "/test-content/before.txt", 'r') as f:
previous_version_file_contents =
with open(base_dir + "/test-content/after.txt", 'r') as f:
newest_version_file_contents =
output = diff.render_diff(previous_version_file_contents=previous_version_file_contents,
output = output.split("\n")
self.assertIn('(changed) ok', output)
self.assertIn('(into) xok', output)
self.assertIn('(into) next-x-ok', output)
self.assertIn('(added) and something new', output)
with open(base_dir + "/test-content/after-2.txt", 'r') as f:
newest_version_file_contents =
output = diff.render_diff(previous_version_file_contents, newest_version_file_contents)
output = output.split("\n")
self.assertIn('(removed) for having learned computerese,', output)
self.assertIn('(removed) I continue to examine bits, bytes and words', output)
with open(base_dir + "/test-content/before.txt", 'r') as f:
previous_version_file_contents =
with open(base_dir + "/test-content/after.txt", 'r') as f:
newest_version_file_contents =
output = diff.render_diff(previous_version_file_contents, newest_version_file_contents, include_equal=False, include_removed=True, include_added=False)
output = output.split("\n")
self.assertIn('(changed) ok', output)
self.assertIn('(into) xok', output)
self.assertIn('(into) next-x-ok', output)
self.assertNotIn('(added) and something new', output)
with open(base_dir + "/test-content/after-2.txt", 'r') as f:
newest_version_file_contents =
output = diff.render_diff(previous_version_file_contents, newest_version_file_contents, include_equal=False, include_removed=True, include_added=False)
output = output.split("\n")
self.assertIn('(removed) for having learned computerese,', output)
self.assertIn('(removed) I continue to examine bits, bytes and words', output)
# @todo test blocks of changed, blocks of added, blocks of removed
if __name__ == '__main__':