270 lines
14 KiB

import asyncio
import json
import os
import websockets.exceptions
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from loguru import logger
from changedetectionio.content_fetchers.base import Fetcher, manage_user_agent
from changedetectionio.content_fetchers.exceptions import PageUnloadable, Non200ErrorCodeReceived, EmptyReply, BrowserFetchTimedOut, BrowserConnectError
class fetcher(Fetcher):
fetcher_description = "Puppeteer/direct {}/Javascript".format(
os.getenv("PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSER_TYPE", 'chromium').capitalize()
if os.getenv("PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL"):
fetcher_description += " via '{}'".format(os.getenv("PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL"))
browser_type = ''
command_executor = ''
proxy = None
def __init__(self, proxy_override=None, custom_browser_connection_url=None):
if custom_browser_connection_url:
self.browser_connection_is_custom = True
self.browser_connection_url = custom_browser_connection_url
# Fallback to fetching from system
# .strip('"') is going to save someone a lot of time when they accidently wrap the env value
self.browser_connection_url = os.getenv("PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL", 'ws://playwright-chrome:3000').strip('"')
# allow per-watch proxy selection override
# @todo check global too?
if proxy_override:
# Playwright needs separate username and password values
parsed = urlparse(proxy_override)
if parsed:
self.proxy = {'username': parsed.username, 'password': parsed.password}
# Add the proxy server chrome start option, the username and password never gets added here
# (It always goes in via await self.page.authenticate(self.proxy))
# @todo filter some injection attack?
# check scheme when no scheme
proxy_url = parsed.scheme + "://" if parsed.scheme else 'http://'
r = "?" if not '?' in self.browser_connection_url else '&'
port = ":"+str(parsed.port) if parsed.port else ''
q = "?"+parsed.query if parsed.query else ''
proxy_url += f"{parsed.hostname}{port}{parsed.path}{q}"
self.browser_connection_url += f"{r}--proxy-server={proxy_url}"
# def screenshot_step(self, step_n=''):
# screenshot = self.page.screenshot(type='jpeg', full_page=True, quality=85)
# if self.browser_steps_screenshot_path is not None:
# destination = os.path.join(self.browser_steps_screenshot_path, 'step_{}.jpeg'.format(step_n))
# logger.debug(f"Saving step screenshot to {destination}")
# with open(destination, 'wb') as f:
# f.write(screenshot)
# def save_step_html(self, step_n):
# content = self.page.content()
# destination = os.path.join(self.browser_steps_screenshot_path, 'step_{}.html'.format(step_n))
# logger.debug(f"Saving step HTML to {destination}")
# with open(destination, 'w') as f:
# f.write(content)
async def fetch_page(self,
from changedetectionio.content_fetchers import visualselector_xpath_selectors
extra_wait = int(os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_DELAY_BEFORE_CONTENT_READY", 5)) + self.render_extract_delay
from pyppeteer import Pyppeteer
pyppeteer_instance = Pyppeteer()
# Connect directly using the specified browser_ws_endpoint
# @todo timeout
browser = await pyppeteer_instance.connect(browserWSEndpoint=self.browser_connection_url,
except websockets.exceptions.InvalidStatusCode as e:
raise BrowserConnectError(msg=f"Error while trying to connect the browser, Code {e.status_code} (check your access, whitelist IP, password etc)")
except websockets.exceptions.InvalidURI:
raise BrowserConnectError(msg=f"Error connecting to the browser, check your browser connection address (should be ws:// or wss://")
except Exception as e:
raise BrowserConnectError(msg=f"Error connecting to the browser {str(e)}")
# Better is to launch chrome with the URL as arg
# non-headless - newPage() will launch an extra tab/window, .browser should already contain 1 page/tab
# headless - ask a new page
self.page = (pages := await browser.pages) and len(pages) or await browser.newPage()
from pyppeteerstealth import inject_evasions_into_page
except ImportError:
logger.debug("pyppeteerstealth module not available, skipping")
# I tried hooking events via self.page.on(Events.Page.DOMContentLoaded, inject_evasions_requiring_obj_to_page)
# But I could never get it to fire reliably, so we just inject it straight after
await inject_evasions_into_page(self.page)
# This user agent is similar to what was used when tweaking the evasions in inject_evasions_into_page(..)
user_agent = None
if request_headers and request_headers.get('User-Agent'):
# Request_headers should now be CaaseInsensitiveDict
# Remove it so it's not sent again with headers after
user_agent = request_headers.pop('User-Agent').strip()
await self.page.setUserAgent(user_agent)
if not user_agent:
# Attempt to strip 'HeadlessChrome' etc
await self.page.setUserAgent(manage_user_agent(headers=request_headers, current_ua=await self.page.evaluate('navigator.userAgent')))
await self.page.setBypassCSP(True)
if request_headers:
await self.page.setExtraHTTPHeaders(request_headers)
# SOCKS5 with authentication is not supported (yet)
# https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/10567
await self.page.setCacheEnabled(True)
if self.proxy and self.proxy.get('username'):
# Setting Proxy-Authentication header is deprecated, and doing so can trigger header change errors from Puppeteer
# https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/676 ?
# https://help.brightdata.com/hc/en-us/articles/12632549957649-Proxy-Manager-How-to-Guides#h_01HAKWR4Q0AFS8RZTNYWRDFJC2
# https://cri.dev/posts/2020-03-30-How-to-solve-Puppeteer-Chrome-Error-ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT/
await self.page.authenticate(self.proxy)
# Re-use as much code from browser steps as possible so its the same
# from changedetectionio.blueprint.browser_steps.browser_steps import steppable_browser_interface
# not yet used here, we fallback to playwright when browsersteps is required
# browsersteps_interface = steppable_browser_interface()
# browsersteps_interface.page = self.page
response = await self.page.goto(url, waitUntil="load")
if response is None:
await self.page.close()
await browser.close()
logger.warning("Content Fetcher > Response object was none")
raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=None)
self.headers = response.headers
if self.webdriver_js_execute_code is not None and len(self.webdriver_js_execute_code):
await self.page.evaluate(self.webdriver_js_execute_code)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Got exception when running evaluate on custom JS code")
await self.page.close()
await browser.close()
# This can be ok, we will try to grab what we could retrieve
raise PageUnloadable(url=url, status_code=None, message=str(e))
self.status_code = response.status
except Exception as e:
# https://github.com/dgtlmoon/changedetection.io/discussions/2122#discussioncomment-8241962
logger.critical(f"Response from the browser/Playwright did not have a status_code! Response follows.")
await self.page.close()
await browser.close()
raise PageUnloadable(url=url, status_code=None, message=str(e))
if self.status_code != 200 and not ignore_status_codes:
screenshot = await self.page.screenshot(type_='jpeg',
quality=int(os.getenv("SCREENSHOT_QUALITY", 72)))
raise Non200ErrorCodeReceived(url=url, status_code=self.status_code, screenshot=screenshot)
content = await self.page.content
if len(content.strip()) == 0:
await self.page.close()
await browser.close()
logger.error("Content Fetcher > Content was empty")
raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=response.status)
# Run Browser Steps here
# @todo not yet supported, we switch to playwright in this case
# if self.browser_steps_get_valid_steps():
# self.iterate_browser_steps()
await asyncio.sleep(1 + extra_wait)
# So we can find an element on the page where its selector was entered manually (maybe not xPath etc)
# Setup the xPath/VisualSelector scraper
if current_include_filters is not None:
js = json.dumps(current_include_filters)
await self.page.evaluate(f"var include_filters={js}")
await self.page.evaluate(f"var include_filters=''")
self.xpath_data = await self.page.evaluate(
"async () => {" + self.xpath_element_js.replace('%ELEMENTS%', visualselector_xpath_selectors) + "}")
self.instock_data = await self.page.evaluate("async () => {" + self.instock_data_js + "}")
self.content = await self.page.content
# Bug 3 in Playwright screenshot handling
# Some bug where it gives the wrong screenshot size, but making a request with the clip set first seems to solve it
# JPEG is better here because the screenshots can be very very large
# Screenshots also travel via the ws:// (websocket) meaning that the binary data is base64 encoded
# which will significantly increase the IO size between the server and client, it's recommended to use the lowest
# acceptable screenshot quality here
self.screenshot = await self.page.screenshot(type_='jpeg',
quality=int(os.getenv("SCREENSHOT_QUALITY", 72)))
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Error fetching screenshot")
# // May fail on very large pages with 'WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw'
# // @ todo after text extract, we can place some overlay text with red background to say 'croppped'
logger.error('ERROR: content-fetcher page was maybe too large for a screenshot, reverting to viewport only screenshot')
self.screenshot = await self.page.screenshot(type_='jpeg',
quality=int(os.getenv("SCREENSHOT_QUALITY", 72)))
except Exception as e:
logger.error('ERROR: Failed to get viewport-only reduced screenshot :(')
# It's good to log here in the case that the browser crashes on shutting down but we still get the data we need
logger.success(f"Fetching '{url}' complete, closing page")
await self.page.close()
logger.success(f"Fetching '{url}' complete, closing browser")
await browser.close()
logger.success(f"Fetching '{url}' complete, exiting puppeteer fetch.")
async def main(self, **kwargs):
await self.fetch_page(**kwargs)
def run(self, url, timeout, request_headers, request_body, request_method, ignore_status_codes=False,
current_include_filters=None, is_binary=False):
#@todo make update_worker async which could run any of these content_fetchers within memory and time constraints
# This will work in 3.10 but not >= 3.11 because 3.11 wants tasks only
), timeout=max_time))
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise(BrowserFetchTimedOut(msg=f"Browser connected but was unable to process the page in {max_time} seconds."))