You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

290 lines
12 KiB

import apprise
import time
from jinja2 import Environment, BaseLoader
from apprise import NotifyFormat
import json
from loguru import logger
valid_tokens = {
'base_url': '',
'current_snapshot': '',
'diff': '',
'diff_added': '',
'diff_full': '',
'diff_patch': '',
'diff_removed': '',
'diff_url': '',
'preview_url': '',
'triggered_text': '',
'watch_tag': '',
'watch_title': '',
'watch_url': '',
'watch_uuid': '',
default_notification_format_for_watch = 'System default'
default_notification_format = 'Text'
default_notification_body = '{{watch_url}} had a change.\n---\n{{diff}}\n---\n'
default_notification_title = ' Notification - {{watch_url}}'
valid_notification_formats = {
'Text': NotifyFormat.TEXT,
'Markdown': NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN,
'HTML': NotifyFormat.HTML,
# Used only for editing a watch (not for global)
default_notification_format_for_watch: default_notification_format_for_watch
# include the decorator
from apprise.decorators import notify
def apprise_custom_api_call_wrapper(body, title, notify_type, *args, **kwargs):
import requests
from apprise.utils import parse_url as apprise_parse_url
from apprise.URLBase import URLBase
url = kwargs['meta'].get('url')
if url.startswith('post'):
r =
elif url.startswith('get'):
r = requests.get
elif url.startswith('put'):
r = requests.put
elif url.startswith('delete'):
r = requests.delete
url = url.replace('post://', 'http://')
url = url.replace('posts://', 'https://')
url = url.replace('put://', 'http://')
url = url.replace('puts://', 'https://')
url = url.replace('get://', 'http://')
url = url.replace('gets://', 'https://')
url = url.replace('put://', 'http://')
url = url.replace('puts://', 'https://')
url = url.replace('delete://', 'http://')
url = url.replace('deletes://', 'https://')
headers = {}
params = {}
auth = None
# Convert /foobar?+some-header=hello to proper header dictionary
results = apprise_parse_url(url)
if results:
# Add our headers that the user can potentially over-ride if they wish
# to to our returned result set and tidy entries by unquoting them
headers = {URLBase.unquote(x): URLBase.unquote(y)
for x, y in results['qsd+'].items()}
# In Apprise, it relies on prefixing each request arg with "-", because it uses say &method=update as a flag for apprise
# but here we are making straight requests, so we need todo convert this against apprise's logic
for k, v in results['qsd'].items():
if not k.strip('+-') in results['qsd+'].keys():
params[URLBase.unquote(k)] = URLBase.unquote(v)
# Determine Authentication
auth = ''
if results.get('user') and results.get('password'):
auth = (URLBase.unquote(results.get('user')), URLBase.unquote(results.get('user')))
elif results.get('user'):
auth = (URLBase.unquote(results.get('user')))
# Try to auto-guess if it's JSON
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
except ValueError as e:
def process_notification(n_object, datastore):
now = time.time()
if n_object.get('notification_timestamp'):
logger.trace(f"Time since queued {now-n_object['notification_timestamp']:.3f}s")
# Insert variables into the notification content
notification_parameters = create_notification_parameters(n_object, datastore)
# Get the notification body from datastore
jinja2_env = Environment(loader=BaseLoader)
n_body = jinja2_env.from_string(n_object.get('notification_body', '')).render(**notification_parameters)
n_title = jinja2_env.from_string(n_object.get('notification_title', '')).render(**notification_parameters)
n_format = valid_notification_formats.get(
n_object.get('notification_format', default_notification_format),
# If we arrived with 'System default' then look it up
if n_format == default_notification_format_for_watch and['settings']['application'].get('notification_format') != default_notification_format_for_watch:
# Initially text or whatever
n_format =['settings']['application'].get('notification_format', valid_notification_formats[default_notification_format])
logger.trace(f"Complete notification body including Jinja and placeholders calculated in {time.time() - now:.3f}s")
# Anything higher than or equal to WARNING (which covers things like Connection errors)
# raise it as an exception
sent_objs = []
from .apprise_asset import asset
apobj = apprise.Apprise(debug=True, asset=asset)
if not n_object.get('notification_urls'):
return None
with apprise.LogCapture(level=apprise.logging.DEBUG) as logs:
for url in n_object['notification_urls']:
url = url.strip()
if not url:
logger.warning(f"Process Notification: skipping empty notification URL.")
continue">> Process Notification: AppRise notifying {}".format(url))
url = jinja2_env.from_string(url).render(**notification_parameters)
# Re 323 - Limit discord length to their 2000 char limit total or it wont send.
# Because different notifications may require different pre-processing, run each sequentially :(
# 2000 bytes minus -
# 200 bytes for the overhead of the _entire_ json payload, 200 bytes for {tts, wait, content} etc headers
# Length of URL - Incase they specify a longer custom avatar_url
# So if no avatar_url is specified, add one so it can be correctly calculated into the total payload
k = '?' if not '?' in url else '&'
if not 'avatar_url' in url \
and not url.startswith('mail') \
and not url.startswith('post') \
and not url.startswith('get') \
and not url.startswith('delete') \
and not url.startswith('put'):
url += k + 'avatar_url='
if url.startswith('tgram://'):
# Telegram only supports a limit subset of HTML, remove the '<br>' we place in.
# re
# @todo re-use an existing library we have already imported to strip all non-allowed tags
n_body = n_body.replace('<br>', '\n')
n_body = n_body.replace('</br>', '\n')
# real limit is 4096, but minus some for extra metadata
payload_max_size = 3600
body_limit = max(0, payload_max_size - len(n_title))
n_title = n_title[0:payload_max_size]
n_body = n_body[0:body_limit]
elif url.startswith('discord://') or url.startswith('') or url.startswith(
# real limit is 2000, but minus some for extra metadata
payload_max_size = 1700
body_limit = max(0, payload_max_size - len(n_title))
n_title = n_title[0:payload_max_size]
n_body = n_body[0:body_limit]
elif url.startswith('mailto'):
# Apprise will default to HTML, so we need to override it
# So that whats' generated in n_body is in line with what is going to be sent.
if not 'format=' in url and (n_format == 'Text' or n_format == 'Markdown'):
prefix = '?' if not '?' in url else '&'
# Apprise format is lowercase text
n_format = n_format.lower()
url = f"{url}{prefix}format={n_format}"
# If n_format == HTML, then apprise email should default to text/html and we should be sending HTML only
sent_objs.append({'title': n_title,
'body': n_body,
'url': url,
'body_format': n_format})
# Blast off the notifications tht are set in .add()
# False is not an option for AppRise, must be type None
attach=n_object.get('screenshot', None)
# Give apprise time to register an error
# Returns empty string if nothing found, multi-line string otherwise
log_value = logs.getvalue()
if log_value and 'WARNING' in log_value or 'ERROR' in log_value:
raise Exception(log_value)
# Return what was sent for better logging - after the for loop
return sent_objs
# Notification title + body content parameters get created here.
# ( Where we prepare the tokens in the notification to be replaced with actual values )
def create_notification_parameters(n_object, datastore):
from copy import deepcopy
# in the case we send a test notification from the main settings, there is no UUID.
uuid = n_object['uuid'] if 'uuid' in n_object else ''
if uuid:
watch_title =['watching'][uuid].get('title', '')
tag_list = []
tags = datastore.get_all_tags_for_watch(uuid)
if tags:
for tag_uuid, tag in tags.items():
watch_tag = ', '.join(tag_list)
watch_title = 'Change Detection'
watch_tag = ''
# Create URLs to customise the notification with
# active_base_url - set in data property
base_url =['settings']['application'].get('active_base_url')
watch_url = n_object['watch_url']
diff_url = "{}/diff/{}".format(base_url, uuid)
preview_url = "{}/preview/{}".format(base_url, uuid)
# Not sure deepcopy is needed here, but why not
tokens = deepcopy(valid_tokens)
# Valid_tokens also used as a field validator
'base_url': base_url,
'current_snapshot': n_object.get('current_snapshot', ''),
'diff': n_object.get('diff', ''), # Null default in the case we use a test
'diff_added': n_object.get('diff_added', ''), # Null default in the case we use a test
'diff_full': n_object.get('diff_full', ''), # Null default in the case we use a test
'diff_patch': n_object.get('diff_patch', ''), # Null default in the case we use a test
'diff_removed': n_object.get('diff_removed', ''), # Null default in the case we use a test
'diff_url': diff_url,
'preview_url': preview_url,
'triggered_text': n_object.get('triggered_text', ''),
'watch_tag': watch_tag if watch_tag is not None else '',
'watch_title': watch_title if watch_title is not None else '',
'watch_url': watch_url,
'watch_uuid': uuid,
return tokens