## MacOS & Linux Homebrew ```bash brew install kha7iq/tap/pingme ``` ## Linux Binary ```bash wget -q https://github.com/kha7iq/pingme/releases/download/v0.1.6/pingme_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz tar -xf pingme_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz chmod +x pingme sudo mv ``` ## Go Get ```bash go get -u github.com/kha7iq/pingme ``` ## Windows ```powershell scoop bucket add pingme https://github.com/kha7iq/scoop-bucket.git scoop install pingme ``` Alternatively you can head over to [release pages](https://github.com/kha7iq/pingme/releases) and download the binary for windows & all other supported platforms. ## Docker Docker container is also available on both dockerhub and github container registry. `latest` tage will always pull the latest version avaialbe, you can also download specific version. Checkout [release](https://github.com/kha7iq/pingme/releases) page for available versions. - Docker Registry ```bash docker pull khaliq/pingme:latest ``` - GitHub Registry ```bash docker pull ghcr.io/kha7iq/pingme:latest ``` - Run ```bash docker run ghcr.io/kha7iq/pingme:latest ``` ## GitHub Action A github action is also available now for this app, you can find it on [Github Market Place](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/pingme-action) or from this [repository](https://github.com/kha7iq/pingme-action) on github. Usage examples for workflow are available in the repo.