linters-settings: depguard: list-type: blacklist funlen: lines: 120 statements: 50 gci: local-prefixes: goconst: min-len: 2 min-occurrences: 2 gocritic: enabled-tags: - diagnostic - experimental - opinionated - performance - style disabled-checks: - ifElseChain - octalLiteral - whyNoLint - wrapperFunc gocyclo: min-complexity: 15 goimports: local-prefixes: golint: min-confidence: 0 gomnd: settings: mnd: # don't include the "operation" and "assign" checks: argument,case,condition,return govet: check-shadowing: true settings: printf: funcs: - ( - ( - ( - ( lll: line-length: 140 maligned: suggest-new: true misspell: locale: US nolintlint: allow-leading-space: true # don't require machine-readable nolint directives (i.e. with no leading space) allow-unused: false # report any unused nolint directives require-explanation: false # don't require an explanation for nolint directives require-specific: false # don't require nolint directives to be specific about which linter is being skipped linters: disable-all: true enable: - bodyclose - deadcode - depguard - dogsled - errcheck - funlen - gochecknoinits - goconst - gocyclo - gofmt - goimports - golint - goprintffuncname - gosec - gosimple - govet - ineffassign - lll - misspell - nakedret - rowserrcheck - staticcheck - structcheck - stylecheck - typecheck - unconvert - unparam - unused - varcheck - whitespace # issues: # # Excluding configuration per-path, per-linter, per-text and per-source # exclude-rules: # - path: _test\.go # linters: # - gomnd