# Configuration All the flags have corresponding environment variables associated with them. You can either provide the value with flags or export to a variable. You can view the corresponding variable with `--help` flag. *Flags* take precedence over *variables* *Default* value for message title is current *time* ## Telegram Telegram uses bot token to authenticate & send messages to defined channels. Multiple channel IDs can be used separated by comma ','. ```bash pingme telegram \ --token "0125:AAFHvnYf_ABC" \ --msg "This is a new message ✈" \ --channel="-1001001001,-1002002001" ``` - GitHub Action ```yaml on: [push] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: TELEGRAM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TELEGRAM_TOKEN }} TELEGRAM_CHANNELS: ${{ secrets.TELEGRAM_CHANNELS }} TELEGRAM_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' TELEGRAM_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: # Chose the messaging platform. # slack / telegram / rocketchat / teams / pushover / discord / email service: telegram ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | TELEGRAM_TITLE | "" | | TELEGRAM_TOKEN | "" | | TELEGRAM_CHANNELS | "" | | TELEGRAM_MESSAGE | "" | ## Gotify With gotify you can send push messages to any instance of Gotify server. ```bash pingme gotify \ --url 'https://example.com' \ --token 'tokenabc' \ --title 'some title' \ --msg 'some message' \ --priority 5 ``` - GitHub Action ```yaml on: [push] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: GOTIFY_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GOTIFY_TOKEN }} GOTIFY_URL: "example.com" GOTIFY_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' GOTIFY_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: # Chose the messaging platform. # slack / telegram / rocketchat / teams / pushover / discord / email service: gotify ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | GOTIFY_URL | "" | | GOTIFY_TOKEN | "" | | GOTIFY_PRIORITY | "5" | | GOTIFY_MESSAGE | "" | | GOTIFY_TITLE | "Server Time" | ## RocketChat RocketChat uses token & userID to authenticate and send messages to defined channels. Multiple channel IDs can be used separated by comma ','. ```bash pingme rocketchat \ --channel "general,Pingme" \ --msg ":wave: rocketchat from cli" \ --userid "123" \ --token "abcxyz" \ --url 'localhost:3000' \ --scheme "http" ``` - Github Action ```yaml on: release: types: [published] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: ROCKETCHAT_USERID: ${{ secrets.ROCKETCHAT_USERID }} ROCKETCHAT_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ROCKETCHAT_TOKEN }} ROCKETCHAT_SERVER_URL: ${{ secrets.ROCKETCHAT_SERVER_URL }} ROCKETCHAT_CHANNELS: ${{ secrets.ROCKETCHAT_CHANNELS }} ROCKETCHAT_URL_SCHEME: "https" ROCKETCHAT_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' ROCKETCHAT_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: # Chose the messaging platform. # slack / telegram / rocketchat / teams / # pushover / discord / email / mattermost service: rocketchat ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | ROCKETCHAT_USERID | "" | | ROCKETCHAT_TOKEN | "" | | ROCKETCHAT_SERVER_URL | "" | | ROCKETCHAT_URL_SCHEME | "https" | | RTOCKETCHAT_MESSAGE | "" | | ROCKETCHAT_TITLE | "" | | ROCKETCHAT_CHANNELS | "" | ## Pushover ```bash pingme pushover \ --token '123' \ --user '12345567' \ --title 'some title' \ --msg 'some message' ``` - GitHub Action ```yaml on: [push] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: PUSHOVER_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PUSHOVER_TOKEN }} PUSHOVER_USER: ${{ secrets.PUSHOVER_USER }} PUSHOVER_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' PUSHOVER_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: # Chose the messaging platform. # slack / telegram / rocketchat / teams / # pushover / discord / email service: pushover ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | PUSHOVER_TOKEN | "" | | PUSHOVER_USER | "" | | PUSHOVER_MESSAGE | "" | | PUSHOVER_TITLE | "" | ## Mattermost Mattermost uses token to authenticate and channel IDs for targets. Destination server can be specified as 'example.com' by default the 'https' is used, you can change this with --scheme flag and set it to 'http'. Latest api version 4 is used for interacting with server, this can also be changed with --api flag. You can specify multiple channels by separating the value with ','. ```bash pingme mattermost \ --token '123' \ --channel '12345,567' \ --url 'localhost' \ --scheme 'http' \ --msg 'some message' ``` - GitHub Action ```yaml on: release: types: [published] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: MATTERMOST_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.MATTERMOST_TOKEN }} MATTERMOST_SERVER_URL: ${{ secrets.MATTERMOST_SERVER_URL }} MATTERMOST_CHANNELS: ${{ secrets.MATTERMOST_CHANNELS }} MATTERMOST_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' MATTERMOST_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: # Chose the messaging platform. # slack / telegram / rocketchat / teams / # pushover / discord / email / mattermost service: mattermost ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | MATTERMOST_API_URL | "/api/v4/posts" | | MATTERMOST_TOKEN | "" | | MATTERMOST_SERVER_URL | "" | | MATTERMOST_SCHEME | "https" | | MATTERMOST_MESSAGE | "" | | MATTERMOST_TITLE | "" | | MATTERMOST_CHANNELS | "" | ## Slack Slack uses token to authenticate and send messages to defined channels. Multiple channel IDs can be used separated by comma ','. ```bash pingme slack \ --token '123' \ --channel '1234567890' \ --msg 'some message' ``` - Github Action ```yaml on: release: types: [published] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: SLACK_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SLACK_TOKEN }} SLACK_CHANNELS: ${{ secrets.SLACK_CHANNELS }} SLACK_MSG_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' SLACK_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: # Chose the messaging platform. # slack / telegram / rocketchat / teams / # pushover / discord / email service: slack ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | SLACK_TOKEN | "" | | SLACK_CHANNELS | "" | | SLACK_MESSAGE | "" | ## Discord Discord uses bot token to authenticate & send messages to defined channels. Multiple channel IDs can be used separated by comma ','. ```bash pingme discord \ --token '123' \ --channel '1234567890' \ --msg 'some message' ``` - GitHub Action ```yaml on: release: types: [published] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: DISCORD_CHANNELS: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_CHANNELS }} DISCORD_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_TOKEN }} DISCORD_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' DISCORD_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: # Chose the messaging platform. # slack / telegram / rocketchat / teams / # pushover / discord / email / mattermost service: discord ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | DISCORD_TOKEN | "" | | DISCORD_CHANNELS | "" | | DISCORD_MESSAGE | "" | | DISCORD_MSG_TITLE | "" | ## Microsoft Teams Teams uses webhooks to send messages, you can add multiple webhooks separated by comma ',' or you can add permissions for multiple channels to single webhook. ```bash pingme teams \ --webhook 'https://example.webhook.office.com/xx' \ --msg 'some message' ``` - GitHub Action ```yaml on: [push] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: TEAMS_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.TEAMS_WEBHOOK }} TEAMS_MSG_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' TEAMS_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: # Chose the messaging platform. # slack / telegram / rocketchat / teams / # pushover / discord / email / mattermost service: teams ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | TEAMS_WEBHOOK | "" | | TEAMS_MESSAGE | "" | | TEAMS_MSG_TITLE | "" | ## Pushbullet - SMS ```bash pingme pushbullet \ --sms true \ --token "abcdefg" \ -d "adnroid" \ --msg "some message" \ --number "00123456789" ``` - Push notification ```bash pingme pushbullet --token "abcdefg" -d "adnroid" --msg "some message" ``` - GitHub Action ```yaml on: [push] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: PUSHBULLET_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PUSHBULLET_TOKEN }} PUSHBULLET_DEVICE: ${{ secrets.PUSHBULLET_DEVICE }} PUSHBULLET_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' PUSHBULLET_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: # Chose the messaging platform. # slack / telegram / rocketchat / teams / # pushover / discord / email service: pushbullet ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | PUSHBULLET_TOKEN | "" | | PUSHBULLET_DEVICE | "" | | PUSHBULLET_NUMBER | "" | | PUSHBULLET_MESSAGE | "" | | PUSHBULLET_SMS | "false" | | PUSHBULLET_TITLE | "" | ## Twillio SMS SMS can be sent via twillio to multiple numbers, you can add multiple receivers separated by a comma. ```bash pingme twillio \ --token 'tokenabc' \ --account 'sid123' \ --sender '+140001442' \ --receiver '+140001442' \ --msg 'some message' ``` - GitHub Action ```yaml on: [push] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: TWILLIO_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TWILLIO_TOKEN }} TWILLIO_ACCOUNT_SID: ${{ secrets.TWILLIO_ACCOUNT_SID }} TWILLIO_SENDER: ${{ secrets.TWILLIO_SENDER }} TWILLIO_RECEIVER: ${{ secrets.TWILLIO_RECEIVER }} TWILLIO_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' TWILLIO_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: # Chose the messaging platform. # slack / telegram / rocketchat / teams / # pushover / discord / email / mattermost / twillio service: twillio ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | TWILLIO_TOKEN | "" | | TWILLIO_ACCOUNT_SID | "" | | TWILLIO_SENDER | "" | | TWILLIO_RECEIVER | "" | | TWILLIO_TITLE | "" | | TWILLIO_MESSAGE | "" | ## Mastodon Mastodon uses application token to authorize and set status. ```bash mastodon --url "mastodon.social" --msg "some message" --title "PingMe CLI" --token "123" ``` - GitHub Action ```yaml on: [push] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: MASTODON_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.MASTODON_TOKEN }} MASTODON_SERVER: 'mastodon.social' MASTODON_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' MASTODON_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: service: mastodon ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | MASTODON_TOKEN | "" | | MASTODON_SERVER | "" | | MASTODON_TITLE | "" | | MASTODON_MESSAGE | "" | ## Zulip Zulip uses bot email and token for authentication, and sends messages to particular topic. ```bash pingme zulip --email 'john.doe@email.com' \ --api-key '12345567' \ --to 'london' \ --type 'stream' \ --topic 'some topic' \ --msg 'content of message' ``` - GitHub Action ```yaml on: [push] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: ZULIP_DOMAIN: ${{ secrets.ZULIP_DOMAIN }} ZULIP_BOT_EMAIL_ADDRESS: ${{ secrets.ZULIP_BOT_EMAIL_ADDRESS }} ZULIP_BOT_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.ZULIP_BOT_API_KEY }} ZULIP_MSG_TYPE: 'stream' ZULIP_STREAM_NAME: 'general' ZULIP_TOPIC: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' ZULIP_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: service: zulip ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | ZULIP_DOMAIN | "" | | ZULIP_BOT_EMAIL_ADDRESS | "" | | ZULIP_BOT_API_KEY | "" | | ZULIP_MSG_TYPE | "" | | ZULIP_STREAM_NAME | "" | | ZULIP_TOPIC | "" | | ZULIP_MESSAGE | "" | ## Line Line uses channel secret and token for authentication, and sends messages. ```bash pingme line --secret 'secretxxx' \ --token '12345567' \ --receivers 'ab1234545xx' \ --msg 'content of message' ``` - GitHub Action ```yaml on: [push] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: LINE_SECRET: ${{ secrets.LINE_SECRET }} LINE_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.LINE_TOKEN }} LINE_RECEIVER_IDS: 'ab1235xxx8' LINE_MSG_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' LINE_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: service: line ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | LINE_SECRET | "" | | LINE_TOKEN | "" | | LINE_RECEIVER_IDS | "" | | LINE_MSG_TITLE | "" | | LINE_MESSAGE | "" | ## Email Email uses username & password to authenticate for sending emails. SMTP hostname i.e smtp.gmail.com and port i.e (587) should be provided as well for the server. Multiple email IDs can be used separated by comma ',' as receiver email address. All configuration options are also available via environment variables. Check configuration section. ```bash pingme email \ --rec "example@gmail.com,example@outlook.com" \ --msg "This is an email from PingMe CLI" \ --sub "Email from PingMe CLI" \ --sender "sender@gmail.com" \ --host "smtp.gmail.com" \ --port "587" \ --pass "secretPassword" ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | EMAIL_SENDER | "" | | EMAIL_PASSWORD | "" | | EMAIL_RECEIVER | "" | | EMAIL_IDENTITY | "" | | EMAIL_HOST | "smtp.gmail.com" | | EMAIL_PORT | "587" | | EMAIL_MESSAGE | "" | | EMAIL_SUBJECT | "" | ## Wechat Official Account Wechat uses appid, appsecret, chatbot server token and encoding AES key for authentication, and sends messages. ```bash pingme wechat --appid "xxxxxxxx" \ --appsecret 'xxxxxxxxxx' \ --token 'xxxxxxxxxx' \ --aes 'IGNORED-IN-SANDBOX' \ --msg 'content of message' \ --receivers 'some receivers' ``` - GitHub Action ```yaml on: [push] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: WECHAT_APPID: ${{ secrets.WECHAT_APPID }} WECHAT_APPSECRET: ${{ secrets.WECHAT_APPSECRET }} WECHAT_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.WECHAT_TOKEN }} WECHAT_ENCODINGAESKEY: ${{ secrets.WECHAT_ENCODINGAESKEY }} WECHAT_RECEIVER_IDS: ${{ secrets.WECHAT_RECEIVER_IDS }} WECHAT_MSG_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' WECHAT_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' with: service: wechat ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | WECHAT_APPID | "" | | WECHAT_APPSECRET | "" | | WECHAT_TOKEN | "" | | WECHAT_ENCODINGAESKEY | "" | | WECHAT_RECEIVER_IDS | "" | | WECHAT_MSG_TITLE | "" | | WECHAT_MESSAGE | "" | ## TextMagic TextMagic allows you to send SMS to multiple receivers provided by comma separated string. ```bash pingme textmagic \ --token 'tokenabc' \ --user 'sid123' \ --title 'message title' \ --receiver '+140001442' \ --msg 'some message' ``` - GitHub Action ```yaml on: [push] jobs: pingme-job: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: PingMe steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Ping me On uses: kha7iq/pingme-action@v1 env: TEXTMAGIC_USER: ${{ secrets.TEXTMAGIC_USER }} TEXTMAGIC_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TEXTMAGIC_TOKEN }} TEXTMAGIC_TITLE: 'Reference: ${{ github.ref }}' TEXTMAGIC_MESSAGE: 'Event is triggered by ${{ github.event_name }}' TEXTMAGIC_RECEIVER: ${{ secrets.TEXTMAGIC_RECEIVER }} with: # Chose the messaging platform. # slack / telegram / rocketchat / teams / # pushover / discord / email / mattermost / textmagic service: textmagic ``` - **Variables** | Variables | Default Value | | -------------------------- | :----------------: | | TEXTMAGIC_USER | "" | | TEXTMAGIC_TOKEN | "" | | TEXTMAGIC_TITLE | "" | | TEXTMAGIC_MESSAGE | "" | | TEXTMAGIC_RECEIVER | "" |