import { createI18n } from "vue-i18n/dist/vue-i18n.esm-browser.prod.js";
import en from "./lang/en.json";
const languageList = {
"ar-SY": "العربية",
"cs-CZ": "Čeština",
"zh-HK": "繁體中文 (香港)",
"bg-BG": "Български",
"be": "Беларуская",
"de-DE": "Deutsch (Deutschland)",
"de-CH": "Deutsch (Schweiz)",
"nl-NL": "Nederlands",
"nb-NO": "Norsk",
"es-ES": "Español",
"eu": "Euskara",
"fa": "Farsi",
"pt-PT": "Português (Portugal)",
"pt-BR": "Português (Brasileiro)",
"fi": "Suomi",
"fr-FR": "Français (France)",
"he-IL": "עברית",
"hu": "Magyar",
"hr-HR": "Hrvatski",
"it-IT": "Italiano (Italian)",
"id-ID": "Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)",
"ja": "日本語",
"da-DK": "Danish (Danmark)",
"sr": "Српски",
"sl-SI": "Slovenščina",
"sr-latn": "Srpski",
"sv-SE": "Svenska",
"tr-TR": "Türkçe",
"ko-KR": "한국어",
"ru-RU": "Русский",
"zh-CN": "简体中文",
"pl": "Polski",
"et-EE": "eesti",
"vi-VN": "Tiếng Việt",
"zh-TW": "繁體中文 (台灣)",
"uk-UA": "Українська",
"th-TH": "ไทย",
"el-GR": "Ελληνικά",
"yue": "繁體中文 (廣東話 / 粵語)",
"ro": "Limba română",
"ur": "Urdu",
"ge": "ქართული",
"uz": "O'zbek tili",
"ga": "Gaeilge",
let messages = {
for (let lang in languageList) {
messages[lang] = {
languageName: languageList[lang]
const rtlLangs = [ "he-IL", "fa", "ar-SY", "ur" ];
* Find the best matching locale to display
* If no locale can be matched, the default is "en"
* @returns {string} the locale that should be displayed
export function currentLocale() {
for (const locale of [ localStorage.locale, navigator.language, ...navigator.languages ]) {
// localstorage might not have a value or there might not be a language in `navigator.language`
if (!locale) {
if (locale in messages) {
return locale;
// some locales are further specified such as "en-US".
// If we only have a generic locale for this, we can use it too
const genericLocale = locale.split("-")[0];
if (genericLocale in messages) {
return genericLocale;
return "en";
export const localeDirection = () => {
return rtlLangs.includes(currentLocale()) ? "rtl" : "ltr";
export const i18n = createI18n({
locale: currentLocale(),
fallbackLocale: "en",
silentFallbackWarn: true,
silentTranslationWarn: true,
messages: messages,