"notificationDescription":"Notifications must be assigned to a monitor to function.",
"keywordDescription":"Search keyword in plain HTML or JSON response. The search is case-sensitive.",
"invertKeywordDescription":"Look for the keyword to be absent rather than present.",
"jsonQueryDescription":"Use JSON query to parse and extract specific data from the server's JSON response. Compare the evaluated query against the expected value after converting it into a string. Access the response value using $.value and the expected value using $.control. Refer to {0} for detailed documentation on the query language or experiment with queries using the {1}.",
"jsonQueryDescription":"Use JSON query to parse and extract specific data from the server's JSON response. Compare the evaluated query against the expected value after converting it into a string. Refer to {0} for detailed documentation on the query language or experiment with queries using the {1}.",
"backupDescription":"You can backup all monitors and notifications into a JSON file.",
"backupDescription2":"Note: history and event data is not included.",
"backupDescription3":"Sensitive data such as notification tokens are included in the export file; please store export securely.",