> Note: Replace `<uptime kuma domain>` with your desired domain for uptime kuma
> replace `<version>` with a version from https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/releases
> replace `<alpine or debian>` with one of options
> `-e "kuma_image_os=<alpine or debian>" -e "kuma_image_version=<version>"` is not required and you can remove this part or change only one of them (kuma_image_os is debian & kuma_image_version is 1 by default)
> If you are not using root user as your ansible_user use -bK option to become root
> instead of `-e "kuma_image_os=<alpine or debian>" -e "kuma_image_version=<version>"` You can use `-e kuma_tag=<uptime kuma full tag>` and replace `<uptime kuma full tag>` with your desired tag (e.g. `latest`)
> you can also create a yaml file with variables that you want to set & use it (also: ansible-vars)