ItishighlyrecommendedyoucreateanewuseranddonotuseyourownMatrixuser's access token as it will allow full access to your account and all the rooms you joined. Instead, create a new user and only invite it to the room that you want to receive the notification in. You can get the access token by running <code>curl -XPOST -d '{"type":"m.login.password","identifier":{"user":"botusername","type":""},"password":"passwordforuser"}'"https://home.server/_matrix/client/r0/login"</code>.
octopushPhoneNumber:"Phone number (intl format, eg : +33612345678) ",
octopushSMSSender:"SMS Sender Name : 3-11 alphanumeric characters and space (a-zA-Z0-9)",
@ -281,5 +287,9 @@ export default {
promosmsPhoneNumber:"Phone number (for Polish recipient You can skip area codes)",
promosmsSMSSender:"SMS Sender Name : Pre-registred name or one of defaults: InfoSMS, SMS Info, MaxSMS, INFO, SMS",
"Feishu WebHookUrl":"Feishu WebHookUrl",
matrixHomeserverURL:"Homeserver URL (with http(s):// and optionally port)",
"Internal Room Id":"Internal Room Id",
matrixDesc1:"You can find the internal room ID by looking in the advanced section of the room settings in your Matrix client. It should look like !QMdRCpUIfLwsfjxye6:home.server.",
matrixDesc2:"It is highly recommended you create a new user and do not use your own Matrix user's access token as it will allow full access to your account and all the rooms you joined. Instead, create a new user and only invite it to the room that you want to receive the notification in. You can get the access token by running {0}",
wayToGetTelegramChatID:"Możesz uzyskać swój identyfikator czatu, wysyłając wiadomość do bota i przechodząc pod ten adres URL, aby wyświetlić identyfikator czatu:",