"A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.":"Zoznam notifikačných služieb nájdete v aplikácii Home Assistant v časti „Nástroje pre vývojárov > Služby“, kde vyhľadajte položku „ notifikácia“ a nájdite názov svojho zariadenia/telefónu.",
"tailscalePingWarning":"Ak chcete používať sledovanie Tailscale Ping, musíte nainštalovať aplikáciu Uptime Kuma bez nástroja Docker a tiež nainštalovať klienta Tailscale na server.",
"Enable DNS Cache":"(Zastarané) Povoliť vyrovnávaciu pamäť DNS pre HTTP(s) sledovania"
"Enable DNS Cache":"(Zastarané) Povoliť vyrovnávaciu pamäť DNS pre HTTP(s) sledovania",
"Mention group":"",
"Device Token":"",
"Badge Down Days":"",
"Bitrix24 Webhook URL":"",
"Notify Channel":"",
"Leave blank to use a shared sender number.":"",
"self-hosted container":"",
"Bark Group":"",
"For safety, must use secret key":"",
"PushDeer Server":"",
"AccessKey Id":"",
"time ago":"",
"Json Query Expression":"",
"pushoversounds bike":"",
"pushoversounds bugle":"",
"pushoversounds incoming":"",
"pushoversounds intermission":"",
"pushoversounds updown":"",
"pushoversounds alien":"",
"pushoversounds vibrate":"",
"pushoversounds echo":"",
"Message Title":"",
"Recipient Number":"",
"From Name/Number":"",
"ntfy Topic":"",
"Server URL should not contain the nfty topic":"",
"Community String":"",
"Private Number":"",
"Group ID":"",
"pushoversounds mechanical":"",
"pushoversounds pianobar":"",
"Google Analytics ID":"",
"Edit Tag":"",
"Badge Type":"",
"Authorization Identity":"",
"Trust Proxy":"",
"Bark Endpoint":"",
"Bark Sound":"",
"PushDeer Key":"",
"Badge Warn Color":"",
"Badge Warn Days":"",
"Alphanumeric (recommended)":"",
"max 11 alphanumeric characters":"",
"Add a domain":"",
"Badge Suffix":"",
"Badge Color":"",
"Badge Preview":"",
"Badge Up Color":"",
"Kafka Brokers":"",
"Press Enter to add broker":"",
"Kafka Topic Name":"",
"Secret AccessKey":"",
"pushoversounds siren":"",
"Add API Key":"",
"Monitor Setting":"",
"Open Badge Generator":"",
"Badge Duration (in hours)":"",
"Enable Kafka Producer Auto Topic Creation":"",
"Request Body":"",
"FlashDuty Severity":"",
"Maintenance Time Window of a Day":"",
"dns resolvers":"",
"Feishu WebHookUrl":"",
"Internal Room Id":"",
"Integration Key":"",
"auto resolve":"",
"Custom Monitor Type":"",
"API Keys":"",
"Expiry date":"",
"Add Another":"",
"Badge Pending Color":"",
"Kafka Producer Message":"",
"Message format":"",
"Send rich messages":"",
"Remote Browsers":"",
"Remote Browser":"",
"SNMP Version":"",
"Please enter a valid OID.":"",
"Recipient Type":"",
"Add Remote Browser":"",
"OAuth2: Client Credentials":"",
"Authentication Method":"",
"Form Data Body":"",
"Optional: Space separated list of scopes":"",
"Go back to home page.":"",
"SIGNL4 Webhook URL":"",
"not equals":"",
"not starts with":"",
"ends with":"",
"not ends with":"",
"less than":"",
"greater than":"",
"less than or equal to":"",
"Time Sensitive (iOS Only)":"",
"Time sensitive notifications will be delivered immediately, even if the device is in do not disturb mode.":"",
"Can be found on:":"",
"Either a text sender ID or a phone number in E.164 format if you want to be able to receive replies.":"",
"To Phone Number":"",
"Browser Screenshot":"",
"Legacy Octopush-DM":"",
"What is a Remote Browser?":"",
"Don't mention people":"",
"Channel Name":"",
"Uptime Kuma URL":"",
"Badge Label":"",
"pushoversounds cashregister":"",
"pushoversounds classical":"",
"pushoversounds cosmic":"",
"pushoversounds gamelan":"",
"Free Mobile API Key":"",
"Proto Method":"",
"SMSManager API Docs":"",
"Gateway Type":"",
"You can divide numbers with":"",
"Proxy Protocol":"",
"Proxy server has authentication":"",
"Not running":"",
"pushoversounds pushover":"",
"pushoversounds climb":"",
"pushoversounds persistent":"",
"Guild ID":"",
"User Key":"",
"Notification Sound":"",
"Check octopush prices":"",
"LunaSea Device ID":"",
"Octopush API Version":"",
"Add a Remote Browser":"",
"From Phone Number / Transmission Path Originating Address (TPOA)":"",
"OID (Object Identifier)":"",
"pushoversounds spacealarm":"",
"pushoversounds tugboat":"",
"do nothing":"",
"Server Address":"",
"Learn More":"",
"Body Encoding":"",
"Connection String":"",
"Hello @everyone is...":"",
"Line Developers Console":"",
"Read more:":"",
"Sms template must contain parameters: ":"",
"Bark API Version":"",
"Originator type":"",
"Telephone number":"",
"max 15 digits":"",
"setup a new monitor group":"",
"Badge Label Color":"",
"Badge Label Prefix":"",
"Badge Label Suffix":"",
"Enter the list of brokers":"",
"Kafka SASL Options":"",
"Session Token":"",
"API URL":"",
"Allow Long SMS":"",
"SMS Type":"",
"More info on:":"",
"Badge Prefix":"",
"Show Clickable Link":"",
"Show Clickable Link Description":"",
"Badge Generator":"",
"Badge Style":"",
"Badge value (For Testing only.)":"",
"Monitor Group":"",
"Badge URL":"",
"Add a new expiry notification day":"",
"pushoversounds none":"",
"Key Added":"",
"docker networks":"",
"pushoversounds magic":"",
"Apprise URL":"",
"Remove domain":"",
"Icon Emoji":"",
"Integration URL":"",
"Auto resolve or acknowledged":"",
"auto acknowledged":"",
"Don't expire":"",
"No API Keys":"",
"Badge Down Color":"",
"Badge Maintenance Color":"",
"Enable Kafka SSL":"",
"Remote Browser not found!":"",
"Host Onesender":"",
"Token Onesender":"",
"New Group":"",
"Group Name":"",
"Authorization Header":"",
"OAuth Token URL":"",
"Client ID":"",
"Client Secret":"",
"OAuth Scope":"",
"No tags found.":"",
"Lost connection to the socket server.":"",
"Cannot connect to the socket server.":"",
"not contains":"",
"starts with":"",
"greater than or equal to":"",
"Notification Channel":"",
"Alphanumerical string and hyphens only":"",
"Custom sound to override default notification sound":"",
"The phone number of the recipient in E.164 format.":"",