@ -1,215 +1,226 @@
<div v-if="loadedTheme" class="container mt-3">
<!-- Logo & Title -->
<h1 class="mb-4">
<!-- Logo -->
<span class="logo-wrapper" @click="showImageCropUploadMethod">
<img :src="logoURL" alt class="logo me-2" :class="logoClass" />
<font-awesome-icon v-if="enableEditMode" class="icon-upload" icon="upload" />
<!-- Uploader -->
<!-- url="/api/status-page/upload-logo" -->
<ImageCropUpload v-model="showImageCropUpload"
<!-- Title -->
<Editable v-model="config.title" tag="span" :contenteditable="editMode" :noNL="true" />
<!-- Admin functions -->
<div v-if="hasToken" class="mb-4">
<div v-if="!enableEditMode">
<button class="btn btn-info me-2" @click="edit">
<font-awesome-icon icon="edit" />
{{ $t("Edit Status Page") }}
<!-- Sidebar for edit mode -->
<div v-if="enableEditMode" class="sidebar">
<div class="my-3">
<label for="slug" class="form-label">{{ $t("Slug") }}</label>
<div class="input-group">
<span id="basic-addon3" class="input-group-text">/status/</span>
<input id="slug" v-model="config.slug" type="text" class="form-control">
<a href="/dashboard" class="btn btn-info">
<font-awesome-icon icon="tachometer-alt" />
{{ $t("Go to Dashboard") }}
<div class="my-3">
<label for="title" class="form-label">{{ $t("Title") }}</label>
<input id="title" v-model="config.title" type="text" class="form-control">
<div v-else>
<button class="btn btn-success me-2" @click="save">
<font-awesome-icon icon="save" />
{{ $t("Save") }}
<div class="my-3">
<label for="description" class="form-label">{{ $t("Description") }}</label>
<textarea id="description" v-model="config.description" class="form-control"></textarea>
<button class="btn btn-danger me-2" @click="discard">
<font-awesome-icon icon="save" />
{{ $t("Discard") }}
<div class="my-3 form-check form-switch">
<input id="switch-theme" v-model="config.theme" class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" true-value="dark" false-value="light">
<label class="form-check-label" for="switch-theme">{{ $t("Switch to Dark Theme") }}</label>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-add-group me-2" @click="createIncident">
<font-awesome-icon icon="bullhorn" />
{{ $t("Create Incident") }}
<div class="my-3 form-check form-switch">
<input id="showTags" v-model="config.showTags" class="form-check-input" type="checkbox">
<label class="form-check-label" for="showTags">{{ $t("Show Tags") }}</label>
<button v-if="isPublished" class="btn btn-light me-2" @click="">
<font-awesome-icon icon="save" />
{{ $t("Unpublish") }}
<div v-if="false" class="my-3">
<label for="password" class="form-label">{{ $t("Password") }} <sup>Coming Soon</sup></label>
<input id="password" v-model="config.password" disabled type="password" autocomplete="new-password" class="form-control">
<button v-if="!isPublished" class="btn btn-info me-2" @click="">
<font-awesome-icon icon="save" />
{{ $t("Publish") }}
<div v-if="false" class="my-3">
<label for="cname" class="form-label">Domain Names <sup>Coming Soon</sup></label>
<textarea id="cname" v-model="config.domanNames" rows="3" disabled class="form-control" :placeholder="domainNamesPlaceholder"></textarea>
<!-- Set Default Language -->
<!-- Set theme -->
<button v-if="theme == 'dark'" class="btn btn-light me-2" @click="changeTheme('light')">
<!-- Sidebar Footer -->
<div class="sidebar-footer">
<button class="btn btn-success me-2" @click="save">
<font-awesome-icon icon="save" />
{{ $t("Switch to Light Theme") }}
{{ $t("Save") }}
<button v-if="theme == 'light'" class="btn btn-dark me-2" @click="changeTheme('dark')">
<button class="btn btn-danger me-2" @click="discard">
<font-awesome-icon icon="save" />
{{ $t("Switch to Dark Theme") }}
<button class="btn btn-secondary me-2" @click="changeTagsVisibilty(!tagsVisible)">
<template v-if="tagsVisible">
<font-awesome-icon icon="eye-slash" />
{{ $t("Hide Tags") }}
<template v-else>
<font-awesome-icon icon="eye" />
{{ $t("Show Tags") }}
{{ $t("Discard") }}
<div :class="{ edit: enableEditMode}" class="main">
<!-- Logo & Title -->
<h1 class="mb-4">
<!-- Logo -->
<span class="logo-wrapper" @click="showImageCropUploadMethod">
<img :src="logoURL" alt class="logo me-2" :class="logoClass" />
<font-awesome-icon v-if="enableEditMode" class="icon-upload" icon="upload" />
<!-- Incident -->
<div v-if="incident !== null" class="shadow-box alert mb-4 p-4 incident" role="alert" :class="incidentClass">
<strong v-if="editIncidentMode">{{ $t("Title") }}:</strong>
<Editable v-model="incident.title" tag="h4" :contenteditable="editIncidentMode" :noNL="true" class="alert-heading" />
<!-- Uploader -->
<!-- url="/api/status-page/upload-logo" -->
<ImageCropUpload v-model="showImageCropUpload"
<!-- Title -->
<Editable v-model="config.title" tag="span" :contenteditable="editMode" :noNL="true" />
<!-- Admin functions -->
<div v-if="hasToken" class="mb-4">
<div v-if="!enableEditMode">
<button class="btn btn-info me-2" @click="edit">
<font-awesome-icon icon="edit" />
{{ $t("Edit Status Page") }}
<strong v-if="editIncidentMode">{{ $t("Content") }}:</strong>
<Editable v-model="incident.content" tag="div" :contenteditable="editIncidentMode" class="content" />
<a href="/manage-status-page" class="btn btn-info">
<font-awesome-icon icon="tachometer-alt" />
{{ $t("Go to Dashboard") }}
<!-- Incident Date -->
<div class="date mt-3">
{{ $t("Created") }}: {{ $root.datetime(incident.createdDate) }} ({{ dateFromNow(incident.createdDate) }})<br />
<span v-if="incident.lastUpdatedDate">
{{ $t("Last Updated") }}: {{ $root.datetime(incident.lastUpdatedDate) }} ({{ dateFromNow(incident.lastUpdatedDate) }})
<div v-else>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-add-group me-2" @click="createIncident">
<font-awesome-icon icon="bullhorn" />
{{ $t("Create Incident") }}
<div v-if="editMode" class="mt-3">
<button v-if="editIncidentMode" class="btn btn-light me-2" @click="postIncident">
<font-awesome-icon icon="bullhorn" />
{{ $t("Post") }}
<!-- Incident -->
<div v-if="incident !== null" class="shadow-box alert mb-4 p-4 incident" role="alert" :class="incidentClass">
<strong v-if="editIncidentMode">{{ $t("Title") }}:</strong>
<Editable v-model="incident.title" tag="h4" :contenteditable="editIncidentMode" :noNL="true" class="alert-heading" />
<button v-if="!editIncidentMode && incident.id" class="btn btn-light me-2" @click="editIncident">
<font-awesome-icon icon="edit" />
{{ $t("Edit") }}
<strong v-if="editIncidentMode">{{ $t("Content") }}:</strong>
<Editable v-model="incident.content" tag="div" :contenteditable="editIncidentMode" class="content" />
<button v-if="editIncidentMode" class="btn btn-light me-2" @click="cancelIncident">
<font-awesome-icon icon="times" />
{{ $t("Cancel") }}
<!-- Incident Date -->
<div class="date mt-3">
{{ $t("Created") }}: {{ $root.datetime(incident.createdDate) }} ({{ dateFromNow(incident.createdDate) }})<br />
<span v-if="incident.lastUpdatedDate">
{{ $t("Last Updated") }}: {{ $root.datetime(incident.lastUpdatedDate) }} ({{ dateFromNow(incident.lastUpdatedDate) }})
<div v-if="editIncidentMode" class="dropdown d-inline-block me-2">
<button id="dropdownMenuButton1" class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
{{ $t("Style") }}: {{ $t(incident.style) }}
<div v-if="editMode" class="mt-3">
<button v-if="editIncidentMode" class="btn btn-light me-2" @click="postIncident">
<font-awesome-icon icon="bullhorn" />
{{ $t("Post") }}
<ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton1">
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click="incident.style = 'info'">{{ $t("info") }}</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click="incident.style = 'warning'">{{ $t("warning") }}</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click="incident.style = 'danger'">{{ $t("danger") }}</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click="incident.style = 'primary'">{{ $t("primary") }}</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click="incident.style = 'light'">{{ $t("light") }}</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click="incident.style = 'dark'">{{ $t("dark") }}</a></li>
<button v-if="!editIncidentMode && incident.id" class="btn btn-light me-2" @click="unpinIncident">
<font-awesome-icon icon="unlink" />
{{ $t("Unpin") }}
<button v-if="!editIncidentMode && incident.id" class="btn btn-light me-2" @click="editIncident">
<font-awesome-icon icon="edit" />
{{ $t("Edit") }}
<!-- Overall Status -->
<div class="shadow-box list p-4 overall-status mb-4">
<div v-if="Object.keys($root.publicMonitorList).length === 0 && loadedData">
<font-awesome-icon icon="question-circle" class="ok" />
{{ $t("No Services") }}
<button v-if="editIncidentMode" class="btn btn-light me-2" @click="cancelIncident">
<font-awesome-icon icon="times" />
{{ $t("Cancel") }}
<template v-else>
<div v-if="allUp">
<font-awesome-icon icon="check-circle" class="ok" />
{{ $t("All Systems Operational") }}
<div v-if="editIncidentMode" class="dropdown d-inline-block me-2">
<button id="dropdownMenuButton1" class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
{{ $t("Style") }}: {{ $t(incident.style) }}
<ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton1">
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click="incident.style = 'info'">{{ $t("info") }}</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click="incident.style = 'warning'">{{ $t("warning") }}</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click="incident.style = 'danger'">{{ $t("danger") }}</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click="incident.style = 'primary'">{{ $t("primary") }}</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click="incident.style = 'light'">{{ $t("light") }}</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#" @click="incident.style = 'dark'">{{ $t("dark") }}</a></li>
<button v-if="!editIncidentMode && incident.id" class="btn btn-light me-2" @click="unpinIncident">
<font-awesome-icon icon="unlink" />
{{ $t("Unpin") }}
<div v-else-if="partialDown">
<font-awesome-icon icon="exclamation-circle" class="warning" />
{{ $t("Partially Degraded Service") }}
<!-- Overall Status -->
<div class="shadow-box list p-4 overall-status mb-4">
<div v-if="Object.keys($root.publicMonitorList).length === 0 && loadedData">
<font-awesome-icon icon="question-circle" class="ok" />
{{ $t("No Services") }}
<div v-else-if="allDown">
<font-awesome-icon icon="times-circle" class="danger" />
{{ $t("Degraded Service") }}
<template v-else>
<div v-if="allUp">
<font-awesome-icon icon="check-circle" class="ok" />
{{ $t("All Systems Operational") }}
<div v-else-if="partialDown">
<font-awesome-icon icon="exclamation-circle" class="warning" />
{{ $t("Partially Degraded Service") }}
<div v-else-if="allDown">
<font-awesome-icon icon="times-circle" class="danger" />
{{ $t("Degraded Service") }}
<div v-else>
<font-awesome-icon icon="question-circle" style="color: #efefef;" />
<div v-else>
<font-awesome-icon icon="question-circle" style="color: #efefef;" />
<!-- Description -->
<strong v-if="editMode">{{ $t("Description") }}:</strong>
<Editable v-model="config.description" :contenteditable="editMode" tag="div" class="mb-4 description" />
<!-- Description -->
<strong v-if="editMode">{{ $t("Description") }}:</strong>
<Editable v-model="config.description" :contenteditable="editMode" tag="div" class="mb-4 description" />
<div v-if="editMode" class="mb-4">
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-add-group me-2" @click="addGroup">
<font-awesome-icon icon="plus" />
{{ $t("Add Group") }}
<div v-if="editMode" class="mb-4">
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-add-group me-2" @click="addGroup">
<font-awesome-icon icon="plus" />
{{ $t("Add Group") }}
<div class="mt-3">
<div v-if="allMonitorList.length > 0 && loadedData">
<label>{{ $t("Add a monitor") }}:</label>
<select v-model="selectedMonitor" class="form-control">
<option v-for="monitor in allMonitorList" :key="monitor.id" :value="monitor">{{ monitor.name }}</option>
<div v-else class="text-center">
{{ $t("No monitors available.") }} <router-link to="/add">{{ $t("Add one") }}</router-link>
<div class="mt-3">
<div v-if="allMonitorList.length > 0 && loadedData">
<label>{{ $t("Add a monitor") }}:</label>
<select v-model="selectedMonitor" class="form-control">
<option v-for="monitor in allMonitorList" :key="monitor.id" :value="monitor">{{ monitor.name }}</option>
<div v-else class="text-center">
{{ $t("No monitors available.") }} <router-link to="/add">{{ $t("Add one") }}</router-link>
<div class="mb-4">
<div v-if="$root.publicGroupList.length === 0 && loadedData" class="text-center">
<!-- 👀 Nothing here, please add a group or a monitor. -->
👀 {{ $t("statusPageNothing") }}
<div class="mb-4">
<div v-if="$root.publicGroupList.length === 0 && loadedData" class="text-center">
<!-- 👀 Nothing here, please add a group or a monitor. -->
👀 {{ $t("statusPageNothing") }}
<PublicGroupList :edit-mode="enableEditMode" />
<PublicGroupList :edit-mode="enableEditMode" />
<footer class="mt-5 mb-4">
{{ $t("Powered by") }} <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma">{{ $t("Uptime Kuma" ) }}</a>
<footer class="mt-5 mb-4">
{{ $t("Powered by") }} <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma">{{ $t("Uptime Kuma" ) }}</a>
@ -266,6 +277,8 @@ export default {
loadedTheme: false,
loadedData: false,
baseURL: "",
clickedEditButton: false,
domainNamesPlaceholder: "domain1.com\ndomain2.com\n..."
computed: {
@ -306,10 +319,6 @@ export default {
return this.config.published;
theme() {
return this.config.theme;
tagsVisible() {
return this.config.showTags;
@ -386,12 +395,17 @@ export default {
// Set Theme
"config.theme"() {
this.$root.statusPageTheme = this.config.theme;
this.$root.userTheme = this.config.theme;
this.loadedTheme = true;
"config.title"(title) {
document.title = title;
"config.showTags"(value) {
@ -479,14 +493,36 @@ export default {
edit() {
this.enableEditMode = true;
this.clickedEditButton = true;
save() {
this.$root.getSocket().emit("saveStatusPage", this.config, this.imgDataUrl, this.$root.publicGroupList, (res) => {
let startTime = new Date();
this.$root.getSocket().emit("saveStatusPage", this.slug, this.config, this.imgDataUrl, this.$root.publicGroupList, (res) => {
if (res.ok) {
this.enableEditMode = false;
this.$root.publicGroupList = res.publicGroupList;
// Add some delay, so that the side menu animation would be better
let endTime = new Date();
let time = 100 - (endTime - startTime) / 1000;
if (time < 0) {
time = 0;
setTimeout(() => {
// If the slug was changed, go to the new slug
if (this.slug !== this.config.slug) {
location.href = "/status/" + this.config.slug;
} else {
}, time);
} else {
@ -514,11 +550,7 @@ export default {
changeTheme(name) {
this.config.theme = name;
changeTagsVisibilty(newState) {
this.config.showTags = newState;
changeTagsVisibility(show) {
// On load, the status page will not include tags if it's not enabled for security reasons
// Which means if we enable tags, it won't show in the UI until saved
@ -530,7 +562,7 @@ export default {
// We only include the tags if visible so we can reuse the logic to hide the tags on disable
return {
tags: newState ? this.$root.monitorList[monitor.id].tags : []
tags: show ? this.$root.monitorList[monitor.id].tags : []
@ -644,6 +676,35 @@ h1 {
.main {
transition: all ease-in-out 0.1s;
&.edit {
margin-left: 300px;
.sidebar {
position: fixed;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 300px;
height: 100vh;
padding: 15px 15px 68px 15px;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
border-right: 1px solid #ededed;
.sidebar-footer {
width: 100%;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
padding: 15px;
position: absolute;
border-top: 1px solid #ededed;
footer {
text-align: center;
font-size: 14px;
@ -711,4 +772,15 @@ footer {
.dark {
.sidebar {
background-color: $dark-header-bg;
border-right-color: $dark-border-color;
.sidebar-footer {
border-top-color: $dark-border-color;