stale-issue-message:'We are clearing up our old issues and your ticket has been open for 3 months with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 2 days.'
close-issue-message:'This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 2 days with no activity.'
We are clearing up our old `help`-issues and your issue has been open for 60 days with no activity.
If no comment is made and the stale label is not removed, this issue will be closed in 7 days.
body:`@${username}: Hello! :wave:\n\nThis issue is being automatically closed because it does not follow the issue template. Please DO NOT open a blank issue.`
body:`@${username}: Hello! :wave:\n\nThis issue is being automatically closed because it does not follow the issue template. Please **DO NOT open blank issues and use our [issue-templates]( instead**.\nBlank Issues do not contain the context nessesary for a good discussions.`