stale-issue-message:'We are clearing up our old issues and your ticket has been open for 3 months with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 7 days.'
stale-pr-message:'We are clearing up our old Pull Requests and yours has been open for 3 months with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 7 days.'
close-issue-message:'This issue was closed because it has been stalled for 7 days with no activity.'
close-pr-message:'This PR was closed because it has been stalled for 7 days with no activity.'
deleteProxyMsg:"Сигурни ли сте, че желаете да изтриете това прокси за всички монитори?",
proxyDescription:"За да функционират трябва да бъдат зададени към монитор.",
enableProxyDescription:"Това прокси няма да има ефект върху заявките за мониторинг, докато не бъде активирано. Може да контролирате временното деактивиране на проксито от всички монитори чрез статуса на активиране.",
setAsDefaultProxyDescription:"Това проки ще бъде включено по подразбиране за новите монитори. Може да го изключите по отделно за всеки един монитор.",
setAsDefaultProxyDescription:"Това прокси ще бъде включено по подразбиране за новите монитори. Може да го изключите по отделно за всеки един монитор.",
"Certificate Chain":"Верига на сертификата",
@ -537,4 +537,29 @@ export default {
Workstation:"Работна станция",
disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg:"Тъй като сте в режим \"No Auth mode\", парола не се изисква.",
wayToGetLineNotifyToken:"Може да получите токен код за достъп от {0}",
resendEveryXTimes:"Изпращай повторно на всеки {0} пъти",
resendDisabled:"Повторното изпращане е изключено",
"Resend Notification if Down X times consequently":"Повторно изпращане на известие, ако е недостъпен X пъти последователно",
"Bark Group":"Bark група",
"Bark Sound":"Bark звук",
"HTTP Headers":"HTTP хедъри",
"Trust Proxy":"Trust Proxy",
HomeAssistant:"Home Assistant",
RadiusSecret:"Radius таен код",
RadiusSecretDescription:"Споделен таен код между клиент и сървър",
RadiusCalledStationId:"Повиквана станция ID",
RadiusCalledStationIdDescription:"Идентификатор на повикваното устройство",
RadiusCallingStationId:"Повикваща станция ID",
RadiusCallingStationIdDescription:"Идентификатор на повикващото устройство",
"Setup Docker Host":"Настройка на Docker хост",
"Connection Type":"Тип свързване",
"Docker Daemon":"Docker демон",
deleteDockerHostMsg:"Сигурни ли сте, че желаете да изтриете този Docker хост за всички монитори?",
tcp:"TCP / HTTP",
"Docker Container":"Docker контейнер",
"Container Name / ID":"Име на контейнер / ID",
"Docker Host":"Docker хост",
"Docker Hosts":"Docker хостове",
trustProxyDescription:"Trust 'X-Forwarded-*' headers. Ако искате да получавате правилния IP адрес на клиента, а Uptime Kuma е зад системи като Nginx или Apache, трябва да разрешите тази опция.",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription:"Toto oznámení bude standardně aktivní pro nové dohledy. V případě potřeby můžete oznámení stále zakázat na úrovni jednotlivých dohledů.",
smtpDkimheaderFieldNames:"Podepisovat tyto hlavičky (volitelné)",
smtpDkimskipFields:"Nepodepisovat tyto hlavičky (volitelné)",
wayToGetPagerDutyKey:"Získat jej můžete v sekci Service -> Service Directory -> (vyberte službu) -> Integrations -> Add integration. Následně vyhledejte \"Events API V2\". Více informace naleznete na adrese {0}",
"Integration Key":"Integration Key",
"Integration URL":"Integration URL",
"Auto resolve or acknowledged":"Auto resolve or acknowledged",
"do nothing":"do nothing",
"auto acknowledged":"auto acknowledged",
"auto resolve":"auto resolve",
alertaApiEndpoint:"API Endpoint",
alertaApiKey:"API Key",
alertaAlertState:"Stav upozornění",
alertaRecoverState:"Stav obnovení",
deleteStatusPageMsg:"Opravdu chcete odstranit tuto stavovou stránku?",
setAsDefault:"Nastavit jako výchozí",
deleteProxyMsg:"Opravdu chcete odstranit tuto proxy ze všech dohledů?",
proxyDescription:"Pro zajištění funkčnosti musí být proxy přiřazena dohledům.",
enableProxyDescription:"Tato proxy neovlivní žádosti dohledu do doby, než ji aktivujete. Změnou tohoto nastavení dočasně zakážete použití proxy ve všech dohledech.",
setAsDefaultProxyDescription:"Tato proxy se použije pro všechny nové dohledy. V případě potřeby můžete její využívání zakázat v konkrétním dohledu.",
"Certificate Chain":"Řetězec certifikátu",
AccessKeyId:"AccessKey ID",
SecretAccessKey:"AccessKey Secret",
"Sms template must contain parameters: ":"Sms template must contain parameters: ",
"Bark Endpoint":"Bark Endpoint",
"Bark Group":"Bark Group",
"Bark Sound":"Bark Sound",
"For safety, must use secret key":"Z důvodu bezpečnosti použijte secret key",
"Device Token":"Token zařízení",
"WeCom Bot Key":"WeCom Bot Key",
"Setup Proxy":"Setup Proxy",
"Proxy Protocol":"Proxy Protocol",
"Proxy Server":"Proxy Server",
"Proxy server has authentication":"Proxy server vyžaduje ověření",
"Not installed":"Nenainstalováno",
"Not running":"Neběží",
"Remove Token":"Odstranit token",
"Uptime Kuma":"Uptime Kuma",
"Add New Status Page":"Přidat novou stavovou stránku",
"Accept characters:":"Přípustné znaky:",
startOrEndWithOnly:"Počáteční a koncový znak může být pouze {0}",
"No consecutive dashes":"Nesmí se opakovat pomlčky",
"The slug is already taken. Please choose another slug.":"Slug s tímto názvem již existuje. Prosím, zadejte jiný název.",
"No Proxy":"Žádná proxy",
"HTTP Basic Auth":"HTTP Basic ověření",
"New Status Page":"Nová stavová stránka",
"Page Not Found":"Stránka nenalezena",
"Reverse Proxy":"Reverzní proxy",
About:"O programu",
wayToGetCloudflaredURL:"(Stáhnout cloudflared z {0})",
cloudflareWebsite:"Webová stránka Cloudflare",
"Don't know how to get the token? Please read the guide:":"Nevíte jak získat? Prosím, přečtěte si tuto příručku:",
"The current connection may be lost if you are currently connecting via Cloudflare Tunnel. Are you sure want to stop it? Type your current password to confirm it.":"Stávající připojení mohlo být ztraceno, pokud jste připojeni prostřednictvím Cloudflare tunelu. Opravdu jej chcete zastavit? Pro potvrzení zadejte své současné heslo.",
"HTTP Headers":"HTTP hlavičky",
"Trust Proxy":"Důvěryhodná proxy",
"Other Software":"Jiný software",
"For example: nginx, Apache and Traefik.":"Například nginx, Apache nebo Traefik.",
"Please read":"Prosím, přečtěte si informace na adrese",
"Valid To:":"Platnost do:",
"Days Remaining:":"Počet zbývajících dní:",
"No status pages":"Žádná stavová stránka",
"Domain Name Expiry Notification":"Oznámení na blížící se konec platnosti doménového jména",
"Date Created":"Datum vytvoření",
HomeAssistant:"Home Assistant",
onebotHttpAddress:"OneBot HTTP adresa",
onebotMessageType:"Typ OneBot zprávy",
onebotUserOrGroupId:"ID skupiny/uživatele",
onebotSafetyTips:"Z důvodu bezpečnosti je nutné zadat přístupový token",
"PushDeer Key":"PushDeer klíč",
"Footer Text":"Text v patičce",
"Show Powered By":"Zobrazit \"Zajišťuje\"",
"Domain Names":"Názvy domén",
signedInDisp:"Přihlášen jako {0}",
signedInDispDisabled:"Ověření je vypnuté.",
RadiusSecret:"Radius Secret",
RadiusSecretDescription:"Sdílený tajný klíč mezi klientem a serverem",
certificationExpiryDescription:"Aktivovat oznámení nad HTTPS dohledy, pokud platnost TSL certifikátu vyprší za:",
"Setup Docker Host":"Nastavit Docker hostitele",
"Connection Type":"Typ připojení",
"Docker Daemon":"Docker Daemon",
deleteDockerHostMsg:"Opravdu chcete odstranit tohoto docker hostitele ze všech dohledů?",
tcp:"TCP / HTTP",
"Docker Container":"Docker kontejner",
"Container Name / ID":"ID / název kontejneru",
"Docker Host":"Docker hostitel",
"Docker Hosts":"Docker hostitelé",
"ntfy Topic":"ntfy Topic",
"Workstation":"Pracovní stanice",
disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg:"Používáte režim bez ověření, heslo není vyžadováno.",
trustProxyDescription:"Důvěřovat 'X-Forwarded-*' hlavičkám. Pokud chcete získat správnou IP adresu klientů a vaše instance Uptime Kuma je schována za Nginx nebo Apache, měli byste tuto možnost zapnout.",
wayToGetLineNotifyToken:"Přístupový token můžete získat na adrese {0}",
"Long-Lived Access Token can be created by clicking on your profile name (bottom left) and scrolling to the bottom then click Create Token. ":"Pro vytvoření dlouhodobého přístupový tokenu klikněte na název svého profilu (v levém dolním rohu) a následně v dolní části stránky klikněte na tlačítko Create Token. ",
"Notification Service":"Oznamovací služba",
"default: notify all devices":"výchozí: upozornit všechny zařízení",
"A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.":"Seznam dostupných oznamovacích služeb naleznete v Home Assistant v sekci \"Developer Tools > Services\", kde vyhledejte \"notification\" pro zjištění názvu zařízení.",
"Automations can optionally be triggered in Home Assistant:":"Automatizaci můžete volitelně aktivovat prostřednictvím Home Assistant:",
"Trigger type:":"Typ podmínky spuštění:",
"Event type:":"Typ události:",
"Event data:":"Data události:",
"Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.":"Následně vyberte akci, například přepnutí scény z RGB světla na červenou.",
"Frontend Version":"Verze frontendu",
"Frontend Version do not match backend version!":"Verze frontendu neodpovídá verzi backendu!",
dnsPortDescription:"DNS server port. Standard ist 53. Der Port kann jederzeit geändert werden.",
topicExplanation:"MQTT Thema für den monitor",
successMessageExplanation:"MQTT Nachricht, die als Erfolg angesehen wird",
wayToGetPagerDutyKey:"Dieser kann unter Service -> Service Directory -> (Select a service) -> Integrations -> Add integration gefunden werden. Hier muss nach \"Events API V2\" gesucht werden. Mehr informationen {0}",
"Integration Key":"Schlüssel der Integration",
"Integration URL":"URL der Integration",
"Auto resolve or acknowledged":"Automatisch lösen oder bestätigen",
"do nothing":"nichts tun",
"auto acknowledged":"automatisch bestätigen",
"auto resolve":"automatisch lösen",
"Bark Group":"Bark Gruppe",
"Bark Sound":"Bark Klang",
"HTTP Headers":"HTTP Kopfzeilen",
"Trust Proxy":"Vertrauenswürdiger Proxy",
HomeAssistant:"Home Assistant",
onebotHttpAddress:"OneBot HTTP Adresse",
onebotMessageType:"OneBot Nachrichtentyp",
onebotUserOrGroupId:"Gruppe/Nutzer ID",
onebotSafetyTips:"Zur Sicherheit ein access token setzen",
"PushDeer Key":"PushDeer Schlüssel",
RadiusSecret:"Radius Geheimnis",
RadiusSecretDescription:"Geteiltes Geheimnis zwischen Client und Server",
RadiusCalledStationId:"ID der angesprochenen Station",
RadiusCalledStationIdDescription:"Identifikation des angesprochenen Geräts",
RadiusCallingStationId:"ID der ansprechenden Station",
RadiusCallingStationIdDescription:"Identifikation des ansprechenden Geräts",
certificationExpiryDescription:"HTTPS Monitore senden eine Benachrichtigung, wenn das Zertifikat abläuft in:",
"Setup Docker Host":"Docker Host einrichten",
"Connection Type":"Verbindungstyp",
"Docker Daemon":"Docker Daemon",
deleteDockerHostMsg:"Bist du sicher diesen docker host für alle Monitore zu löschen?",
tcp:"TCP / HTTP",
"Docker Container":"Docker Container",
"Container Name / ID":"Container Name / ID",
"Docker Host":"Docker Host",
"Docker Hosts":"Docker Hosts",
"ntfy Topic":"ntfy Thema",
disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg:"Du bist im nicht-authentifizieren modus, ein Passwort wird nicht benötigt.",
trustProxyDescription:"Vertraue 'X-Forwarded-*' headern. Wenn man die richtige client IP haben möchte und Uptime Kuma hinter einem Proxy wie Nginx or Apache läuft, wollte dies aktiviert werden.",
wayToGetLineNotifyToken:"Du kannst hier ein Token erhalten: {0}",
"Long-Lived Access Token can be created by clicking on your profile name (bottom left) and scrolling to the bottom then click Create Token. ":"Lange gültige Access Token können durch klicken auf den Profilnamen (unten links) und dann einen Klick auf Create Token am Ende erstellt werden. ",
"Notification Service":"Benachrichtigungsdienst",
"default: notify all devices":"standard: Alle Geräte benachrichtigen",
"A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.":"Eine Liste der Benachrichtigungsdiesnte kann im Home Assistant unter \"Developer Tools > Services\" gefunden werden, wnen man nach \"notification\" sucht um den Geräte-/Telefonnamen zu finden.",
"Automations can optionally be triggered in Home Assistant:":"Automatisierungen können optional im Home Assistant ausgelöst werden:",
"Trigger type:":"Auslösertyp:",
"Event type:":"Ereignistyp:",
"Event data:":"Ereignis daten:",
"Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.":"Dann eine Aktion wählen, zum Beispiel eine Scene wählen in der ein RGB Licht rot ist.",
"Frontend Version":"Frontend Version",
"Frontend Version do not match backend version!":"Die Frontend Version stimmt nicht mit der backend version überein!",
disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg:"You are in No Auth mode, password is not require.",
disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg:"You are in No Auth mode, a password is not required.",
trustProxyDescription:"Trust 'X-Forwarded-*' headers. If you want to get the correct client IP and your Uptime Kuma is behind such as Nginx or Apache, you should enable this.",
wayToGetLineNotifyToken:"You can get an access token from {0}",
"Long-Lived Access Token can be created by clicking on your profile name (bottom left) and scrolling to the bottom then click Create Token. ":"Long-Lived Access Token can be created by clicking on your profile name (bottom left) and scrolling to the bottom then click Create Token. ",
"Notification Service":"Notification Service",
"default: notify all devices":"default: notify all devices",
"A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.":"A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.",
"Automations can optionally be triggered in Home Assistant:":"Automations can optionally be triggered in Home Assistant:",
"Trigger type:":"Trigger type:",
"Event type:":"Event type:",
"Event data:":"Event data:",
"Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.":"Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.",
"Frontend Version":"Frontend Version",
"Frontend Version do not match backend version!":"Frontend Version do not match backend version!",
"Base URL":"Base URL",
goAlertInfo:"GoAlert is a An open source application for on-call scheduling, automated escalations and notifications (like SMS or voice calls). Automatically engage the right person, the right way, and at the right time! {0}",
goAlertIntegrationKeyInfo:"Get generic API integration key for the service in this format \"aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee\" usually the value of token parameter of copied URL.",
backupOutdatedWarning:"Deprecated: Since a lot of features added and this backup feature is a bit unmaintained, it cannot generate or restore a complete backup.",
backupRecommend:"Please backup the volume or the data folder (./data/) directly instead.",
"disableauth.message2":"Il est conçu pour les scénarios <strong>où vous avez l'intention d'implémenter une authentification tierce</strong> devant Uptime Kuma, comme Cloudflare Access, Authelia ou d'autres mécanismes d'authentification.",
"Please use this option carefully!":"Veuillez utiliser cette option avec précaution !",
"Pick Accepted Status Codes...":"Pick Accepted Status Codes...",
"HTTP Options":"HTTP Options",
"Create Incident":"Créer un incident",
"Please input title and content":"Veuillez entrer le titre et le contenu",
"Last Updated":"Dernière mise à jour",
"Switch to Light Theme":"Passer au thème clair",
"Switch to Dark Theme":"Passer au thème sombre",
"Show Tags":"Voir les étiquettes",
"Hide Tags":"Masquer les étiquettes",
"No monitors available.":"Aucun moniteur disponible.",
"Add one":"En rajouter un",
"No Monitors":"Aucun moniteur",
"Untitled Group":"Groupe sans titre",
shrinkDatabaseDescription:"Déclencher la base de données VACUUM pour SQLite. Si votre base de données est créée après 1.10.0, AUTO_VACUUM est déjà activé et cette action n'est pas nécessaire.",
serwersmsAPIUser:"Nom d'utilisateur de l'API (incl. webapi_ prefix)",
serwersmsAPIPassword:"Mot de passe API",
serwersmsPhoneNumber:"Numéro de téléphone",
serwersmsSenderName:"Nom de l'expéditeur du SMS (enregistré via le portail client)",
"Custom Footer":"Pied de page personnalisé",
"Custom CSS":"CSS personnalisé",
deleteStatusPageMsg:"Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette page d'état ?",
setAsDefault:"Définir par défaut",
deleteProxyMsg:"Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce proxy pour tous les moniteurs ?",
proxyDescription:"Les proxys doivent être affectés à un moniteur pour fonctionner.",
enableProxyDescription:"Ce proxy n'aura pas d'effet sur les demandes de moniteur tant qu'il n'est pas activé. Vous pouvez contrôler la désactivation temporaire du proxy de tous les moniteurs en fonction de l'état d'activation.",
setAsDefaultProxyDescription:"Ce proxy sera activé par défaut pour les nouveaux moniteurs. Vous pouvez toujours désactiver le proxy séparément pour chaque moniteur.",
Invalid:"Non valide",
"Not installed":"Pas installé",
"Remove Token":"Supprimer le jeton",
"The slug is already taken. Please choose another slug.":"Le chemin est déjà pris. Veuillez choisir un autre chemin.",
"Show update if available":"Afficher la mise à jour si disponible",
"Also check beta release":"Vérifiez également la version bêta",
"Steam Game Server":"Serveur de jeu Steam",
"Most likely causes:":"Causes les plus probables:",
"The resource is no longer available.":"La ressource n'est plus disponible.",
"There might be a typing error in the address.":"Il se peut qu'il y ait une erreur de frappe dans l'adresse.",
"What you can try:":"Ce que vous pouvez essayer:",
"Retype the address.":"Retapez l'adresse.",
"Go back to the previous page.":"Retournez à la page précédente.",
"Coming Soon":"À venir",
settingsCertificateExpiry:"Expiration du certificat TLS",
certificationExpiryDescription:"Les moniteurs HTTPS déclenchent une notification lorsque le certificat TLS expire dans:",
"Setup Docker Host":"Configurer l'hôte Docker",
"Connection Type":"Type de connexion",
deleteDockerHostMsg:"Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet hôte Docker pour tous les moniteurs ?",
"Container Name / ID":"Nom / ID du conteneur",
"Docker Host":"Hôte Docker",
"Docker Hosts":"Hôtes Docker",
trustProxyDescription:"Faire confiance aux en-têtes 'X-Forwarded-*'. Si vous souhaitez obtenir la bonne adresse IP client et que votre Uptime Kuma est en retard, comme Nginx ou Apache, vous devez l'activer.",
wayToGetLineNotifyToken:"Vous pouvez obtenir un jeton d'accès auprès de {0}",
"Home Assistant URL":"Home Assistant URL",
"Long-Lived Access Token can be created by clicking on your profile name (bottom left) and scrolling to the bottom then click Create Token. ":"Un jeton d'accès de longue durée peut être créé en cliquant sur le nom de votre profil (en bas à gauche) et en faisant défiler vers le bas, puis cliquez sur Créer un jeton. ",
"Notification Service":"Service de notifications",
"default: notify all devices":"par défaut: notifier tous les appareils",
"A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.":"Une liste des services de notification peut être trouvée dans Home Assistant sous \"Outils de développement > Services\" recherchez \"notification\" pour trouver le nom de votre appareil/téléphone.",
"Automations can optionally be triggered in Home Assistant:":"Les automatisations peuvent éventuellement être déclenchées dans Home Assistant:",
dnsPortDescription:"Port DNS poslužitelja. Zadana vrijednost je 53. Moguće je promijeniti ga u svakom trenutku.",
"Resend Notification if Down X times consequently":"Ponovno pošalji obavijest ako je usluga nedostupna više puta zaredom",
topicExplanation:"MQTT tema koja će se monitorirati",
successMessage:"Poruka o uspjehu",
successMessageExplanation:"MQTT poruka koja se smatra uspješnom",
"Custom Footer":"Prilagođeno podnožje",
"Custom CSS":"Prilagođeni CSS",
wayToGetPagerDutyKey:"Ključ možete dobiti odlaskom na \"Service -> Service Directory -> (Odabrani servis) -> Integrations -> Add integration\". Ovdje pretražite za \"Events API V2\". Više informacija {0}",
"Integration Key":"Ključ integracije",
"Integration URL":"URL integracije",
"Auto resolve or acknowledged":"Automatsko razrješavanje i priznavanje",
"do nothing":"Ne radi ništa",
"auto acknowledged":"Automatsko priznavanje",
"auto resolve":"Automatsko razrješavanje",
Proxies:"Proxy poslužitelji",
setAsDefault:"Postavi kao zadano",
deleteProxyMsg:"Sigurno želite obrisati ovaj proxy za sve monitore?",
proxyDescription:"Proxy poslužitelji moraju biti dodijeljni monitoru kako bi funkcionirali.",
enableProxyDescription:"Onemogućeni proxy poslužitelj neće imati učinak na zahtjeve monitora. Možete privremeno onemogućiti proxy poslužitelja za sve monitore.",
setAsDefaultProxyDescription:"Ovaj proxy poslužitelj bit će odmah omogućen za nove monitore. I dalje ga možete onemogućiti za svaki monitor zasebno.",
"Certificate Chain":"Lanac certifikata",
AccessKeyId:"AccessKey ID",
SecretAccessKey:"AccessKey tajni ključ",
PhoneNumbers:"Telefonski brojevi",
TemplateCode:"Predložak koda",
"Sms template must contain parameters: ":"SMS predložak mora sadržavati parametre: ",
"Bark Endpoint":"Bark krajnja točka (endpoint)",
"Bark Group":"Bark grupa",
"Bark Sound":"Bark zvuk",
SecretKey:"Tajni ključ",
"For safety, must use secret key":"Korištenje tajnog ključa je obavezno",
"Device Token":"Token uređaja",
Retry:"Ponovnih pokušaja",
"WeCom Bot Key":"WeCom ključ Bota",
"Setup Proxy":"Dodaj proxy poslužitelj",
"Proxy Protocol":"Protokol",
"Proxy Server":"Proxy poslužitelj",
"Proxy server has authentication":"Proxy poslužitelj ima autentikaciju",
"Not installed":"Nije instalirano",
"Not running":"Nije pokrenuto",
"Remove Token":"Ukloni Token",
"Uptime Kuma":"Uptime Kuma",
"Add New Status Page":"Dodaj novu statusnu stranicu",
"Accept characters:":"Dozvoljeni znakovi:",
startOrEndWithOnly:"Započinje ili završava znakovima {0}",
"No consecutive dashes":"Bez uzastopnih povlaka",
"The slug is already taken. Please choose another slug.":"Slug je zauzet. Odaberite novi slug.",
"No Proxy":"Bez proxy poslužitelja",
"HTTP Basic Auth":"HTTP Basic Auth",
"New Status Page":"Dodaj statusnu stranicu",
"Page Not Found":"Stranica nije pronađena",
"Reverse Proxy":"Reverzni proxy",
Backup:"Sigurnosno kopiranje",
About:"O Uptime Kumi",
wayToGetCloudflaredURL:"(Preuzmite cloudflared s {0})",
cloudflareWebsite:"Cloudflare web stranice",
"Don't know how to get the token? Please read the guide:":"Ne znate kako doći do tokena? Pročitajte vodič:",
"The current connection may be lost if you are currently connecting via Cloudflare Tunnel. Are you sure want to stop it? Type your current password to confirm it.":"Trenutna veza možda bude prekinuta jer se koristi Cloudflare tuneliranje. Sigurno želite zaustaviti? Unesite lozinku za potvrdu.",
"HTTP Headers":"HTTP zaglavlja",
"Trust Proxy":"Vjeruj proxy poslužitelju",
"Other Software":"Ostali programi",
"For example: nginx, Apache and Traefik.":"Primjerice: nginx, Apache ili Traefik.",
"Please read":"Molimo pročitajte",
"Valid To:":"Valjano do:",
"Days Remaining:":"Preostalo dana:",
"No status pages":"Nema statusnih stranica",
"Domain Name Expiry Notification":"Obavijest za istek domena",
"Date Created":"Datum stvaranja",
HomeAssistant:"Home Assistant",
onebotHttpAddress:"OneBot HTTP adresa",
onebotMessageType:"OneBot tip poruke",
onebotUserOrGroupId:"ID korisnika/grupe",
onebotSafetyTips:"Pristupni token mora biti postavljen",
certificationExpiryDescription:"HTTPS monitori će obavijesiti kada je istek TLS certifikata za:",
"Setup Docker Host":"Dodaj Docker domaćina",
"Connection Type":"Tip veze",
"Docker Daemon":"Docker daemon",
deleteDockerHostMsg:"Sigurno želite izbrisati ovog Docker domaćina za sve monitore?",
socket:"Docker socket",
tcp:"TCP / HTTP",
"Docker Container":"Docker kontejner",
"Container Name / ID":"Naziv / ID kontejnera",
"Docker Host":"Docker domaćin",
"Docker Hosts":"Docker domaćini",
"ntfy Topic":"ntfy tema",
Workstation:"Radna stanica",
disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg:"Lozinka nije nužna dok je isključena autentikacija.",
trustProxyDescription:"Vjeruj 'X-Forwarded-*' zaglavljima. Ako želite dobiti ispravnu IP adresu klijenta i Uptime Kuma je iza reverznog proxy poslužitelja, trebate omogućiti ovo.",
wayToGetLineNotifyToken:"Možete dobiti pristupni token sa {0}",
"Long-Lived Access Token can be created by clicking on your profile name (bottom left) and scrolling to the bottom then click Create Token. ":"Dugotrajni pristupni token može se kreirati klikom na korisničko ime (dolje lijevo) u Home Assistantu, pomicanjem do dna, te klikom na 'Create Token'. ",
"Notification Service":"Notification Service",
"default: notify all devices":"zadano ponašanje: obavijesti sve uređaje",
"A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.":"Popis servisa za obavijesti u Home Assistantu nalaze se pod \"Developer Tools > Services\" te pretražiti \"notification\".",
"Automations can optionally be triggered in Home Assistant:":"Automacije se mogu okinuti u Home Assistantu:",
"Trigger type:":"Tip triggera:",
"Event type:":"Tip eventa:",
"Event data:":"Podaci eventa:",
"Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.":"Potrebno je i odabrati akciju za izvođenje na Home Assistantu.",
"Frontend Version":"Inačica sučelja",
"Frontend Version do not match backend version!":"Inačica sučelja ne odgovara poslužitelju!",
upsideDownModeDescription:"Se il servizio risulta raggiungibile viene marcato come \"DOWN\".",
maxRedirectDescription:"Numero massimo di redirezionamenti consentito. Per disabilitare, impostare \"0\".",
acceptedStatusCodesDescription:"Elenco di codici di stato HTTP che sono considerati validi.",
passwordNotMatchMsg:"La password non coincide.",
passwordNotMatchMsg:"La password non corrisponde.",
notificationDescription:"Assegnare la notifica a uno o più oggetti monitorati per metterla in funzione.",
keywordDescription:"Cerca la parola chiave nella risposta in html o JSON e fai distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole",
pauseDashboardHome:"In Pausa",
deleteMonitorMsg:"Si è certi di voler eliminare questo oggetto monitorato?",
deleteNotificationMsg:"Si è certi di voler eliminare questa notifica per tutti gli oggetti monitorati?",
resolverserverDescription:"Cloudflare è il server predefinito, è possibile cambiare il server DNS.",
deleteMonitorMsg:"Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo oggetto monitorato?",
deleteNotificationMsg:"Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa notifica per tutti gli oggetti monitorati?",
resolverserverDescription:"Cloudflare è il server predefinito ma è possibile cambiare il server DNS.",
rrtypeDescription:"Scegliere il tipo di RR che si vuole monitorare",
pauseMonitorMsg:"Si è certi di voler mettere in pausa?",
pauseMonitorMsg:"Sei sicuro di voler mettere in pausa?",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription:"Per ogni nuovo monitor questa notifica sarà abilitata di default. È comunque possibile disabilitare la notifica singolarmente.",
clearEventsMsg:"Si è certi di voler eliminare tutti gli eventi per questo servizio?",
clearHeartbeatsMsg:"Si è certi di voler eliminare tutti gli intervalli di controllo per questo servizio?",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg:"Si è certi di voler eliminare TUTTE le statistiche?",
clearEventsMsg:"Sei sicuro di voler eliminare tutti gli eventi per questo servizio?",
clearHeartbeatsMsg:"Sei sicuro di voler eliminare tutti gli intervalli di controllo per questo servizio?",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg:"Sei sicuro di voler eliminare TUTTE le statistiche?",
importHandleDescription:"Selezionare \"Ignora esistenti\" se si vuole ignorare l'importazione dei monitor o delle notifiche con lo stesso nome. \"Sovrascrivi\" rimpiazzerà tutti i monitor e le notifiche presenti con quelli nel backup.",
confirmImportMsg:"Si è certi di voler importare il backup? Essere certi di aver selezionato l'opzione corretta di importazione.",
confirmImportMsg:"Sei sicuro di voler importare il backup? Controlla di aver selezionato l'opzione corretta di importazione.",
twoFAVerifyLabel:"Digita il token per verificare che l'autenticazione a due fattori funzioni correttamente:",
tokenValidSettingsMsg:"Il token è valido! È ora possibile salvare le impostazioni.",
confirmEnableTwoFAMsg:"Si è certi di voler abilitare l'autenticazione a due fattori?",
confirmDisableTwoFAMsg:"Si è certi di voler disabilitare l'autenticazione a due fattori?",
confirmEnableTwoFAMsg:"Sei sicuro di voler abilitare l'autenticazione a due fattori?",
confirmDisableTwoFAMsg:"Sei sicuro di voler disabilitare l'autenticazione a due fattori?",
"Resend Notification if Down X times consequently":"ส่งการแจ้งเตือนซ้ำถ้าออฟไลน์ครบ X ครั้ง",
wayToGetPagerDutyKey:"คุณสามารถรับได้โดยการไปที่ Service -> Service Directory -> (Select a service) -> Integrations -> Add integration, และค้นหา \"Events API V2\", สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม {0}",
"Integration Key":"Integration Key",
"Integration URL":"Integration URL",
"Auto resolve or acknowledged":"แก้ไขอัตโนมัติหรือยอมรับ",
"Long-Lived Access Token can be created by clicking on your profile name (bottom left) and scrolling to the bottom then click Create Token. ":"Access Token แบบมีอายุนานสามารถสร้างได้โดยคลิกชื่อบนโปรไฟล์ (ล่างซ้าย) และเลื่อนไปข้างล่างจากนั้นคลิก \"Create Token\"",
"Notification Service":"บริการแจ้งเตือน",
"default: notify all devices":"ค่าเริ่มต้น: แจ้งเตือนทุกอุปกรณ์",
"A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.":"รายการแจ้งเตือนสามารถหาได้ใน Home Assistant ในเมนู \"Developer Tools > Services\" ค้นหา \"notification\" เพื่อหาชื่ออุปกรณ์หรือชื่อโทรศัพท์",
"Automations can optionally be triggered in Home Assistant:":"สามารถเลือกสั่งงานระบบอัตโนมัติได้ใน Home Assistant:",
"Trigger type:":"ชนิดสิ่งกระตุ้น:",
"Event type:":"ชนิดกิจกรรม:",
"Event data:":"ข้อมูลกิจกรรม:",
"Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.":"จากนั้นเลือกการกระทำ, ตัวอย่าง เช่น เปลี่ยนเป็นไฟสีแดง",
"Frontend Version":"เวอร์ชั่น Frontend",
"Frontend Version do not match backend version!":"เวอร์ชั่น Frontend ไม่ตรงกับ Backend !",
wayToGetPagerDutyKey:"Bunu Hizmet -> Hizmet Dizini -> (Bir hizmet seçin) -> Entegrasyonlar -> Entegrasyon ekle'ye giderek alabilirsiniz. Burada \"Events API V2\" için arama yapabilirsiniz. Daha fazla bilgi {0}",
"Integration Key":"Entegrasyon Anahtarı",
"Integration URL":"Entegrasyon URL'si",
"Auto resolve or acknowledged":"Otomatik çözümleme veya onaylandı",
"do nothing":"hiçbir şey yapma",
"auto acknowledged":"otomatik onaylandı",
"auto resolve":"otomatik çözümleme",
alertaApiEndpoint:"API Endpoint",
@ -399,6 +411,8 @@ export default {
"Sms template must contain parameters: ":"Sms şablonu parametreleri içermelidir:",
"Bark Endpoint":"Bark Endpoint",
"Bark Group":"Bark Group",
"Bark Sound":"Bark Sound",
"For safety, must use secret key":"Güvenlik için gizli anahtar kullanılmalıdır",
@ -432,6 +446,7 @@ export default {
"The slug is already taken. Please choose another slug.":"Slug zaten alındı. Lütfen başka bir slug seçin.",
"No Proxy":"Proxy Yok",
Authentication:"Kimlik doğrulama",
"HTTP Basic Auth":"HTTP Temel Yetkilendirme",
"New Status Page":"Yeni Durum Sayfası",
"Page Not Found":"Sayfa bulunamadı",
@ -443,6 +458,8 @@ export default {
"Don't know how to get the token? Please read the guide:":"Tokeni nasıl alacağınızı bilmiyor musunuz? Lütfen kılavuzu okuyun:",
"The current connection may be lost if you are currently connecting via Cloudflare Tunnel. Are you sure want to stop it? Type your current password to confirm it.":"Halihazırda Cloudflare Tüneli üzerinden bağlanıyorsanız mevcut bağlantı kesilebilir. Durdurmak istediğinden emin misin? Onaylamak için mevcut şifrenizi yazın.",
"HTTP Headers":"HTTP Headers",
"Trust Proxy":"Trust Proxy",
"Other Software":"Diğer Yazılımlar",
"For example: nginx, Apache and Traefik.":"Örneğin: nginx, Apache ve Traefik.",
"Please read":"Lütfen oku",
@ -455,6 +472,7 @@ export default {
"Domain Name Expiry Notification":"Alan Adı Sona Erme Bildirimi",
"Date Created":"Tarih Oluşturuldu",
HomeAssistant:"Home Assistant",
onebotHttpAddress:"OneBot HTTP Adresi",
onebotMessageType:"OneBot Mesaj Türü",
@ -467,6 +485,12 @@ export default {
"Domain Names":"Alan isimleri",
signedInDisp:"{0} olarak oturum açıldı",
signedInDispDisabled:"Yetkilendirme Devre Dışı.",
RadiusSecret:"Radius Secret",
RadiusSecretDescription:"İstemci ve sunucu arasında paylaşılan gizli anahtar",
"Certificate Expiry Notification":"Sertifika Sona Erme Bildirimi",
"API Username":"API Kullanıc Adı",
"API Key":"API Anahtarı",
@ -475,7 +499,7 @@ export default {
"Leave blank to use a shared sender number.":"Paylaşılan bir gönderen numarası kullanmak için boş bırakın.",
"Octopush API Version":"Octopush API Sürümü",
"Legacy Octopush-DM":"Eski Octopush-DM",
endpoint:"uç nokta",
octopushAPIKey:"Kontrol panelindeki HTTP API kimlik bilgilerinden \"API Key\"",
octopushLogin:"Kontrol panelindeki HTTP API kimlik bilgilerinden \"Login\"",
promosmsLogin:"API Oturum Açma Adı",
@ -518,13 +542,38 @@ export default {
"Go back to the previous page.":"Bir önceki sayfaya geri git.",
"Coming Soon":"Yakında gelecek",
wayToGetClickSendSMSToken:"API Kullanıcı Adı ve API Anahtarını {0} adresinden alabilirsiniz.",
wayToGetPagerDutyKey:"Bunu şuraya giderek alabilirsiniz: Servis -> Servis Dizini -> (Bir servis seçin) -> Entegrasyonlar -> Entegrasyon ekle. Burada \"Events API V2\" için arama yapabilirsiniz. Daha fazla bilgi {0}",
"Integration Key":"Entegrasyon Anahtarı",
"Integration URL":"Entegrasyon URL",
"Auto resolve or acknowledged":"Otomatik çözümleme veya onaylama",
certificationExpiryDescription:"HTTPS Monitörleri, TLS sertifikasının süresi dolduğunda bildirimi tetikler:",
"Setup Docker Host":"Docker Ana Bilgisayarını Kur",
"Connection Type":"Bağlantı türü",
"Docker Daemon":"Docker Daemon",
deleteDockerHostMsg:"Bu docker ana bilgisayarını tüm monitörler için silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?",
tcp:"TCP / HTTP",
"Docker Container":"Docker Konteyneri",
"Container Name / ID":"Konteyner Adı / Kimliği",
"Docker Host":"Docker Ana Bilgisayarı",
"Docker Hosts":"Docker Ana Bilgisayarları",
"ntfy Topic":"ntfy Konu",
"Workstation":"İş İstasyonu",
disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg:"Yetki Yok modundasınız, şifre gerekli değil.",
trustProxyDescription:"'X-Forwarded-*' başlıklarına güvenin. Doğru istemci IP'sini almak istiyorsanız ve Uptime Kuma'nız Nginx veya Apache'nin arkasındaysa, bunu etkinleştirmelisiniz.",
wayToGetLineNotifyToken:"{0} adresinden bir erişim jetonu alabilirsiniz.",
"Long-Lived Access Token can be created by clicking on your profile name (bottom left) and scrolling to the bottom then click Create Token. ":"Long-Lived Erişim Anahtarı, profil adınıza (sol altta) tıklayarak ve aşağıya kaydırarak ve ardından Anahtar Oluştur'a tıklayarak oluşturulabilir. ",
"Notification Service":"Bildirim Hizmeti",
"default: notify all devices":"varsayılan: tüm cihazları bilgilendir",
"A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.":"Cihazınızın/telefonunuzun adını bulmak için Home Assistant'ta \"Geliştirici Araçları > Hizmetler\" \"bildirim\" araması altında bir Bildirim Hizmetleri listesi bulunabilir.",
"Automations can optionally be triggered in Home Assistant:":"Otomasyonlar isteğe bağlı olarak Home Assistant'ta tetiklenebilir:",
"Trigger type:":"Trigger tipi:",
"Event type:":"Etkinlik tipi:",
"Event data:":"Etkinlik verileri:",
"Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.":"Ardından bir eylem seçin, örneğin RGB ışığının kırmızı olduğu sahneyi değiştirin.",
"Frontend Version":"Frontend Sürümü",
"Frontend Version do not match backend version!":"Frontend Sürümü, backend sürümüyle eşleşmiyor!",
"Long-Lived Access Token can be created by clicking on your profile name (bottom left) and scrolling to the bottom then click Create Token. ":"长期访问令牌可通过点击左下角您的用户名,滚动到页面底部并点击 Create Token 按钮获取。",
"Notification Service":"Notification Service",
"default: notify all devices":"默认:通知所有设备",
"A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.":"通知服务的列表可在 Home Assistant 中的 Developer Tools > Services 通过搜索您的设备或手机的名称来获得。",
"Automations can optionally be triggered in Home Assistant:":"可以在 Home Assistant 使用下列模板设置自动化操作的触发条件:",
"Trigger type:":"触发类型:",
"Event type:":"事件类型:",
"Event data:":"事件数据:",
"Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.":"然后您可以选择关联操作,例如切换到 RGB 灯发出红光的场景",
"Frontend Version":"前端版本",
"Frontend Version do not match backend version!":"前端版本与后端版本不符!",