import "dotenv/config"; import * as childProcess from "child_process"; import semver from "semver"; export const dryRun = process.env.RELEASE_DRY_RUN === "1"; if (dryRun) {"Dry run enabled."); } /** * Check if docker is running * @returns {void} */ export function checkDocker() { try { childProcess.execSync("docker ps"); } catch (error) { console.error("Docker is not running. Please start docker and try again."); process.exit(1); } } /** * Get Docker Hub repository name */ export function getRepoNames() { if (process.env.RELEASE_REPO_NAMES) { // Split by comma return process.env.RELEASE_REPO_NAMES.split(",").map((name) => name.trim()); } return [ "louislam/uptime-kuma", "", ]; } /** * Build frontend dist * @returns {void} */ export function buildDist() { if (!dryRun) { childProcess.execSync("npm run build", { stdio: "inherit" }); } else {"[DRY RUN] npm run build"); } } /** * Build docker image and push to Docker Hub * @param {string[]} repoNames Docker Hub repository names * @param {string[]} tags Docker image tags * @param {string} target Dockerfile's target name * @param {string} buildArgs Docker build args * @param {string} dockerfile Path to Dockerfile * @param {string} platform Build platform * @returns {void} */ export function buildImage(repoNames, tags, target, buildArgs = "", dockerfile = "docker/dockerfile", platform = "linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7") { let args = [ "buildx", "build", "-f", dockerfile, "--platform", platform, ]; for (let repoName of repoNames) { // Add tags for (let tag of tags) { args.push("-t", `${repoName}:${tag}`); } } args = [ ...args, "--target", target, ]; // Add build args if (buildArgs) { args.push("--build-arg", buildArgs); } args = [ ...args, ".", "--push", ]; if (!dryRun) { childProcess.spawnSync("docker", args, { stdio: "inherit" }); } else { console.log(`[DRY RUN] docker ${args.join(" ")}`); } } /** * Check if the version already exists on Docker Hub * TODO: use semver to compare versions if it is greater than the previous? * @param {string[]} repoNames repository name (Only check the name with single slash) * @param {string} version Version to check * @returns {void} */ export async function checkTagExists(repoNames, version) { // Skip if the tag is not on Docker Hub // louislam/uptime-kuma let dockerHubRepoNames = repoNames.filter((name) => { return name.split("/").length === 2; }); for (let repoName of dockerHubRepoNames) { await checkTagExistsSingle(repoName, version); } } /** * Check if the version already exists on Docker Hub * @param {string} repoName repository name * @param {string} version Version to check * @returns {Promise} */ export async function checkTagExistsSingle(repoName, version) { console.log(`Checking if version ${version} exists on Docker Hub:`, repoName); // Get a list of tags from the Docker Hub repository let tags = []; // It is mainly to check my careless mistake that I forgot to update the release version in .env, so `page_size` is set to 100 is enough, I think. const response = await fetch(`${repoName}/tags/?page_size=100`); if (response.ok) { const data = await response.json(); tags = =>; } else { console.error("Failed to get tags from Docker Hub"); process.exit(1); } // Check if the version already exists if (tags.includes(version)) { console.error(`Version ${version} already exists`); process.exit(1); } } /** * Check the version format * @param {string} version Version to check * @returns {void} */ export function checkVersionFormat(version) { if (!version) { console.error("VERSION is required"); process.exit(1); } // Check the version format, it should be a semver and must be like this: "2.0.0-beta.0" if (!semver.valid(version)) { console.error("VERSION is not a valid semver version"); process.exit(1); } } /** * Press any key to continue * @returns {Promise} */ export function pressAnyKey() { console.log("Git Push and Publish the release note on github, then press any key to continue"); process.stdin.setRawMode(true); process.stdin.resume(); return new Promise(resolve => process.stdin.once("data", data => { process.stdin.setRawMode(false); process.stdin.pause(); resolve(); })); } /** * Append version identifier * @param {string} version Version * @param {string} identifier Identifier * @returns {string} Version with identifier */ export function ver(version, identifier) { const obj = semver.parse(version); if (obj.prerelease.length === 0) { obj.prerelease = [ identifier ]; } else { obj.prerelease[0] = [ obj.prerelease[0], identifier ].join("-"); } return obj.format(); } /** * Upload artifacts to GitHub * docker buildx build -f docker/dockerfile --platform linux/amd64 -t louislam/uptime-kuma:upload-artifact --build-arg VERSION --build-arg GITHUB_TOKEN --target upload-artifact . --progress plain * @param {string} version Version * @param {string} githubToken GitHub token * @returns {void} */ export function uploadArtifacts(version, githubToken) { let args = [ "buildx", "build", "-f", "docker/dockerfile", "--platform", "linux/amd64", "-t", "louislam/uptime-kuma:upload-artifact", "--build-arg", `VERSION=${version}`, "--build-arg", "GITHUB_TOKEN", "--target", "upload-artifact", ".", "--progress", "plain", ]; if (!dryRun) { childProcess.spawnSync("docker", args, { stdio: "inherit", env: { ...process.env, GITHUB_TOKEN: githubToken, }, }); } else { console.log(`[DRY RUN] docker ${args.join(" ")}`); } } /** * Execute a command * @param {string} cmd Command to execute * @returns {void} */ export function execSync(cmd) { if (!dryRun) { childProcess.execSync(cmd, { stdio: "inherit" }); } else {`[DRY RUN] ${cmd}`); } }