-- You should not modify if this have pushed to Github, unless it does serious wrong with the db. BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- Just for someone who tested maintenance before (patch-maintenance-table.sql) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS maintenance_status_page; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS monitor_maintenance; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS maintenance; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS maintenance_timeslot; -- maintenance CREATE TABLE [maintenance] ( [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, [title] VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, [description] TEXT NOT NULL, [user_id] INTEGER REFERENCES [user]([id]) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, [active] BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, [strategy] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'single', [start_date] DATETIME, [end_date] DATETIME, [start_time] TIME, [end_time] TIME, [weekdays] VARCHAR2(250) DEFAULT '[]', [days_of_month] TEXT DEFAULT '[]', [interval_day] INTEGER ); CREATE INDEX [maintenance_user_id] ON [maintenance]([user_id]); -- maintenance_status_page CREATE TABLE maintenance_status_page ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, status_page_id INTEGER NOT NULL, maintenance_id INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_maintenance FOREIGN KEY (maintenance_id) REFERENCES maintenance (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT FK_status_page FOREIGN KEY (status_page_id) REFERENCES status_page (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); -- maintenance_timeslot CREATE TABLE [maintenance_timeslot] ( [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, [maintenance_id] INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [FK_maintenance] REFERENCES [maintenance]([id]) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, [start_date] DATETIME NOT NULL, [end_date] DATETIME, [generated_next] BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 ); -- monitor_maintenance CREATE TABLE monitor_maintenance ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, monitor_id INTEGER NOT NULL, maintenance_id INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_maintenance FOREIGN KEY (maintenance_id) REFERENCES maintenance (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT FK_monitor FOREIGN KEY (monitor_id) REFERENCES monitor (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); COMMIT;