const { BeanModel } = require("redbean-node/dist/bean-model");
const passwordHash = require("../password-hash");
const { R } = require("redbean-node");

class User extends BeanModel {
     * Reset user password
     * Fix #1510, as in the context reset-password.js, there is no auto model mapping. Call this static function instead.
     * @param {number} userID ID of user to update
     * @param {string} newPassword
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    static async resetPassword(userID, newPassword) {
        await R.exec("UPDATE `user` SET password = ? WHERE id = ? ", [

     * Reset this users password
     * @param {string} newPassword
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    async resetPassword(newPassword) {
        await User.resetPassword(, newPassword);
        this.password = newPassword;


module.exports = User;