println("====================="); println("Uptime Kuma Installer"); println("====================="); println(""); println("---------------------------------------"); println("This script is designed for Linux and basic usage."); println("For advanced usage, please go to"); println("---------------------------------------"); println(""); println("Local - Install Uptime Kuma in your current machine with git, Node.js 14 and pm2"); println("Docker - Install Uptime Kuma Docker container"); println(""); if ("$1" != "") { type = "$1"; } else { call("read", "-p", "Which installation method do you prefer? [DOCKER/local]: ", "type"); } if (type == "local") { if ("$1" != "") { port = "$3"; } else { call("read", "-p", "Listening Port [3001]: ", "port"); } if (exists("/etc/redhat-release")) { os = call("cat", "/etc/redhat-release"); distribution = "rhel"; } bash("arch=$(uname -i)"); println("Your OS: " ++ os); println("Distribution: " ++ distribution); println("Arch: " ++ arch); if (distribution == "rhel") { bash("nodePath=$(command -v node)"); if (nodePath != "") { bash("nodeVersion=$(node -e 'console.log(process.versions.node.split(`.`)[0])')"); println("Node Version: " ++ nodeVersion); if (nodeVersion < "12") { println("Error: Required Node.js 14"); call("exit", "1"); } else { if (nodeVersion == "12") { println("Warning: NodeJS " ++ nodeVersion ++ " is not tested."); } println("OK"); } } else { } call("yum", "install", "git", "-y"); } } else { call("read", "-p", "Expose Port [3001]: ", "port"); call("read", "-p", "Volume Name [uptime-kuma]: ", "volume"); }