@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
use std ::collections ::{ HashMap , HashSet } ;
use std ::path ::{ Path , PathBuf } ;
use chrono ::{ NaiveDateTime , Utc } ;
use rocket ::{ http ::ContentType , request ::Form , Data , Route } ;
use rocket_contrib ::json ::Json ;
use rocket ::fs ::TempFile ;
use rocket ::serde ::json ::Json ;
use rocket ::{
form ::{ Form , FromForm } ,
Route ,
} ;
use serde_json ::Value ;
use multipart ::server ::{ save ::SavedData , Multipart , SaveResult } ;
use crate ::{
api ::{ self , EmptyResult , JsonResult , JsonUpcase , Notify , PasswordData , UpdateType } ,
auth ::Headers ,
@ -79,9 +80,9 @@ pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
pub fn purge_trashed_ciphers ( pool : DbPool ) {
pub async fn purge_trashed_ciphers ( pool : DbPool ) {
debug ! ( "Purging trashed ciphers" ) ;
if let Ok ( conn ) = pool . get ( ) {
if let Ok ( conn ) = pool . get ( ) . await {
Cipher ::purge_trash ( & conn ) ;
} else {
error ! ( "Failed to get DB connection while purging trashed ciphers" )
@ -90,12 +91,12 @@ pub fn purge_trashed_ciphers(pool: DbPool) {
#[ derive(FromForm, Default) ]
struct SyncData {
#[ f orm(f ield = " excludeDomains " ) ]
#[ f ield(name = " excludeDomains " ) ]
exclude_domains : bool , // Default: 'false'
#[ get( " /sync?<data..> " ) ]
fn sync ( data : Form< SyncData> , headers : Headers , conn : DbConn ) -> Json < Value > {
fn sync ( data : SyncData, headers : Headers , conn : DbConn ) -> Json < Value > {
let user_json = headers . user . to_json ( & conn ) ;
let folders = Folder ::find_by_user ( & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) ;
@ -828,6 +829,12 @@ fn post_attachment_v2(
} ) ) )
#[ derive(FromForm) ]
struct UploadData < ' f > {
key : Option < String > ,
data : TempFile < ' f > ,
/// Saves the data content of an attachment to a file. This is common code
/// shared between the v2 and legacy attachment APIs.
@ -836,22 +843,21 @@ fn post_attachment_v2(
/// When used with the v2 API, post_attachment_v2() has already created the
/// database record, which is passed in as `attachment`.
fn save_attachment (
async fn save_attachment (
mut attachment : Option < Attachment > ,
cipher_uuid : String ,
data : Data ,
content_type : & ContentType ,
data : Form < UploadData < ' _ > > ,
headers : & Headers ,
conn : & DbConn ,
nt : Notify ,
) -> Result < Cipher , crate ::error ::Error > {
let cipher = match Cipher ::find_by_uuid ( & cipher_uuid , conn ) {
conn : DbConn ,
nt : Notify < ' _ > ,
) -> Result < ( Cipher , DbConn ) , crate ::error ::Error > {
let cipher = match Cipher ::find_by_uuid ( & cipher_uuid , & conn ) {
Some ( cipher ) = > cipher ,
None = > err _discard ! ( "Cipher doesn't exist" , data ) ,
None = > err ! ( "Cipher doesn't exist" ) ,
} ;
if ! cipher . is_write_accessible_to_user ( & headers . user . uuid , conn ) {
err _discard ! ( "Cipher is not write accessible" , data )
if ! cipher . is_write_accessible_to_user ( & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) {
err ! ( "Cipher is not write accessible" )
// In the v2 API, the attachment record has already been created,
@ -863,11 +869,11 @@ fn save_attachment(
let size_limit = if let Some ( ref user_uuid ) = cipher . user_uuid {
match CONFIG . user_attachment_limit ( ) {
Some ( 0 ) = > err _discard ! ( "Attachments are disabled" , data ) ,
Some ( 0 ) = > err ! ( "Attachments are disabled" ) ,
Some ( limit_kb ) = > {
let left = ( limit_kb * 1024 ) - Attachment ::size_by_user ( user_uuid , conn ) + size_adjust ;
let left = ( limit_kb * 1024 ) - Attachment ::size_by_user ( user_uuid , & conn ) + size_adjust ;
if left < = 0 {
err _discard ! ( "Attachment storage limit reached! Delete some attachments to free up space" , data )
err ! ( "Attachment storage limit reached! Delete some attachments to free up space" )
Some ( left as u64 )
@ -875,130 +881,78 @@ fn save_attachment(
} else if let Some ( ref org_uuid ) = cipher . organization_uuid {
match CONFIG . org_attachment_limit ( ) {
Some ( 0 ) = > err _discard ! ( "Attachments are disabled" , data ) ,
Some ( 0 ) = > err ! ( "Attachments are disabled" ) ,
Some ( limit_kb ) = > {
let left = ( limit_kb * 1024 ) - Attachment ::size_by_org ( org_uuid , conn ) + size_adjust ;
let left = ( limit_kb * 1024 ) - Attachment ::size_by_org ( org_uuid , & conn ) + size_adjust ;
if left < = 0 {
err _discard ! ( "Attachment storage limit reached! Delete some attachments to free up space" , data )
err ! ( "Attachment storage limit reached! Delete some attachments to free up space" )
Some ( left as u64 )
None = > None ,
} else {
err _discard ! ( "Cipher is neither owned by a user nor an organization" , data ) ;
err ! ( "Cipher is neither owned by a user nor an organization" ) ;
} ;
let mut params = content_type . params ( ) ;
let boundary_pair = params . next ( ) . expect ( "No boundary provided" ) ;
let boundary = boundary_pair . 1 ;
let base_path = Path ::new ( & CONFIG . attachments_folder ( ) ) . join ( & cipher_uuid ) ;
let mut path = PathBuf ::new ( ) ;
let mut data = data . into_inner ( ) ;
let mut attachment_key = None ;
let mut error = None ;
Multipart ::with_body ( data . open ( ) , boundary )
. foreach_entry ( | mut field | {
match & * field . headers . name {
"key" = > {
use std ::io ::Read ;
let mut key_buffer = String ::new ( ) ;
if field . data . read_to_string ( & mut key_buffer ) . is_ok ( ) {
attachment_key = Some ( key_buffer ) ;
"data" = > {
// In the legacy API, this is the encrypted filename
// provided by the client, stored to the database as-is.
// In the v2 API, this value doesn't matter, as it was
// already provided and stored via an earlier API call.
let encrypted_filename = field . headers . filename ;
// This random ID is used as the name of the file on disk.
// In the legacy API, we need to generate this value here.
// In the v2 API, we use the value from post_attachment_v2().
let file_id = match & attachment {
Some ( attachment ) = > attachment . id . clone ( ) , // v2 API
None = > crypto ::generate_attachment_id ( ) , // Legacy API
} ;
path = base_path . join ( & file_id ) ;
let size =
match field . data . save ( ) . memory_threshold ( 0 ) . size_limit ( size_limit ) . with_path ( path . clone ( ) ) {
SaveResult ::Full ( SavedData ::File ( _ , size ) ) = > size as i32 ,
SaveResult ::Full ( other ) = > {
error = Some ( format! ( "Attachment is not a file: {:?}" , other ) ) ;
return ;
SaveResult ::Partial ( _ , reason ) = > {
error = Some ( format! ( "Attachment storage limit exceeded with this file: {:?}" , reason ) ) ;
return ;
SaveResult ::Error ( e ) = > {
error = Some ( format! ( "Error: {:?}" , e ) ) ;
return ;
} ;
if let Some ( attachment ) = & mut attachment {
// v2 API
// Check the actual size against the size initially provided by
// the client. Upstream allows +/- 1 MiB deviation from this
// size, but it's not clear when or why this is needed.
const LEEWAY : i32 = 1024 * 1024 ; // 1 MiB
let min_size = attachment . file_size - LEEWAY ;
let max_size = attachment . file_size + LEEWAY ;
if min_size < = size & & size < = max_size {
if size ! = attachment . file_size {
// Update the attachment with the actual file size.
attachment . file_size = size ;
attachment . save ( conn ) . expect ( "Error updating attachment" ) ;
} else {
attachment . delete ( conn ) . ok ( ) ;
if let Some ( size_limit ) = size_limit {
if data . data . len ( ) > size_limit {
err ! ( "Attachment storage limit exceeded with this file" ) ;
let err_msg = "Attachment size mismatch" . to_string ( ) ;
error ! ( "{} (expected within [{}, {}], got {})" , err_msg , min_size , max_size , size ) ;
error = Some ( err_msg ) ;
} else {
// Legacy API
let file_id = match & attachment {
Some ( attachment ) = > attachment . id . clone ( ) , // v2 API
None = > crypto ::generate_attachment_id ( ) , // Legacy API
} ;
if encrypted_filename . is_none ( ) {
error = Some ( "No filename provided" . to_string ( ) ) ;
return ;
if attachment_key . is_none ( ) {
error = Some ( "No attachment key provided" . to_string ( ) ) ;
return ;
let attachment = Attachment ::new (
file_id ,
cipher_uuid . clone ( ) ,
encrypted_filename . unwrap ( ) ,
size ,
attachment_key . clone ( ) ,
) ;
attachment . save ( conn ) . expect ( "Error saving attachment" ) ;
_ = > error ! ( "Invalid multipart name" ) ,
let folder_path = tokio ::fs ::canonicalize ( & CONFIG . attachments_folder ( ) ) . await ? . join ( & cipher_uuid ) ;
let file_path = folder_path . join ( & file_id ) ;
tokio ::fs ::create_dir_all ( & folder_path ) . await ? ;
let size = data . data . len ( ) as i32 ;
if let Some ( attachment ) = & mut attachment {
// v2 API
// Check the actual size against the size initially provided by
// the client. Upstream allows +/- 1 MiB deviation from this
// size, but it's not clear when or why this is needed.
const LEEWAY : i32 = 1024 * 1024 ; // 1 MiB
let min_size = attachment . file_size - LEEWAY ;
let max_size = attachment . file_size + LEEWAY ;
if min_size < = size & & size < = max_size {
if size ! = attachment . file_size {
// Update the attachment with the actual file size.
attachment . file_size = size ;
attachment . save ( & conn ) . expect ( "Error updating attachment" ) ;
} )
. expect ( "Error processing multipart data" ) ;
} else {
attachment . delete ( & conn ) . ok ( ) ;
err ! ( format! ( "Attachment size mismatch (expected within [{}, {}], got {})" , min_size , max_size , size ) ) ;
} else {
// Legacy API
let encrypted_filename = data . data . raw_name ( ) . map ( | s | s . dangerous_unsafe_unsanitized_raw ( ) . to_string ( ) ) ;
if let Some ( ref e ) = error {
std ::fs ::remove_file ( path ) . ok ( ) ;
err ! ( e ) ;
if encrypted_filename . is_none ( ) {
err ! ( "No filename provided" )
if data . key . is_none ( ) {
err ! ( "No attachment key provided" )
let attachment = Attachment ::new ( file_id , cipher_uuid . clone ( ) , encrypted_filename . unwrap ( ) , size , data . key ) ;
attachment . save ( & conn ) . expect ( "Error saving attachment" ) ;
nt . send_cipher_update ( UpdateType ::CipherUpdate , & cipher , & cipher . update_users_revision ( conn ) ) ;
data . data . persist_to ( file_path ) . await ? ;
nt . send_cipher_update ( UpdateType ::CipherUpdate , & cipher , & cipher . update_users_revision ( & conn ) ) ;
Ok ( cipher )
Ok ( ( cipher , conn ) )
/// v2 API for uploading the actual data content of an attachment.
@ -1006,14 +960,13 @@ fn save_attachment(
/// /ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/v2 route, which would otherwise conflict
/// with this one.
#[ post( " /ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/<attachment_id> " , format = " multipart/form-data " , data = " <data> " , rank = 1) ]
fn post_attachment_v2_data (
async fn post_attachment_v2_data (
uuid : String ,
attachment_id : String ,
data : Data ,
content_type : & ContentType ,
data : Form < UploadData < ' _ > > ,
headers : Headers ,
conn : DbConn ,
nt : Notify ,
nt : Notify < ' _ > ,
) -> EmptyResult {
let attachment = match Attachment ::find_by_id ( & attachment_id , & conn ) {
Some ( attachment ) if uuid = = attachment . cipher_uuid = > Some ( attachment ) ,
@ -1021,54 +974,51 @@ fn post_attachment_v2_data(
None = > err ! ( "Attachment doesn't exist" ) ,
} ;
save_attachment ( attachment , uuid , data , content_type , & headers , & conn , nt ) ? ;
save_attachment ( attachment , uuid , data , & headers , conn , nt ) . await ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
/// Legacy API for creating an attachment associated with a cipher.
#[ post( " /ciphers/<uuid>/attachment " , format = " multipart/form-data " , data = " <data> " ) ]
fn post_attachment (
async fn post_attachment (
uuid : String ,
data : Data ,
content_type : & ContentType ,
data : Form < UploadData < ' _ > > ,
headers : Headers ,
conn : DbConn ,
nt : Notify ,
nt : Notify < ' _ > ,
) -> JsonResult {
// Setting this as None signifies to save_attachment() that it should create
// the attachment database record as well as saving the data to disk.
let attachment = None ;
let cipher = save_attachment ( attachment , uuid , data , content_type , & headers , & conn , nt ) ? ;
let ( cipher , conn ) = save_attachment ( attachment , uuid , data , & headers , conn , nt ) . await ? ;
Ok ( Json ( cipher . to_json ( & headers . host , & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) ) )
#[ post( " /ciphers/<uuid>/attachment-admin " , format = " multipart/form-data " , data = " <data> " ) ]
fn post_attachment_admin (
async fn post_attachment_admin (
uuid : String ,
data : Data ,
content_type : & ContentType ,
data : Form < UploadData < ' _ > > ,
headers : Headers ,
conn : DbConn ,
nt : Notify ,
nt : Notify < ' _ > ,
) -> JsonResult {
post_attachment ( uuid , data , content_type, headers, conn , nt )
post_attachment ( uuid , data , headers, conn , nt ) . await
#[ post( " /ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/<attachment_id>/share " , format = " multipart/form-data " , data = " <data> " ) ]
fn post_attachment_share (
async fn post_attachment_share (
uuid : String ,
attachment_id : String ,
data : Data ,
content_type : & ContentType ,
data : Form < UploadData < ' _ > > ,
headers : Headers ,
conn : DbConn ,
nt : Notify ,
nt : Notify < ' _ > ,
) -> JsonResult {
_delete_cipher_attachment_by_id ( & uuid , & attachment_id , & headers , & conn , & nt ) ? ;
post_attachment ( uuid , data , content_type, headers, conn , nt )
post_attachment ( uuid , data , headers, conn , nt ) . await
#[ post( " /ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/<attachment_id>/delete-admin " ) ]
@ -1248,13 +1198,13 @@ fn move_cipher_selected_put(
#[ derive(FromForm) ]
struct OrganizationId {
#[ f orm(f ield = " organizationId " ) ]
#[ f ield(name = " organizationId " ) ]
org_id : String ,
#[ post( " /ciphers/purge?<organization..> " , data = " <data> " ) ]
fn delete_all (
organization : Option < Form< OrganizationId> > ,
organization : Option < OrganizationId> ,
data : JsonUpcase < PasswordData > ,
headers : Headers ,
conn : DbConn ,