@ -91,19 +91,15 @@ fn sync(data: Form<SyncData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
let folders_json : Vec < Value > = folders . iter ( ) . map ( Folder ::to_json ) . collect ( ) ;
let collections = Collection ::find_by_user_uuid ( & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) ;
let collections_json : Vec < Value > = collections
. iter ( )
. map ( | c | c . to_json_details ( & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) )
. collect ( ) ;
let collections_json : Vec < Value > =
collections . iter ( ) . map ( | c | c . to_json_details ( & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) ) . collect ( ) ;
let policies = OrgPolicy ::find_by_user ( & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) ;
let policies_json : Vec < Value > = policies . iter ( ) . map ( OrgPolicy ::to_json ) . collect ( ) ;
let ciphers = Cipher ::find_by_user_visible ( & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) ;
let ciphers_json : Vec < Value > = ciphers
. iter ( )
. map ( | c | c . to_json ( & headers . host , & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) )
. collect ( ) ;
let ciphers_json : Vec < Value > =
ciphers . iter ( ) . map ( | c | c . to_json ( & headers . host , & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) ) . collect ( ) ;
let sends = Send ::find_by_user ( & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) ;
let sends_json : Vec < Value > = sends . iter ( ) . map ( | s | s . to_json ( ) ) . collect ( ) ;
@ -130,10 +126,8 @@ fn sync(data: Form<SyncData>, headers: Headers, conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> {
fn get_ciphers ( headers : Headers , conn : DbConn ) -> Json < Value > {
let ciphers = Cipher ::find_by_user_visible ( & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) ;
let ciphers_json : Vec < Value > = ciphers
. iter ( )
. map ( | c | c . to_json ( & headers . host , & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) )
. collect ( ) ;
let ciphers_json : Vec < Value > =
ciphers . iter ( ) . map ( | c | c . to_json ( & headers . host , & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) ) . collect ( ) ;
Json ( json ! ( {
"Data" : ciphers_json ,
@ -583,11 +577,8 @@ fn post_collections_admin(
let posted_collections : HashSet < String > = data . CollectionIds . iter ( ) . cloned ( ) . collect ( ) ;
let current_collections : HashSet < String > = cipher
. get_collections ( & headers . user . uuid , & conn )
. iter ( )
. cloned ( )
. collect ( ) ;
let current_collections : HashSet < String > =
cipher . get_collections ( & headers . user . uuid , & conn ) . iter ( ) . cloned ( ) . collect ( ) ;
for collection in posted_collections . symmetric_difference ( & current_collections ) {
match Collection ::find_by_uuid ( & collection , & conn ) {
@ -823,30 +814,25 @@ fn post_attachment(
let file_name = HEXLOWER . encode ( & crypto ::get_random ( vec! [ 0 ; 10 ] ) ) ;
let path = base_path . join ( & file_name ) ;
let size = match field
. data
. save ( )
. memory_threshold ( 0 )
. size_limit ( size_limit )
. with_path ( path . clone ( ) )
SaveResult ::Full ( SavedData ::File ( _ , size ) ) = > size as i32 ,
SaveResult ::Full ( other ) = > {
std ::fs ::remove_file ( path ) . ok ( ) ;
error = Some ( format! ( "Attachment is not a file: {:?}" , other ) ) ;
return ;
SaveResult ::Partial ( _ , reason ) = > {
std ::fs ::remove_file ( path ) . ok ( ) ;
error = Some ( format! ( "Attachment size limit exceeded with this file: {:?}" , reason ) ) ;
return ;
SaveResult ::Error ( e ) = > {
std ::fs ::remove_file ( path ) . ok ( ) ;
error = Some ( format! ( "Error: {:?}" , e ) ) ;
return ;
} ;
let size =
match field . data . save ( ) . memory_threshold ( 0 ) . size_limit ( size_limit ) . with_path ( path . clone ( ) ) {
SaveResult ::Full ( SavedData ::File ( _ , size ) ) = > size as i32 ,
SaveResult ::Full ( other ) = > {
std ::fs ::remove_file ( path ) . ok ( ) ;
error = Some ( format! ( "Attachment is not a file: {:?}" , other ) ) ;
return ;
SaveResult ::Partial ( _ , reason ) = > {
std ::fs ::remove_file ( path ) . ok ( ) ;
error = Some ( format! ( "Attachment size limit exceeded with this file: {:?}" , reason ) ) ;
return ;
SaveResult ::Error ( e ) = > {
std ::fs ::remove_file ( path ) . ok ( ) ;
error = Some ( format! ( "Error: {:?}" , e ) ) ;
return ;
} ;
let mut attachment = Attachment ::new ( file_name , cipher . uuid . clone ( ) , name , size ) ;
attachment . akey = attachment_key . clone ( ) ;
@ -878,11 +864,7 @@ fn post_attachment_admin(
post_attachment ( uuid , data , content_type , headers , conn , nt )
#[ post(
"/ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/<attachment_id>/share" ,
format = "multipart/form-data" ,
data = "<data>"
) ]
#[ post( " /ciphers/<uuid>/attachment/<attachment_id>/share " , format = " multipart/form-data " , data = " <data> " ) ]
fn post_attachment_share (
uuid : String ,
attachment_id : String ,