@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
get_organization_tax ,
get_plans ,
get_plans_tax_rates ,
import ,
@ -1076,3 +1077,101 @@ fn get_plans_tax_rates(_headers: Headers, _conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult {
"ContinuationToken" : null
} ) ) )
#[ derive(Deserialize, Debug) ]
#[ allow(non_snake_case) ]
struct OrgImportGroupData {
Name : String , // "GroupName"
ExternalId : String , // "cn=GroupName,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
Users : Vec < String > , // ["uid=user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"]
#[ derive(Deserialize, Debug) ]
#[ allow(non_snake_case) ]
struct OrgImportUserData {
Email : String , // "user@maildomain.net"
ExternalId : String , // "uid=user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
Deleted : bool ,
#[ derive(Deserialize, Debug) ]
#[ allow(non_snake_case) ]
struct OrgImportData {
Groups : Vec < OrgImportGroupData > ,
OverwriteExisting : bool ,
Users : Vec < OrgImportUserData > ,
#[ post( " /organizations/<org_id>/import " , data = " <data> " ) ]
fn import ( org_id : String , data : JsonUpcase < OrgImportData > , headers : Headers , conn : DbConn ) -> EmptyResult {
let data = data . into_inner ( ) . data ;
println! ( "{:#?}" , data ) ;
// TODO: Currently we aren't storing the externalId's anywhere, so we also don't have a way
// to differentiate between auto-imported users and manually added ones.
// This means that this endpoint can end up removing users that were added manually by an admin,
// as opposed to upstream which only removes auto-imported users.
// User needs to be admin or owner to use the Directry Connector
match UserOrganization ::find_by_user_and_org ( & headers . user . uuid , & org_id , & conn ) {
Some ( user_org ) if user_org . atype > = UserOrgType ::Admin = > { /* Okay, nothing to do */ }
Some ( _ ) = > err ! ( "User has insufficient permissions to use Directory Connector" ) ,
None = > err ! ( "User not part of organization" ) ,
} ;
for user_data in & data . Users {
if user_data . Deleted {
// If user is marked for deletion and it exists, delete it
if let Some ( user_org ) = UserOrganization ::find_by_email_and_org ( & user_data . Email , & org_id , & conn ) {
user_org . delete ( & conn ) ? ;
// If user is not part of the organization, but it exists
} else if UserOrganization ::find_by_email_and_org ( & user_data . Email , & org_id , & conn ) . is_none ( ) {
if let Some ( user ) = User ::find_by_mail ( & user_data . Email , & conn ) {
let user_org_status = if CONFIG . mail_enabled ( ) {
UserOrgStatus ::Invited as i32
} else {
UserOrgStatus ::Accepted as i32 // Automatically mark user as accepted if no email invites
} ;
let mut new_org_user = UserOrganization ::new ( user . uuid . clone ( ) , org_id . clone ( ) ) ;
new_org_user . access_all = false ;
new_org_user . atype = UserOrgType ::User as i32 ;
new_org_user . status = user_org_status ;
new_org_user . save ( & conn ) ? ;
if CONFIG . mail_enabled ( ) {
let org_name = match Organization ::find_by_uuid ( & org_id , & conn ) {
Some ( org ) = > org . name ,
None = > err ! ( "Error looking up organization" ) ,
} ;
mail ::send_invite (
& user_data . Email ,
& user . uuid ,
Some ( org_id . clone ( ) ) ,
Some ( new_org_user . uuid ) ,
& org_name ,
Some ( headers . user . email . clone ( ) ) ,
) ? ;
// If this flag is enabled, any user that isn't provided in the Users list will be removed (by default they will be kept unless they have Deleted == true)
if data . OverwriteExisting {
for user_org in UserOrganization ::find_by_org_and_type ( & org_id , UserOrgType ::User as i32 , & conn ) {
if let Some ( user_email ) = User ::find_by_uuid ( & user_org . user_uuid , & conn ) . map ( | u | u . email ) {
if ! data . Users . iter ( ) . any ( | u | u . Email = = user_email ) {
user_org . delete ( & conn ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )