@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
use std ::collections ::{ HashMap , HashSet } ;
use std ::path ::Path ;
use chrono ::{ NaiveDateTime , Utc } ;
use rocket ::{ http ::ContentType , request ::Form , Data , Route } ;
use rocket_contrib ::json ::Json ;
use serde_json ::Value ;
@ -194,6 +195,14 @@ pub struct CipherData {
#[ serde(rename = " Attachments " ) ]
_Attachments : Option < Value > , // Unused, contains map of {id: filename}
Attachments2 : Option < HashMap < String , Attachments2Data > > ,
// The revision datetime (in ISO 8601 format) of the client's local copy
// of the cipher. This is used to prevent a client from updating a cipher
// when it doesn't have the latest version, as that can result in data
// loss. It's not an error when no value is provided; this can happen
// when using older client versions, or if the operation doesn't involve
// updating an existing cipher.
LastKnownRevisionDate : Option < String > ,
#[ derive(Deserialize, Debug) ]
@ -238,6 +247,17 @@ pub fn update_cipher_from_data(
nt : & Notify ,
ut : UpdateType ,
) -> EmptyResult {
// Check that the client isn't updating an existing cipher with stale data.
if let Some ( dt ) = data . LastKnownRevisionDate {
match NaiveDateTime ::parse_from_str ( & dt , "%+" ) { // ISO 8601 format
Err ( err ) = >
warn ! ( "Error parsing LastKnownRevisionDate '{}': {}" , dt , err ) ,
Ok ( dt ) if cipher . updated_at . signed_duration_since ( dt ) . num_seconds ( ) > 1 = >
err ! ( "The client copy of this cipher is out of date. Resync the client and try again." ) ,
Ok ( _ ) = > ( ) ,
if cipher . organization_uuid . is_some ( ) & & cipher . organization_uuid ! = data . OrganizationId {
err ! ( "Organization mismatch. Please resync the client before updating the cipher" )
@ -1030,7 +1050,7 @@ fn _delete_cipher_by_uuid(uuid: &str, headers: &Headers, conn: &DbConn, soft_del
if soft_delete {
cipher . deleted_at = Some ( chrono:: Utc::now ( ) . naive_utc ( ) ) ;
cipher . deleted_at = Some ( Utc::now ( ) . naive_utc ( ) ) ;
cipher . save ( & conn ) ? ;
nt . send_cipher_update ( UpdateType ::CipherUpdate , & cipher , & cipher . update_users_revision ( & conn ) ) ;
} else {