- You may want to check out the reddit_api, build it using `python setup.py build` and then copy the /reddit directory to this directory. The reason I don't provide it is that the reddit_api changes frequently and I don't want to include a static old version here. I also don't want to have a git repo in a git repo.
- If you fill in your user/passwd in your reddit_api then you won't be asked for login details when you run the program! Otherwise you'll be prompted every time.
- Only your previous 1,000 comments are accessable on Reddit. So good luck deleting the others. There may be ways to hack around this via iterating using sorting by top/best/controversial/new but for now I am unsure. I believe it best to set the script settings and run it as a cron job and then it won't be a problem unless you post *a lot*