@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ apps here: https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps/
3. Run this script
4. At the prompt copy the URL and open it in your browser. Allow access to your
private app and it'll redirect you to a broken webpage.
5. Copy the &secret=abc123 into refresh_token in praw.ini
5. Copy the code printed into your console as the oauth_refresh_token and enter
t in praw.ini
6. All future requests through praw will use praw.ini to login with OAuth2
Once client/secret/refresh are in praw.ini you only have to call
refresh_access_information() instead of get_authorize_url() ->
@ -44,7 +46,8 @@ application = web.Application([
except HTTPException:
url = r.get_authorize_url('uniqueKey', ['identity', 'read', 'vote', 'edit'], True)
url = r.get_authorize_url('uniqueKey', ['identity', 'read', 'vote', 'edit',
'history'], True)
print("Please open: ", url)
server = HTTPServer(application)