import arrow import argparse import json import logging import os import praw import sys import time import yaml from datetime import datetime, timedelta from praw.models import Comment, Submission from prawcore.exceptions import ResponseException, OAuthException, BadRequest from re import sub from shreddit.util import get_sentence, ShredditError class Shredder(object): """This class stores state for configuration, API objects, logging, etc. It exposes a shred() method that application code can call to start it. """ def __init__(self, config, user): logging.basicConfig() self._logger = logging.getLogger("shreddit") self._logger.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG if config.get("verbose", True) else logging.INFO) self.__dict__.update({"_{}".format(k): config[k] for k in config}) self._user = user self._connect() if self._save_directory: self._r.config.store_json_result = True self._recent_cutoff = self._nuke_cutoff = if self._save_directory: if not os.path.exists(self._save_directory): os.makedirs(self._save_directory) # Add any multireddit subreddits to the whitelist self._whitelist = set([s.lower() for s in self._whitelist]) for username, multiname in self._multi_whitelist: multireddit = self._r.get_multireddit(username, multiname) for subreddit in multireddit.subreddits: self._whitelist.add(str(subreddit).lower()) # Add any multireddit subreddits to the blacklist self._blacklist = set() for username, multiname in self._multi_blacklist: multireddit = self._r.get_multireddit(username, multiname) for subreddit in multireddit.subreddits: self._blacklist.add(str(subreddit).lower())"Deleting ALL items before {}".format(self._nuke_cutoff))"Deleting items not whitelisted until {}".format(self._recent_cutoff))"Ignoring ALL items after {}".format(self._recent_cutoff))"Targeting {} sorted by {}".format(self._item, self._sort)) if self._blacklist:"Deleting ALL items from subreddits {}".format(", ".join(list(self._blacklist)))) if self._whitelist:"Keeping items from subreddits {}".format(", ".join(list(self._whitelist)))) if self._keep_a_copy and self._save_directory:"Saving deleted items to: {}".format(self._save_directory)) if self._trial_run:"Trial run - no deletion will be performed") def shred(self): deleted = self._remove_things(self._build_iterator())"Finished deleting {} items. ".format(deleted)) if deleted >= 1000: # This user has more than 1000 items to handle, which angers the gods of the Reddit API. So chill for a # while and do it again."Waiting {} seconds and continuing...".format(self._batch_cooldown)) time.sleep(self._batch_cooldown) self._connect() self.shred() def _connect(self): try: self._r = praw.Reddit(self._user, check_for_updates=False, user_agent="python:shreddit:v6.0.4")"Logged in as {user}.".format( except ResponseException: raise ShredditError("Bad OAuth credentials") except OAuthException: raise ShredditError("Bad username or password") def _check_whitelist(self, item): """Returns True if the item is whitelisted, False otherwise. """ if str(item.subreddit).lower() in self._whitelist or in self._whitelist_ids: return True if self._whitelist_distinguished and item.distinguished: return True if self._whitelist_gilded and item.gilded: return True if self._max_score is not None and item.score > self._max_score: return True return False def _save_item(self, item): with open(os.path.join(self._save_directory, "{}.json".format(, "w") as fh: # This is a temporary replacement for the old .json_dict property: output = {k: item.__dict__[k] for k in item.__dict__ if not k.startswith("_")} output["subreddit"] = output["subreddit"].title output["author"] = output["author"].name json.dump(output, fh) def _remove_submission(self, sub):"Deleting submission: #{id} {url}".format(, url=sub.url.encode("utf-8"))) def _remove_comment(self, comment): if self._replacement_format == "random": replacement_text = get_sentence() elif self._replacement_format == "dot": replacement_text = "." else: replacement_text = self._replacement_format short_text = sub(b"\n\r\t", " ", comment.body[:35].encode("utf-8")) msg = "/r/{}/ #{} ({}) with: {}".format(comment.subreddit,, short_text, replacement_text) self._logger.debug("Editing and deleting {msg}".format(msg=msg)) if not self._trial_run: comment.edit(replacement_text) def _remove(self, item): if self._keep_a_copy and self._save_directory: self._save_item(item) if self._clear_vote: try: item.clear_vote() except BadRequest: self._logger.debug("Couldn't clear vote on {item}".format(item=item)) if isinstance(item, Submission): self._remove_submission(item) elif isinstance(item, Comment): self._remove_comment(item) if not self._trial_run: item.delete() def _remove_things(self, items):"Loading items to delete...") to_delete = [item for item in items]"Done. Starting on batch of {} items...".format(len(to_delete))) count, count_removed = 0, 0 for item in to_delete: count += 1 self._logger.debug("Examining item {}: {}".format(count, item)) created = arrow.get(item.created_utc) if str(item.subreddit).lower() in self._blacklist: self._logger.debug("Deleting due to blacklist") count_removed += 1 self._remove(item) elif self._check_whitelist(item): self._logger.debug("Skipping due to: whitelisted") continue if created <= self._nuke_cutoff: self._logger.debug("Item occurs prior to nuke cutoff") count_removed += 1 self._remove(item) elif created > self._recent_cutoff: self._logger.debug("Skipping due to: too recent") continue else: count_removed += 1 self._remove(item) return count_removed def _build_iterator(self): item = if self._item == "comments": item = item.comments elif self._item == "submitted": item = item.submissions if self._sort == "new": return elif self._sort == "top": return elif self._sort == "hot": return elif self._sort == "controversial": return item.controversial(limit=None) else: raise ShredditError("Sorting \"{}\" not recognized.".format(self._sort))