#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import logging import argparse import json import yaml import praw from re import sub from random import shuffle, randint from datetime import datetime, timedelta from praw.errors import InvalidUser, InvalidUserPass, RateLimitExceeded, \ HTTPException, OAuthAppRequired from praw.objects import Comment, Submission logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(level=logging.WARNING) try: from loremipsum import get_sentence # This only works on Python 2 except ImportError: def get_sentence(): return '''I have been Shreddited for privacy!''' os_wordlist = '/usr/share/dict/words' if os.name == 'posix' and os.path.isfile(os_wordlist): # Generate a random string of words from our system's dictionary fh = open(os_wordlist) words = fh.read().splitlines() fh.close() shuffle(words) def get_sentence(): return ' '.join(words[:randint(50, 150)]) assert get_sentence parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '-c', '--config', help="config file to use instead of the default shreddit.cfg" ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.config: config_file = args.config else: config_file = 'shreddit.yml' with open(config_file, 'r') as fh: config = yaml.safe_load(fh) if config is None: raise Exception("No config options passed!") save_directory = config.get('save_directory', '.') r = praw.Reddit(user_agent="shreddit/4.2") if save_directory: r.config.store_json_result = True if config.get('verbose', True): log.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG) try: # Try to login with OAuth2 r.refresh_access_information() log.debug("Logged in with OAuth.") except (HTTPException, OAuthAppRequired) as e: log.warning("You should migrate to OAuth2 using get_secret.py before \ Reddit disables this login method.") try: try: r.login(config['username'], config['password']) except InvalidUserPass: r.login() # Supply details on the command line except InvalidUser as e: raise InvalidUser("User does not exist.", e) except InvalidUserPass as e: raise InvalidUserPass("Specified an incorrect password.", e) except RateLimitExceeded as e: raise RateLimitExceeded("You're doing that too much.", e) log.info("Logged in as {user}.".format(user=r.user)) log.debug("Deleting messages before {time}.".format( time=datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=config['hours']))) whitelist = config.get('whitelist', []) whitelist_ids = config.get('whitelist_ids', []) if config.get('whitelist'): log.debug("Keeping messages from subreddits {subs}".format( subs=', '.join(whitelist)) ) def get_things(after=None): limit = None item = config.get('item', 'comments') sort = config.get('sort', 'new') log.debug("Deleting items: {item}".format(item=item)) if item == "comments": return r.user.get_comments(limit=limit, sort=sort) elif item == "submitted": return r.user.get_submitted(limit=limit, sort=sort) elif item == "overview": return r.user.get_overview(limit=limit, sort=sort) else: raise Exception("Your deletion section is wrong") def remove_things(things): for thing in things: log.debug('Starting remove function on: {thing}'.format(thing=thing)) # Seems to be in users's timezone. Unclear. thing_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(thing.created_utc) # Exclude items from being deleted unless past X hours. after_time = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=config.get('hours', 24)) if thing_time > after_time: if thing_time + timedelta(hours=config.get('nuke_hours', 4320)) < datetime.utcnow(): pass continue # For edit_only we're assuming that the hours aren't altered. # This saves time when deleting (you don't edit already edited posts). if config.get('edit_only'): end_time = after_time - timedelta(hours=config.get('hours', 24)) if thing_time < end_time: continue if str(thing.subreddit).lower() in config.get('whitelist', []) \ or thing.id in config.get('whitelist_ids', []): continue if config.get('whitelist_distinguished') and thing.distinguished: continue if config.get('whitelist_gilded') and thing.gilded: continue if 'max_score' in config and thing.score > config['max_score']: continue if config.get('save_directory'): save_directory = config['save_directory'] if not os.path.exists(save_directory): os.makedirs(save_directory) with open("%s/%s.json" % (save_directory, thing.id), "w") as fh: json.dump(thing.json_dict, fh) if config.get('trial_run'): # Don't do anything, trial mode! log.debug("Would have deleted {thing}: '{content}'".format( thing=thing.id, content=thing)) continue if config.get('clear_vote'): thing.clear_vote() if isinstance(thing, Submission): log.info('Deleting submission: #{id} {url}'.format( id=thing.id, url=thing.url.encode('utf-8')) ) elif isinstance(thing, Comment): replacement_text = get_sentence() msg = '/r/{3}/ #{0} with:\n\t"{1}" to\n\t"{2}"'.format( thing.id, sub(b'\n\r\t', ' ', thing.body[:78].encode('utf-8')), replacement_text[:78], thing.subreddit ) if config.get('edit_only'): log.info('Editing (not removing) {msg}'.format(msg=msg)) else: log.info('Editing and deleting {msg}'.format(msg=msg)) thing.edit(replacement_text) if not config.get('edit_only'): thing.delete() remove_things(get_things())