Shreddit ########### Details ----------- Uses the praw over at to do all the heavy lifting. Usage ----------- - Just run `./schreddit` - You will need the `praw` Reddit Python library installed somewhere. I advise taking a read of Tit-bits ----------- - If you fill in your user/passwd in your reddit.cfg then you won't be asked for login details when you run the program! Otherwise you'll be prompted every time. Cron examples ----------- - Run crontab -e to edit your cron file. If you have access to something like vixie-cron then each user can have their own personal cron job! - Run every hour on the hour `0 * * * * cd /home/$USER/Shreddit/; ./shreddit` - Run at 3am every morning `0 3 * * * cd /home/$USER/Shreddit/; ./shreddit` - Run once a month on the 1st of the month `0 0 1 * * cd /home/$USER/Shreddit/; ./shreddit` Caveats ----------- - Only your previous 1,000 comments are accessable on Reddit. So good luck deleting the others. There may be ways to hack around this via iterating using sorting by top/best/controversial/new but for now I am unsure. I believe it best to set the script settings and run it as a cron job and then it won't be a problem unless you post *a lot* - Would make life easier if Reddit just did a "DELETE * FROM abc_def WHERE user_id = 1337" - You require the reddit python library somewhere in your PYTHONPATH Donations ---------- If you enjoy the added privacy from this script consider donating a tiny wee bit to myself, I will love you forever if you do! 17x7Zp3SKGMJu7S3MGa5ktKVDj4ZVAqB14