#!/usr/bin/env python ''' So I heard you want to use OAuth2? This is a helper tool that gets the authenticaton code for you and fires it into praw.ini. How to use: - Visit: https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps - Create new "script", under "redirect uri" put - Open praw.ini - oauth_client_id = { The ID displayed under the icon thingy } - oauth_client_secret = { The secret } - oauth_redirect_uri = - Run this script - Your browser will open to a page on Reddit listing requested perms - Click permit ''' import praw import webbrowser from warnings import warn from praw.errors import HTTPException, OAuthAppRequired from tornado import gen, web from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer r = praw.Reddit('Shreddit refresh token grabber') class Page(web.RequestHandler): def get(self): code = self.get_argument("code", default=None, strip=False) self.write("Success! Your code: %s
\ It will now be appended to praw.ini and you \ should be able to enjoy Shreddit without storing \ your user / pass anywhere." % code) IOLoop.current().stop() self.login(code) def login(self, code): deets = r.get_access_information(code) print("oauth_refresh_token: %s" % deets['refresh_token']) r.set_access_credentials(**deets) with open('praw.ini', mode='a') as fh: fh.write('oauth_refresh_token = %s' % deets['refresh_token']) print("Refresh token written to praw.ini") application = web.Application([(r"/", Page)]) try: r.refresh_access_information() except HTTPException: url = r.get_authorize_url('uniqueKey', ['identity', 'read', 'vote', 'edit', 'history'], True) try: print("Opening url: %s" % url) webbrowser.open(url, new=2) except NameError: warn('''Couldn't open URL: %s\n please do so manually''' % url) server = HTTPServer(application) server.listen(65010) IOLoop.current().start() if r.user == None: print("Failed to log in. Something went wrong!") else: print("Logged in as %s." % r.user) print()