"""This module contains common utilities for the rest of the package. """ import random WORDLIST = "/usr/share/dict/words" STATIC_TEXT = "I have been Shreddited for privacy!" try: from loremipsum import get_sentence except ImportError: def get_sentence(): """This keeps the mess of dealing with the loremipsum library out of the shredding code. Until the maintainer of the loremipsum package uploads a version that works with Python 3 to pypi, it is necessary to provide a drop-in replacement. The current solution is to return a static text string unless the operating system has a word list. If that is the case, use it instead. """ try: lines = [line.strip() for line in open(WORDLIST).readlines()] return " ".join(random.sample(lines, random.randint(50, 150))) except IOError: # The word list wasn't available... return STATIC_TEXT