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David Trail e9abdf7a84
Generate an improved pre-delete edit text.
12 years ago
.gitignore Ignore the config, I think this is the correct course of action for config files anyway... 13 years ago
LICENSE omg BSD 13 years ago
README.rst Using the latest version of PRAW instead of the old reddit_api 12 years ago
schreddit Blarg 13 years ago
shreddit Generate an improved pre-delete edit text. 12 years ago
shreddit.cfg Generate an improved pre-delete edit text. 12 years ago



Uses the praw over at to do all the heavy lifting.

- Just run `./schreddit`
- You will need the `praw` Reddit Python library installed somewhere. I advise taking a read of

- If you fill in your user/passwd in your reddit.cfg then you won't be asked for login details when you run the program! Otherwise you'll be prompted every time.

Cron examples
- Run crontab -e to edit your cron file. If you have access to something like vixie-cron then each user can have their own personal cron job!

- Run every hour on the hour
	`0 * * * * cd /home/$USER/Shreddit/; ./shreddit`

- Run at 3am every morning
	`0 3 * * * cd /home/$USER/Shreddit/; ./shreddit`

- Run once a month on the 1st of the month
	`0 0 1 * * cd /home/$USER/Shreddit/; ./shreddit`

- Only your previous 1,000 comments are accessable on Reddit. So good luck deleting the others. There may be ways to hack around this via iterating using sorting by top/best/controversial/new but for now I am unsure. I believe it best to set the script settings and run it as a cron job and then it won't be a problem unless you post *a lot*

- Would make life easier if Reddit just did a "DELETE * FROM abc_def WHERE user_id = 1337"

- You require the reddit python library somewhere in your PYTHONPATH