import { readFileSync, writeFileSync, statSync, copyFileSync } from 'fs' import { resolve } from 'path' import { homedir } from 'os' import yaml from 'js-yaml' import CronParser from 'cron-parser' import { Backend, Config } from './types' import { makeArrayIfIsNot, makeObjectKeysLowercase, rand } from './utils' export enum LocationFromPrefixes { Filesystem, DockerVolume, } export const normalizeAndCheckBackends = (config: Config) => { config.backends = makeObjectKeysLowercase(config.backends) for (const [name, { type, path, key, }] of Object.entries(config.backends)) { if (!type || !path) throw new Error(`The backend "${name}" is missing some required attributes`) const tmp: any = { type, path, key: key || rand(128), } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(rest)) tmp[key.toUpperCase()] = value config.backends[name] = tmp as Backend } } export const normalizeAndCheckLocations = (config: Config) => { config.locations = makeObjectKeysLowercase(config.locations) const backends = Object.keys(config.backends) const checkDestination = (backend: string, location: string) => { if (!backends.includes(backend)) throw new Error(`Cannot find the backend "${backend}" for "${location}"`) } for (const [name, { from, to, cron, }] of Object.entries(config.locations)) { if (!from) throw new Error(`The location "${}" is missing the "${'from'}" source folder. See`) if (!to || (Array.isArray(to) && !to.length)) throw new Error(`The location "${}" has no backend "${'to'}" to save the backups. See`) for (const t of makeArrayIfIsNot(to)) checkDestination(t, name) if (cron) { try { CronParser.parseExpression(cron) } catch { throw new Error(`The location "${}" has an invalid ${'cron'} entry. See`) } } } } const findConfigFile = (custom: string): string => { const config = '.autorestic.yml' const paths = [resolve(custom || ''), resolve('./' + config), homedir() + '/' + config] for (const path of paths) { try { const file = statSync(path) if (file.isFile()) return path } catch (e) {} } throw new Error('Config file not found') } export let CONFIG_FILE: string = '' export const init = (custom: string): Config => { const file = findConfigFile(custom) CONFIG_FILE = file const parsed = yaml.safeLoad(readFileSync(CONFIG_FILE).toString()) if (!parsed || typeof parsed === 'string') throw new Error('Could not parse the config file') const raw: Config = makeObjectKeysLowercase(parsed) const current = JSON.stringify(raw) normalizeAndCheckBackends(raw) normalizeAndCheckLocations(raw) const changed = JSON.stringify(raw) !== current if (changed) { const OLD_CONFIG_FILE = CONFIG_FILE + '.old' copyFileSync(CONFIG_FILE, OLD_CONFIG_FILE) writeFileSync(CONFIG_FILE, yaml.safeDump(raw)) console.log( '\n' + '⚠️ MOVED OLD CONFIG FILE TO: ⚠️'.red.underline.bold + '\n' + OLD_CONFIG_FILE + '\n' + 'What? Why? '.grey + ''.underline.grey + '\n' ) } return raw }