Overview Hooks Exluding Files Forget Policy Cron Docker Volumes
Since version 0.13 autorestic supports docker volumes directly, without needing them to be mounted to the host filesystem.
Let see an example.
1version: '3.7'
4 data:
5 name: my-data
8 api:
9 image: alpine
10 volumes:
11 - data:/foo/bar
2 hello:
3 from: 'volume:my-data'
4 to:
5 - remote
6 options:
7 forget:
8 keep-last: 14 # Useful for limitations explained belowd
11 remote: ...
Now you can backup and restore as always.
1autorestic -l hello backup
1autorestic -l hello restore
If the volume does not exist on restore, autorestic will create it for you and then fill it with the data.
Unfortunately there are some limitations when backing up directly from a docker volume without mounting the volume to the host:
If you are curious or have ideas how to improve this, please read more here. Any help is welcomed 🙂