import { chmodSync, renameSync, unlinkSync } from 'fs' import { tmpdir } from 'os' import { join, resolve } from 'path' import axios from 'axios' import { Writer } from 'clitastic' import { config, INSTALL_DIR, VERSION } from './autorestic' import { checkAndConfigureBackends, getBackendsFromLocations, getEnvFromBackend } from './backend' import { backupAll } from './backup' import { forgetAll } from './forget' import showAll from './info' import { restoreSingle } from './restore' import { Backends, Flags, Locations } from './types' import { checkIfCommandIsAvailable, checkIfResticIsAvailable, downloadFile, exec, filterObjectByKey, ConfigError, makeArrayIfIsNot, } from './utils' export type Handlers = { [command: string]: (args: string[], flags: Flags) => void } const parseBackend = (flags: Flags): Backends => { if (!config) throw ConfigError if (!flags.all && !flags.backend) throw new Error( 'No backends specified.'.red + '\n--all [-a]\t\t\t\tCheck all.' + '\n--backend [-b] myBackend\t\tSpecify one or more backend', ) if (flags.all) return config.backends else { const backends = makeArrayIfIsNot(flags.backend) for (const backend of backends) if (!config.backends[backend]) throw new Error('Invalid backend: '.red + backend) return filterObjectByKey(config.backends, backends) } } const parseLocations = (flags: Flags): Locations => { if (!config) throw ConfigError if (!flags.all && !flags.location) throw new Error( 'No locations specified.'.red + '\n--all [-a]\t\t\t\tBackup all.' + '\n--location [-l] site1\t\t\tSpecify one or more locations', ) if (flags.all) { return config.locations } else { const locations = makeArrayIfIsNot(flags.location) for (const location of locations) if (!config.locations[location]) throw new Error('Invalid location: '.red + location) return filterObjectByKey(config.locations, locations) } } const handlers: Handlers = { check(args, flags) { checkIfResticIsAvailable() const backends = parseBackend(flags) checkAndConfigureBackends(backends) }, backup(args, flags) { if (!config) throw ConfigError checkIfResticIsAvailable() const locations: Locations = parseLocations(flags) checkAndConfigureBackends( filterObjectByKey(config.backends, getBackendsFromLocations(locations)), ) backupAll(locations) console.log('\nFinished!'.underline + ' 🎉') }, restore(args, flags) { if (!config) throw ConfigError checkIfResticIsAvailable() const locations = parseLocations(flags) const keys = Object.keys(locations) if (keys.length < 1) throw new Error(`You need to specify the location to restore with --location`.red) if (keys.length > 2) throw new Error(`Only one location is supported at a time when restoring`.red) restoreSingle(keys[0], flags.from, }, forget(args, flags) { if (!config) throw ConfigError checkIfResticIsAvailable() const locations: Locations = parseLocations(flags) checkAndConfigureBackends( filterObjectByKey(config.backends, getBackendsFromLocations(locations)), ) forgetAll(locations, flags) console.log('\nFinished!'.underline + ' 🎉') }, exec(args, flags) { checkIfResticIsAvailable() const backends = parseBackend(flags) for (const [name, backend] of Object.entries(backends)) { console.log(`\n${name}:\n`.grey.underline) const env = getEnvFromBackend(backend) const { out, err } = exec('restic', args, { env }) console.log(out, err) } }, info() { showAll() }, async install() { try { checkIfResticIsAvailable() console.log('Restic is already installed') return } catch { } const w = new Writer('Checking latest version... ⏳') checkIfCommandIsAvailable('bzip2') const { data: json } = await axios({ method: 'get', url: '', responseType: 'json', }) const archMap: { [a: string]: string } = { x32: '386', x64: 'amd64', } w.replaceLn('Downloading binary... 🌎') const name = `${' ', '_')}_${process.platform}_${archMap[process.arch]}.bz2` const dl = json.assets.find((asset: any) => === name) if (!dl) return console.log( 'Cannot get the right binary.'.red, 'Please see', ) const tmp = join(tmpdir(), name) const extracted = tmp.slice(0, -4) //without the .bz2 await downloadFile(dl.browser_download_url, tmp) w.replaceLn('Decompressing binary... 📦') exec('bzip2', ['-dk', tmp]) unlinkSync(tmp) w.replaceLn(`Moving to ${INSTALL_DIR} 🚙`) chmodSync(extracted, 0o755) renameSync(extracted, INSTALL_DIR + '/restic') w.done( `\nFinished! restic is installed under: ${INSTALL_DIR}`.underline + ' 🎉', ) }, uninstall() { for (const bin of ['restic', 'autorestic']) try { unlinkSync(INSTALL_DIR + '/' + bin) console.log(`Finished! ${bin} was uninstalled`) } catch (e) { console.log(`${bin} is already uninstalled`.red) } }, async update() { checkIfResticIsAvailable() const w = new Writer('Checking for latest restic version... ⏳') exec('restic', ['self-update']) w.replaceLn('Checking for latest autorestic version... ⏳') const { data: json } = await axios({ method: 'get', url: '', responseType: 'json', }) if (json.tag_name != VERSION) { const platformMap: { [key: string]: string } = { darwin: 'macos', } const name = `autorestic_${platformMap[process.platform] || process.platform}_${process.arch}` const dl = json.assets.find((asset: any) => === name) const to = INSTALL_DIR + '/autorestic' w.replaceLn('Downloading binary... 🌎') await downloadFile(dl.browser_download_url, to) chmodSync(to, 0o755) } w.done('All up to date! 🚀') }, version() { console.log('version'.grey, VERSION) }, } export const help = () => { console.log( '\nAutorestic'.blue + ` - ${VERSION} - Easy Restic CLI Utility` + '\n' + '\nOptions:'.yellow + `\n -c, --config Specify config file. Default: .autorestic.yml` + '\n' + '\nCommands:'.yellow + '\n info Show all locations and backends' + '\n check [-b, --backend] [-a, --all] Check backends' + '\n backup [-l, --location] [-a, --all] Backup all or specified locations' + '\n forget [-l, --location] [-a, --all] [--dry-run] Forget old snapshots according to declared policies' + '\n restore [-l, --location] [--from backend] [--to ] Restore all or specified locations' + '\n' + '\n exec [-b, --backend] [-a, --all] -- [native options] Execute native restic command' + '\n' + '\n install install restic' + '\n uninstall uninstall restic' + '\n update update restic' + '\n help Show help' + '\n' + '\nExamples: '.yellow + '' + '\n', ) } export const error = () => { help() console.log( `Invalid Command:`.red.underline, `${process.argv.slice(2).join(' ')}`, ) } export default handlers