import axios from 'axios' import { spawnSync, SpawnSyncOptions } from 'child_process' import { randomBytes } from 'crypto' import { createWriteStream } from 'fs' import { dirname, isAbsolute, resolve } from 'path' import { CONFIG_FILE } from './config' import { Location } from './types' export const exec = ( command: string, args: string[], { env, }: SpawnSyncOptions = {}, ) => { const cmd = spawnSync(command, args, {, env: { ...process.env, ...env, }, }) const out = cmd.stdout && cmd.stdout.toString().trim() const err = cmd.stderr && cmd.stderr.toString().trim() return { out, err } } export const execPlain = (command: string, opt: SpawnSyncOptions = {}) => { const split = command.split(' ') if (split.length < 1) { console.log(`The command ${command} is not valid`.red) return } return exec(split[0], split.slice(1), opt) } export const checkIfResticIsAvailable = () => checkIfCommandIsAvailable( 'restic', 'Restic is not installed'.red + '', ) export const checkIfCommandIsAvailable = (cmd: string, errorMsg?: string) => { if (require('child_process').spawnSync(cmd).error) throw new Error(errorMsg ? errorMsg : `"${errorMsg}" is not installed`.red) } export const makeObjectKeysLowercase = (object: Object): any => Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(object).map(([key, value]) => [key.toLowerCase(), value]), ) export function rand(length = 32): string { return randomBytes(length / 2).toString('hex') } export const filterObject = ( obj: { [key: string]: T }, filter: (item: [string, T]) => boolean, ): { [key: string]: T } => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).filter(filter)) export const filterObjectByKey = ( obj: { [key: string]: T }, keys: string[], ) => filterObject(obj, ([key]) => keys.includes(key)) export const downloadFile = async (url: string, to: string) => new Promise(async res => { const { data: file } = await axios({ method: 'get', url: url, responseType: 'stream', }) const stream = createWriteStream(to) const writer = file.pipe(stream) writer.on('close', () => { stream.close() res() }) }) // Check if is an absolute path, otherwise get the path relative to the config file export const pathRelativeToConfigFile = (path: string): string => isAbsolute(path) ? path : resolve(dirname(CONFIG_FILE), path) export const ConfigError = new Error('Config file not found') export const getFlagsFromLocation = (location: Location, command?: string): string[] => { if (!location.options) return [] const all = {, ...(location.options[command || ''] || {}), } let flags: string[] = [] // Map the flags to an array for the exec function. for (let [flag, values] of Object.entries(all)) for (const value of makeArrayIfIsNot(values)) flags = [...flags, `--${String(flag)}`, String(value)] return flags } export const makeArrayIfIsNot = (maybeArray: T | T[]): T[] => Array.isArray(maybeArray) ? maybeArray : [maybeArray]