/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
/* eslint-env browser */
import _ from 'lodash' ;
import { HomeAssistant } from 'custom-card-helpers' ;
import Plex from './modules/Plex' ;
import { fetchEntityRegistry } from './modules/utils' ;
class PlexMeetsHomeAssistantEditor extends HTMLElement {
content : any ;
plexPort : number | false = false ;
plexProtocol : 'http' | 'https' = 'http' ;
plex : Plex | undefined ;
config : Record < string , any > = { } ;
ip : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
token : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
port : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
maxCount : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
maxRows : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
displayTitleMain : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-dropdown-menu' ) ;
displaySubtitleMain : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-dropdown-menu' ) ;
useHorizontalScroll : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-dropdown-menu' ) ;
minWidth : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
minEpisodeWidth : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
minExpandedWidth : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
minExpandedHeight : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
fontSize1 : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
fontSize2 : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
fontSize3 : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
fontSize4 : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
cardTitle : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-input' ) ;
libraryName : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-dropdown-menu' ) ;
protocol : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-dropdown-menu' ) ;
tabs : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-tabs' ) ;
sort : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-dropdown-menu' ) ;
sortOrder : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-dropdown-menu' ) ;
playTrailer : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-dropdown-menu' ) ;
showExtras : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-dropdown-menu' ) ;
showSearch : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-dropdown-menu' ) ;
runBefore : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-dropdown-menu' ) ;
runAfter : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-dropdown-menu' ) ;
entitiesSection : any = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
devicesTabs = 0 ;
hassObj : HomeAssistant | undefined ;
entities : Array < any > = [ ] ;
scriptEntities : Array < string > = [ ] ;
sections : Array < Record < string , any > > = [ ] ;
collections : Array < Record < string , any > > = [ ] ;
playlists : Array < Record < string , any > > = [ ] ;
clients : Record < string , any > = { } ;
entitiesRegistry : false | Array < Record < string , any > > = false ;
plexValidSection = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
loaded = false ;
livetv : Record < string , any > = { } ;
fireEvent = (
node : HTMLElement ,
type : string ,
detail : Record < string , any > ,
options : Record < string , any > = { }
) : Event = > {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
detail = detail === null || detail === undefined ? { } : detail ;
const event : any = new Event ( type , {
bubbles : options.bubbles === undefined ? true : options . bubbles ,
cancelable : Boolean ( options . cancelable ) ,
composed : options.composed === undefined ? true : options . composed
} ) ;
event . detail = detail ;
node . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
return event ;
} ;
valueUpdated = ( ) : void = > {
const originalConfig = _ . clone ( this . config ) ;
this . config . protocol = this . protocol . value ;
this . config . ip = this . ip . value . replace ( /^https?\:\/\//i , '' ) . replace ( /\/$/ , '' ) ;
this . config . token = this . token . value ;
this . config . port = this . port . value ;
if ( this . loaded ) {
if ( ! this . config . entity ) {
this . config . entity = [ ] ;
if ( ! _ . isEmpty ( this . libraryName . value ) ) {
this . config . libraryName = this . libraryName . value ;
let sortOrderValue = '' ;
if ( _ . isEqual ( this . sortOrder . value , 'Ascending' ) ) {
sortOrderValue = 'asc' ;
} else if ( _ . isEqual ( this . sortOrder . value , 'Descending' ) ) {
sortOrderValue = 'desc' ;
if ( ! _ . isEmpty ( sortOrderValue ) && ! _ . isEmpty ( this . sort . value ) ) {
this . config . sort = ` ${ this . sort . value } : ${ sortOrderValue } ` ;
} else {
this . config . sort = ` ` ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . maxCount . value ) ) {
this . config . maxCount = '' ;
} else {
this . config . maxCount = this . maxCount . value ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . maxRows . value ) ) {
this . config . maxRows = '' ;
} else {
this . config . maxRows = this . maxRows . value ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . useHorizontalScroll . value ) ) {
this . config . useHorizontalScroll = 'No' ;
} else {
this . config . useHorizontalScroll = this . useHorizontalScroll . value ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . displayTitleMain . value ) ) {
this . config . displayTitleMain = 'Yes' ;
} else {
this . config . displayTitleMain = this . displayTitleMain . value ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . displaySubtitleMain . value ) ) {
this . config . displaySubtitleMain = 'Yes' ;
} else {
this . config . displaySubtitleMain = this . displaySubtitleMain . value ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . minWidth . value ) ) {
this . config . minWidth = '' ;
} else {
this . config . minWidth = this . minWidth . value ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . minEpisodeWidth . value ) ) {
this . config . minEpisodeWidth = '' ;
} else {
this . config . minEpisodeWidth = this . minEpisodeWidth . value ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . minExpandedWidth . value ) ) {
this . config . minExpandedWidth = '' ;
} else {
this . config . minExpandedWidth = this . minExpandedWidth . value ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . fontSize1 . value ) ) {
this . config . fontSize1 = '' ;
} else {
this . config . fontSize1 = this . fontSize1 . value ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . fontSize2 . value ) ) {
this . config . fontSize2 = '' ;
} else {
this . config . fontSize2 = this . fontSize2 . value ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . fontSize3 . value ) ) {
this . config . fontSize3 = '' ;
} else {
this . config . fontSize3 = this . fontSize3 . value ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . fontSize4 . value ) ) {
this . config . fontSize4 = '' ;
} else {
this . config . fontSize4 = this . fontSize4 . value ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . minExpandedHeight . value ) ) {
this . config . minExpandedHeight = '' ;
} else {
this . config . minExpandedHeight = this . minExpandedHeight . value ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . cardTitle . value ) ) {
this . config . title = '' ;
} else {
this . config . title = this . cardTitle . value ;
if ( ! _ . isEmpty ( this . entities ) ) {
this . config . entity = [ ] ;
_ . forEach ( this . entities , entity = > {
if ( ! _ . isEmpty ( entity . value ) && ! _ . includes ( this . config . entity , entity . value ) ) {
this . config . entity . push ( entity . value ) ;
} ) ;
if ( _ . isEqual ( this . playTrailer . value , 'Yes' ) ) {
this . config . playTrailer = true ;
} else if ( _ . isEqual ( this . playTrailer . value , 'No' ) ) {
this . config . playTrailer = false ;
} else if ( _ . isEqual ( this . playTrailer . value , 'Muted' ) ) {
this . config . playTrailer = 'muted' ;
if ( _ . isEqual ( this . showExtras . value , 'Yes' ) ) {
this . config . showExtras = true ;
} else if ( _ . isEqual ( this . showExtras . value , 'No' ) ) {
this . config . showExtras = false ;
if ( _ . isEqual ( this . showSearch . value , 'Yes' ) ) {
this . config . showSearch = true ;
} else if ( _ . isEqual ( this . showSearch . value , 'No' ) ) {
this . config . showSearch = false ;
this . config . runBefore = this . runBefore . value ;
this . config . runAfter = this . runAfter . value ;
if ( ! _ . isEqual ( this . config , originalConfig ) ) {
this . fireEvent ( this , 'config-changed' , { config : this.config } ) ;
} ;
render = async ( ) : Promise < void > = > {
const addDropdownItem = ( text : string , disabled = false ) : HTMLElement = > {
const libraryItem : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-item' ) ;
libraryItem . innerHTML = text . replace ( / /g , ' ' ) ;
libraryItem . label = text ;
if ( disabled ) {
libraryItem . disabled = true ;
return libraryItem ;
} ;
const createEntitiesDropdown = ( selected : string , changeHandler : Function ) : HTMLElement | false = > {
if ( this . entitiesRegistry ) {
const entitiesDropDown : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-dropdown-menu' ) ;
const entities : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-listbox' ) ;
entities . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( '' ) ) ;
const addedEntityStrings : Array < string > = [ ] ;
_ . forEach ( this . entitiesRegistry , entityRegistry = > {
if (
_ . isEqual ( entityRegistry . platform , 'cast' ) ||
_ . isEqual ( entityRegistry . platform , 'kodi' ) ||
_ . isEqual ( entityRegistry . platform , 'androidtv' )
) {
const entityName = ` ${ entityRegistry . platform } | ${ entityRegistry . entity_id } ` ;
entities . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( entityName ) ) ;
addedEntityStrings . push ( entityName ) ;
} ) ;
_ . forEach ( this . clients , value = > {
const entityName = ` plexPlayer | ${ value . name } | ${ value . address } | ${ value . machineIdentifier } ` ;
entities . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( entityName ) ) ;
addedEntityStrings . push ( entityName ) ;
} ) ;
if ( _ . isArray ( this . config . entity ) ) {
_ . forEach ( this . config . entity , value = > {
if ( ! _ . includes ( addedEntityStrings , value ) ) {
entities . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( value ) ) ;
addedEntityStrings . push ( value ) ;
} ) ;
entities . slot = 'dropdown-content' ;
entitiesDropDown . label = 'Entity' ;
entitiesDropDown . value = selected ;
entitiesDropDown . appendChild ( entities ) ;
entitiesDropDown . style . width = '100%' ;
entitiesDropDown . className = 'entitiesDropDown' ;
entitiesDropDown . addEventListener ( 'value-changed' , changeHandler ) ;
this . entities . push ( entitiesDropDown ) ;
return entitiesDropDown ;
return false ;
} ;
if ( this . content ) this . content . remove ( ) ;
if ( this . hassObj && ! this . entitiesRegistry ) {
_ . forOwn ( this . hassObj . states , ( value , key ) = > {
if ( _ . startsWith ( key , 'script.' ) ) {
this . scriptEntities . push ( key ) ;
} ) ;
this . entitiesRegistry = await fetchEntityRegistry ( this . hassObj . connection ) ;
this . entities = [ ] ;
this . content = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
const plexTitle = document . createElement ( 'h2' ) ;
plexTitle . innerHTML = 'Plex Configuration' ;
plexTitle . style . margin = '0px' ;
plexTitle . style . padding = '0px' ;
this . content . appendChild ( plexTitle ) ;
this . protocol . innerHTML = '' ;
const protocolItems : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-listbox' ) ;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
const pageProtocol = location . protocol ;
if ( _ . isEqual ( pageProtocol , 'http:' ) ) {
protocolItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'http' ) ) ;
protocolItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'https' ) ) ;
protocolItems . slot = 'dropdown-content' ;
this . protocol . label = 'Plex Protocol' ;
this . protocol . appendChild ( protocolItems ) ;
this . protocol . style . width = '100%' ;
this . protocol . addEventListener ( 'value-changed' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . config . protocol ) ) {
if ( _ . isEqual ( pageProtocol , 'http:' ) ) {
this . protocol . value = 'http' ;
} else {
this . protocol . value = 'https' ;
} else {
this . protocol . value = this . config . protocol ;
this . content . appendChild ( this . protocol ) ;
this . ip . label = 'Plex IP Address / Hostname' ;
if ( this . config . ip ) {
this . ip . value = this . config . ip . replace ( /^https?\:\/\//i , '' ) . replace ( /\/$/ , '' ) ;
} else {
this . ip . value = this . config . ip ;
this . ip . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . content . appendChild ( this . ip ) ;
this . port . label = 'Plex Port (Optional)' ;
this . port . value = this . config . port ;
this . port . type = 'number' ;
this . port . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . content . appendChild ( this . port ) ;
this . token . label = 'Plex Token' ;
this . token . value = this . config . token ;
this . token . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . content . appendChild ( this . token ) ;
this . libraryName . innerHTML = '' ;
const libraryItems : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-listbox' ) ;
libraryItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Smart Libraries' , true ) ) ;
libraryItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Continue Watching' ) ) ;
libraryItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Deck' ) ) ;
libraryItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Recently Added' ) ) ;
libraryItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Watch Next' ) ) ;
libraryItems . slot = 'dropdown-content' ;
this . libraryName . label = 'Plex Library' ;
this . libraryName . disabled = true ;
this . libraryName . appendChild ( libraryItems ) ;
this . libraryName . style . width = '100%' ;
this . libraryName . addEventListener ( 'value-changed' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
const warningLibrary = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
warningLibrary . style . color = 'red' ;
this . content . appendChild ( this . libraryName ) ;
this . content . appendChild ( warningLibrary ) ;
this . appendChild ( this . content ) ;
this . plex = new Plex (
this . config . ip . replace ( /^https?\:\/\//i , '' ) . replace ( /\/$/ , '' ) ,
this . plexPort ,
this . config . token ,
this . plexProtocol ,
this . config . sort
) ;
this . sections = await this . plex . getSections ( ) ;
this . livetv = await this . plex . getLiveTV ( ) ;
this . collections = await this . plex . getCollections ( ) ;
this . playlists = await this . plex . getPlaylists ( ) ;
this . clients = await this . plex . getClients ( ) ;
this . plexValidSection . style . display = 'none' ;
this . plexValidSection . innerHTML = '' ;
let hasUIConfig = true ;
let canConvert = true ;
if ( _ . isArray ( this . config . entity ) ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
_ . forEach ( this . config . entity , entity = > {
if ( _ . isObjectLike ( entity ) ) {
canConvert = ! _ . includes ( _ . keys ( this . config . entity ) , 'plexPlayer' ) ;
hasUIConfig = false ;
return false ;
} ) ;
} else if ( _ . isObjectLike ( this . config . entity ) ) {
canConvert = ! _ . includes ( _ . keys ( this . config . entity ) , 'plexPlayer' ) ;
hasUIConfig = false ;
if ( canConvert ) {
const convertedEntities : Array < string > = [ ] ;
hasUIConfig = true ;
if ( _ . isObjectLike ( this . config . entity ) ) {
_ . forOwn ( this . config . entity , value = > {
if ( _ . isString ( value ) ) {
convertedEntities . push ( value ) ;
} else if ( _ . isArray ( value ) ) {
_ . forEach ( value , valueStr = > {
convertedEntities . push ( valueStr ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
this . config . entity = convertedEntities ;
const devicesTitle = document . createElement ( 'h2' ) ;
devicesTitle . innerHTML = ` Devices Configuration ` ;
devicesTitle . style . lineHeight = '29px' ;
devicesTitle . style . marginBottom = '0px' ;
devicesTitle . style . marginTop = '20px' ;
if ( hasUIConfig ) {
const addDeviceButton = document . createElement ( 'button' ) ;
addDeviceButton . style . float = 'right' ;
addDeviceButton . style . fontSize = '20px' ;
addDeviceButton . style . cursor = 'pointer' ;
addDeviceButton . innerHTML = '+' ;
addDeviceButton . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) = > {
const entitiesDropdown = createEntitiesDropdown ( '' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
if ( entitiesDropdown ) {
this . entitiesSection . appendChild ( entitiesDropdown ) ;
} ) ;
devicesTitle . appendChild ( addDeviceButton ) ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( devicesTitle ) ;
this . entitiesSection . innerHTML = '' ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . entitiesSection ) ;
if ( hasUIConfig ) {
if ( _ . isString ( this . config . entity ) ) {
this . config . entity = [ this . config . entity ] ;
if ( _ . isArray ( this . config . entity ) ) {
_ . forEach ( this . config . entity , entity = > {
if ( _ . isString ( entity ) ) {
const entitiesDropdown = createEntitiesDropdown ( entity , this . valueUpdated ) ;
if ( entitiesDropdown ) {
this . entitiesSection . appendChild ( entitiesDropdown ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
const entitiesUINotAvailable = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
entitiesUINotAvailable . innerHTML =
'Devices configuration is not available when using plexPlayer client device.<br/>You can edit any other settings through UI and use <b>Show code editor</b> to edit entities.<br/><br/>If you are not using server settings for plexPlayer with <b>identifier</b> and <b>server</b> key, you can migrate your settings to UI by removing plexPlayer section and readd through UI.' ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( entitiesUINotAvailable ) ;
const viewTitle = document . createElement ( 'h2' ) ;
viewTitle . innerHTML = ` View Configuration ` ;
viewTitle . style . lineHeight = '29px' ;
viewTitle . style . marginBottom = '0px' ;
viewTitle . style . marginTop = '20px' ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( viewTitle ) ;
this . cardTitle . label = 'Card title (Optional)' ;
this . cardTitle . value = this . config . title ;
this . cardTitle . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . cardTitle ) ;
this . maxCount . label = 'Maximum number of items to display (Optional)' ;
this . maxCount . value = this . config . maxCount ;
this . maxCount . type = 'number' ;
this . maxCount . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . maxCount ) ;
this . useHorizontalScroll . innerHTML = '' ;
const useHorizontalScrollItems : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-listbox' ) ;
useHorizontalScrollItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Yes' ) ) ;
useHorizontalScrollItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'No' ) ) ;
useHorizontalScrollItems . slot = 'dropdown-content' ;
this . useHorizontalScroll . label = 'Use horizontal scroll' ;
this . useHorizontalScroll . appendChild ( useHorizontalScrollItems ) ;
this . useHorizontalScroll . style . width = '100%' ;
this . useHorizontalScroll . addEventListener ( 'value-changed' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . config . useHorizontalScroll ) ) {
this . useHorizontalScroll . value = 'No' ;
} else {
this . useHorizontalScroll . value = this . config . useHorizontalScroll ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . useHorizontalScroll ) ;
this . maxRows . label = 'Maximum number of rows to display (Optional)' ;
this . maxRows . value = this . config . maxRows ;
this . maxRows . type = 'number' ;
this . maxRows . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . maxRows ) ;
this . sort . innerHTML = '' ;
const sortItems : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-listbox' ) ;
sortItems . slot = 'dropdown-content' ;
this . sort . label = 'Sort' ;
this . sort . appendChild ( sortItems ) ;
this . sort . style . width = '100%' ;
this . sort . addEventListener ( 'value-changed' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . sort ) ;
this . sortOrder . innerHTML = '' ;
const sortOrderItems : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-listbox' ) ;
sortOrderItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Ascending' ) ) ;
sortOrderItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Descending' ) ) ;
sortOrderItems . slot = 'dropdown-content' ;
this . sortOrder . label = 'Sort Order' ;
this . sortOrder . appendChild ( sortOrderItems ) ;
this . sortOrder . style . width = '100%' ;
this . sortOrder . addEventListener ( 'value-changed' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . config . sort ) ) {
this . sortOrder . value = 'Ascending' ;
} else {
const sortOrder = this . config . sort . split ( ':' ) [ 1 ] ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( sortOrder ) ) {
this . sortOrder . value = 'Ascending' ;
} else if ( _ . isEqual ( sortOrder , 'asc' ) ) {
this . sortOrder . value = 'Ascending' ;
} else if ( _ . isEqual ( sortOrder , 'desc' ) ) {
this . sortOrder . value = 'Descending' ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . sortOrder ) ;
this . playTrailer . innerHTML = '' ;
const playTrailerItems : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-listbox' ) ;
playTrailerItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Yes' ) ) ;
playTrailerItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Muted' ) ) ;
playTrailerItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'No' ) ) ;
playTrailerItems . slot = 'dropdown-content' ;
this . playTrailer . label = 'Play Trailer' ;
this . playTrailer . appendChild ( playTrailerItems ) ;
this . playTrailer . style . width = '100%' ;
this . playTrailer . addEventListener ( 'value-changed' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
let playTrailerValue = 'Yes' ;
if ( _ . isEqual ( this . config . playTrailer , 'muted' ) ) {
playTrailerValue = 'Muted' ;
} else if ( ! this . config . playTrailer ) {
playTrailerValue = 'No' ;
this . playTrailer . value = playTrailerValue ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . playTrailer ) ;
this . showExtras . innerHTML = '' ;
const showExtrasItems : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-listbox' ) ;
showExtrasItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Yes' ) ) ;
showExtrasItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'No' ) ) ;
showExtrasItems . slot = 'dropdown-content' ;
this . showExtras . label = 'Show Extras' ;
this . showExtras . appendChild ( showExtrasItems ) ;
this . showExtras . style . width = '100%' ;
this . showExtras . addEventListener ( 'value-changed' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
let showExtrasValue = 'Yes' ;
if ( ! this . config . showExtras ) {
showExtrasValue = 'No' ;
this . showExtras . value = showExtrasValue ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . showExtras ) ;
this . showSearch . innerHTML = '' ;
const showSearchItems : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-listbox' ) ;
showSearchItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Yes' ) ) ;
showSearchItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'No' ) ) ;
showSearchItems . slot = 'dropdown-content' ;
this . showSearch . label = 'Show Search' ;
this . showSearch . appendChild ( showSearchItems ) ;
this . showSearch . style . width = '100%' ;
this . showSearch . addEventListener ( 'value-changed' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
let showSearchValue = 'Yes' ;
if ( ! this . config . showSearch ) {
showSearchValue = 'No' ;
this . showSearch . value = showSearchValue ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . showSearch ) ;
this . runBefore . innerHTML = '' ;
const runBeforeItems : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-listbox' ) ;
runBeforeItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( '' ) ) ;
_ . forEach ( this . scriptEntities , entity = > {
runBeforeItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( entity ) ) ;
} ) ;
runBeforeItems . slot = 'dropdown-content' ;
this . runBefore . label = 'Script to execute before starting the media (Optional)' ;
this . runBefore . appendChild ( runBeforeItems ) ;
this . runBefore . style . width = '100%' ;
this . runBefore . addEventListener ( 'value-changed' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . runBefore . value = this . config . runBefore ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . runBefore ) ;
this . runAfter . innerHTML = '' ;
const runAfterItems : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-listbox' ) ;
runAfterItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( '' ) ) ;
_ . forEach ( this . scriptEntities , entity = > {
runAfterItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( entity ) ) ;
} ) ;
runAfterItems . slot = 'dropdown-content' ;
this . runAfter . label = 'Script to execute after starting the media (Optional)' ;
this . runAfter . appendChild ( runAfterItems ) ;
this . runAfter . style . width = '100%' ;
this . runAfter . addEventListener ( 'value-changed' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . runAfter . value = this . config . runAfter ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . runAfter ) ;
const styleTitle = document . createElement ( 'h2' ) ;
styleTitle . innerHTML = ` Style Configuration ` ;
styleTitle . style . lineHeight = '29px' ;
styleTitle . style . marginBottom = '0px' ;
styleTitle . style . marginTop = '20px' ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( styleTitle ) ;
this . minWidth . label = 'Minimum width of the card (Optional)' ;
this . minWidth . value = this . config . minWidth ;
this . minWidth . type = 'number' ;
this . minWidth . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . minWidth ) ;
this . minExpandedWidth . label = 'Expanded width of the card (Optional)' ;
this . minExpandedWidth . value = this . config . minExpandedWidth ;
this . minExpandedWidth . type = 'number' ;
this . minExpandedWidth . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . minExpandedWidth ) ;
this . minExpandedHeight . label = 'Expanded height of the card (Optional)' ;
this . minExpandedHeight . value = this . config . minExpandedHeight ;
this . minExpandedHeight . type = 'number' ;
this . minExpandedHeight . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . minExpandedHeight ) ;
this . minEpisodeWidth . label = 'Minimum width of the episode card (Optional)' ;
this . minEpisodeWidth . value = this . config . minEpisodeWidth ;
this . minEpisodeWidth . type = 'number' ;
this . minEpisodeWidth . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . minEpisodeWidth ) ;
this . displayTitleMain . innerHTML = '' ;
const displayTitleMainItems : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-listbox' ) ;
displayTitleMainItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Yes' ) ) ;
displayTitleMainItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'No' ) ) ;
displayTitleMainItems . slot = 'dropdown-content' ;
this . displayTitleMain . label = 'Display title under poster' ;
this . displayTitleMain . appendChild ( displayTitleMainItems ) ;
this . displayTitleMain . style . width = '100%' ;
this . displayTitleMain . addEventListener ( 'value-changed' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . config . displayTitleMain ) ) {
this . displayTitleMain . value = 'Yes' ;
} else {
this . displayTitleMain . value = this . config . displayTitleMain ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . displayTitleMain ) ;
this . fontSize1 . label = 'Font size used in titles under cards (Optional)' ;
this . fontSize1 . value = this . config . fontSize1 ;
this . fontSize1 . type = 'number' ;
this . fontSize1 . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . fontSize1 ) ;
this . displaySubtitleMain . innerHTML = '' ;
const displaySubtitleMainItems : any = document . createElement ( 'paper-listbox' ) ;
displaySubtitleMainItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Yes' ) ) ;
displaySubtitleMainItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'No' ) ) ;
displaySubtitleMainItems . slot = 'dropdown-content' ;
this . displaySubtitleMain . label = 'Display sub-title under poster' ;
this . displaySubtitleMain . appendChild ( displaySubtitleMainItems ) ;
this . displaySubtitleMain . style . width = '100%' ;
this . displaySubtitleMain . addEventListener ( 'value-changed' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . config . displaySubtitleMain ) ) {
this . displaySubtitleMain . value = 'Yes' ;
} else {
this . displaySubtitleMain . value = this . config . displaySubtitleMain ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . displaySubtitleMain ) ;
this . fontSize2 . label = 'Font size used in sub-titles under cards (Optional)' ;
this . fontSize2 . value = this . config . fontSize2 ;
this . fontSize2 . type = 'number' ;
this . fontSize2 . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . fontSize2 ) ;
this . fontSize3 . label = 'Font size used in title of the opened content (Optional)' ;
this . fontSize3 . value = this . config . fontSize3 ;
this . fontSize3 . type = 'number' ;
this . fontSize3 . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . fontSize3 ) ;
this . fontSize4 . label =
'Font size used in sub-titles, to-view count and description of the opened content (Optional)' ;
this . fontSize4 . value = this . config . fontSize4 ;
this . fontSize4 . type = 'number' ;
this . fontSize4 . addEventListener ( 'change' , this . valueUpdated ) ;
this . plexValidSection . appendChild ( this . fontSize4 ) ;
if ( ! _ . isEmpty ( this . livetv ) ) {
libraryItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Live TV' , true ) ) ;
_ . forEach ( _ . keys ( this . livetv ) , ( livetv : string ) = > {
if ( _ . isEqual ( this . config . libraryName , livetv ) ) {
warningLibrary . innerHTML = ` Warning: ${ this . config . libraryName } play action currently only supported with Kodi.<br/>You might also need custom build of kodi-media-sensors, see <a href="https://github.com/JurajNyiri/PlexMeetsHomeAssistant/blob/main/DETAILED_CONFIGURATION.md#kodi" target="_blank">detailed configuration</a> for more information. ` ;
libraryItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( livetv ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! _ . isEmpty ( this . sections ) ) {
libraryItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Libraries' , true ) ) ;
_ . forEach ( this . sections , ( section : Record < string , any > ) = > {
libraryItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( section . title ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! _ . isEmpty ( this . collections ) ) {
libraryItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Collections' , true ) ) ;
_ . forEach ( this . collections , ( collection : Record < string , any > ) = > {
libraryItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( collection . title ) ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! _ . isEmpty ( this . playlists ) ) {
libraryItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'Playlists' , true ) ) ;
_ . forEach ( this . playlists , ( playlist : Record < string , any > ) = > {
libraryItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( playlist . title ) ) ;
} ) ;
this . libraryName . disabled = false ;
this . libraryName . value = this . config . libraryName ;
let libraryType = '' ;
// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
_ . forEach ( this . sections , section = > {
if ( _ . isEqual ( section . title , this . libraryName . value ) ) {
libraryType = section . type ;
return false ;
} ) ;
if ( _ . isEqual ( libraryType , 'show' ) ) {
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'titleSort' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'title' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'year' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'originallyAvailableAt' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'rating' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'audienceRating' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'userRating' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'contentRating' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'unviewedLeafCount' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'episode.addedAt' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'addedAt' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'lastViewedAt' ) ) ;
this . sort . style . display = 'block' ;
this . sortOrder . style . display = 'block' ;
} else if ( _ . isEqual ( libraryType , 'movie' ) ) {
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'titleSort' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'title' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'originallyAvailableAt' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'rating' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'audienceRating' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'userRating' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'duration' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'viewOffset' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'viewCount' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'addedAt' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'lastViewedAt' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'mediaHeight' ) ) ;
sortItems . appendChild ( addDropdownItem ( 'mediaBitrate' ) ) ;
this . sort . style . display = 'block' ;
this . sortOrder . style . display = 'block' ;
} else {
this . sort . style . display = 'none' ;
this . sortOrder . style . display = 'none' ;
this . config . sort = '' ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( this . config . sort ) ) {
this . sort . value = '' ;
this . sortOrder . value = '' ;
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
this . sort . value = this . config . sort . split ( ':' ) [ 0 ] ;
const sortOrder = this . config . sort . split ( ':' ) [ 1 ] ;
if ( _ . isEmpty ( sortOrder ) ) {
this . sortOrder . value = 'Ascending' ;
} else if ( _ . isEqual ( sortOrder , 'asc' ) ) {
this . sortOrder . value = 'Ascending' ;
} else if ( _ . isEqual ( sortOrder , 'desc' ) ) {
this . sortOrder . value = 'Descending' ;
this . plexValidSection . style . display = 'block' ;
this . loaded = true ;
this . content . appendChild ( this . plexValidSection ) ;
} ;
setConfig = ( config : Record < string , any > ) : void = > {
this . config = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( config ) ) ;
if ( config . port && ! _ . isEqual ( config . port , '' ) ) {
this . plexPort = config . port ;
} else {
this . plexPort = false ;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
const pageProtocol = location . protocol ;
if ( config . protocol ) {
this . plexProtocol = config . protocol ;
} else if ( _ . isEqual ( pageProtocol , 'http:' ) ) {
this . config . protocol = 'http' ;
} else {
this . config . protocol = 'https' ;
if ( ! config . sort ) {
this . config . sort = 'titleSort:asc' ;
if ( ! _ . isNil ( config . playTrailer ) ) {
this . config . playTrailer = config . playTrailer ;
} else {
this . config . playTrailer = true ;
if ( ! _ . isNil ( config . showExtras ) ) {
this . config . showExtras = config . showExtras ;
} else {
this . config . showExtras = true ;
if ( ! _ . isNil ( config . showSearch ) ) {
this . config . showSearch = config . showSearch ;
} else {
this . config . showSearch = true ;
if ( ! _ . isNil ( config . runBefore ) ) {
this . config . runBefore = config . runBefore ;
if ( ! _ . isNil ( config . runAfter ) ) {
this . config . runAfter = config . runAfter ;
if ( ! _ . isNil ( config . title ) ) {
this . config . title = config . title ;
if ( _ . isNumber ( this . config . maxCount ) ) {
this . config . maxCount = ` ${ this . config . maxCount } ` ;
if ( _ . isNumber ( this . config . maxRows ) ) {
this . config . maxRows = ` ${ this . config . maxRows } ` ;
if ( ! _ . isNil ( this . config . useHorizontalScroll ) ) {
this . config . useHorizontalScroll = ` ${ this . config . useHorizontalScroll } ` ;
if ( ! _ . isNil ( this . config . displayTitleMain ) ) {
this . config . displayTitleMain = ` ${ this . config . displayTitleMain } ` ;
if ( ! _ . isNil ( this . config . displaySubtitleMain ) ) {
this . config . displaySubtitleMain = ` ${ this . config . displaySubtitleMain } ` ;
if ( _ . isNumber ( this . config . minWidth ) ) {
this . config . minWidth = ` ${ this . config . minWidth } ` ;
if ( _ . isNumber ( this . config . minEpisodeWidth ) ) {
this . config . minEpisodeWidth = ` ${ this . config . minEpisodeWidth } ` ;
if ( _ . isNumber ( this . config . minExpandedWidth ) ) {
this . config . minExpandedWidth = ` ${ this . config . minExpandedWidth } ` ;
if ( _ . isNumber ( this . config . fontSize1 ) ) {
this . config . fontSize1 = ` ${ this . config . fontSize1 } ` ;
if ( _ . isNumber ( this . config . fontSize2 ) ) {
this . config . fontSize2 = ` ${ this . config . fontSize2 } ` ;
if ( _ . isNumber ( this . config . fontSize3 ) ) {
this . config . fontSize3 = ` ${ this . config . fontSize3 } ` ;
if ( _ . isNumber ( this . config . fontSize4 ) ) {
this . config . fontSize4 = ` ${ this . config . fontSize4 } ` ;
if ( _ . isNumber ( this . config . minExpandedHeight ) ) {
this . config . minExpandedHeight = ` ${ this . config . minExpandedHeight } ` ;
this . render ( ) ;
} ;
configChanged = ( newConfig : any ) : void = > {
const event : any = new Event ( 'config-changed' , {
bubbles : true ,
composed : true
} ) ;
event . detail = { config : newConfig } ;
this . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ;
set hass ( hass : HomeAssistant ) {
this . hassObj = hass ;
export default PlexMeetsHomeAssistantEditor ;