Merge remote-tracking branch 'meisnate12/master'

bullmoose20 2 years ago
commit dc91679cf2

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
## Networks Collections ##
## User/Config Credits ##
## Giving Credit Where Credit is Due ##
## JJJonesJr33 ##
## Glasti1, Hiren-Z, OhMyBahGosh, tuxpeople, cpt-kuesel ##
## meisnate12, TheUnchainedZebra, Evil Tacctician ##
## Networks Templates ##
- network
tmdb_network: <<network>>
url_poster: <<poster>>
sort_title: <<collection_name>>
sync_mode: sync
## Collections Lists ##
# FYI: To allow for Network collections to be created you must have TMDB API in the core config setup first.
template: { name: network, network: "2, 75, 2791"}
Adult Swim:
template: { name: network, network: 80}
template: { name: network, network: "174, 4661"}
Apple TV+:
template: { name: network, network: "2552, 1932"}
template: { name: network, network: " 100, 1155, 375, 493, 3546, 4, 332, 3, 126, 317"}
template: { name: network, network: 74}
Cartoon Network:
template: { name: network, network: 56}
template: { name: network, network: "16, 1709, 2621"}
template: { name: network, network: 359}
Comedy Central:
template: { name: network, network: 47}
template: { name: network, network: 388}
template: { name: network, network: 2739, 142, 44, 2991"}
template: { name: network, network: "19, 2686, 875, 45, 87, 131, 2317, 243, 2320"}
template: { name: network, network: "4056, 9027"}
template: { name: network, network: " 49, 5484, 5485, 3186, 2593"}
template: { name: network, network: 453}
template: { name: network, network: " 9, 149, 1159, 261, 590"}
template: { name: network, network: "34, 1072"}
Marvel Studios:
template: { name: network, network: 420}
template: { name: network, network: 33}
template: { name: network, network: "6, 413"}
template: { name: network, network: 213}
template: { name: network, network: " 5371, 2348, 4859"}
template: { name: network, network: " 4330, 2076"}
template: { name: network, network: " 14, 122, 2354"}
template: { name: network, network: 1024}
template: { name: network, network: 67}
template: { name: network, network: 214}
template: { name: network, network: " 318, 758"}
template: { name: network, network: 77}
template: { name: network, network: 68}
The CW:
template: { name: network, network: 71}
The WB:
template: { name: network, network: 21}
template: { name: network, network: 84}
template: { name: network, network: 364}
template: { name: network, network: 30}
# Streaming Services Collections #
smart_label: originally_available.desc
sync_mode: sync
trakt_trending: 50
summary: Shows Trending across the internet
sort_title: ++++++++++_Trending

@ -13,55 +13,42 @@
# # Sets the value at the start of the sort title # # # Sets the value at the start of the sort title #
# collection_section: "01" # # collection_section: "01" #
# # # #
# # Turn the AniList Popular collection on/off # # # For each collection use the "key" to set #
# use_popular: true # # # the options. #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Available collections #
# order_popular: # # # KEY COLLECTION #
# # Set visible_library for AniList Popular # # # popular AniList Popular #
# visible_library_popular: # # # top AniList Top Rated #
# # Set visible_home for AniList Popular # # # trending AniList Trending #
# visible_home_popular: # # # season AniList Season #
# # Set visible_shared for AniList Popular #
# visible_shared_popular: #
# # Set limit for AniList Popular #
# limit_popular: 100 #
# #
# # Turn the AniList Top Rated collection on/off #
# use_top: true #
# # Determines collection order in it's section #
# order_top: #
# # Set visible_library for AniList Top Rated #
# visible_library_top: #
# # Set visible_home for AniList Top Rated #
# visible_home_top: #
# # Set visible_shared for AniList Top Rated #
# visible_shared_top: #
# # Set limit for AniList Top Rated #
# limit_top: 100 #
# # # #
# # Turn the AniList Trending collection on/off # # # Available options. Replace "key" with the #
# use_trending: true # # # desired collection's key from the chart above. #
# # Determines collection order in it's section #
# order_trending: #
# # Set visible_library for AniList Trending #
# visible_library_trending: #
# # Set visible_home for AniList Trending #
# visible_home_trending: #
# # Set visible_shared for AniList Trending #
# visible_shared_trending: #
# # Set limit for AniList Trending #
# limit_trending: 100 #
# # # #
# # Turn the AniList Season collection on/off # # # Turn the collection on/off #
# use_season: true # # use_key: true #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Determines collection order in it's section #
# order_season: # # order_key: #
# # Set visible_library for AniList Season # # # Set visible_library for the collection #
# visible_library_season: # # visible_library_key: #
# # Set visible_home for AniList Season # # # Set visible_home for the collection #
# visible_home_season: # # visible_home_key: #
# # Set visible_shared for AniList Season # # # Set visible_shared for the collection #
# visible_shared_season: # # visible_shared_key: #
# # Set limit for the collection #
# limit_key: 100 #
# # Adds missing from the collection to radarr #
# radarr_add_missing_key: #
# # Adds missing from the collection to sonarr #
# radarr_add_missing_key: #
# # Radarr Tag for added missing #
# radarr_tag_key: #
# # Sonarr Tag for added missing #
# sonarr_tag_key: #
# # Radarr Tag for existing items #
# item_radarr_tag_key: #
# # Sonarr Tag for existing items #
# item_sonarr_tag_key: #
############################################################# #############################################################
external_templates: external_templates:

@ -15,31 +15,30 @@
# # Sets the value at the start of the sort title # # # Sets the value at the start of the sort title #
# collection_section: "01" # # collection_section: "01" #
# # # #
# # Turn the Newly Released collection on/off # # # For each collection use the "key" to set #
# use_released: true # # # the options. #
# # Determines how many days back to look # # # Available collections #
# in_the_last_released: 90 # # # KEY COLLECTION #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # released Newly Released #
# order_released: # # # episodes New Episodes #
# # Set visible_library for Newly Released # # #
# visible_library_released: # # # Available options. Replace "key" with the #
# # Set visible_home for Newly Released # # # desired collection's key from the chart above. #
# visible_home_released: #
# # Set visible_shared for Newly Released #
# visible_shared_released: #
# # # #
# # Turn the Episodes This Week collection on/off # # # Turn the collection on/off #
# use_episodes: true # # use_key: true #
# # Determines how many days back to look #
# in_the_last_episodes: 7 #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Determines collection order in it's section #
# order_episodes: # # order_key: #
# # Set visible_library for Episodes This Week # # # Set visible_library for the collection #
# visible_library_episodes: # # visible_library_key: #
# # Set visible_home for Episodes This Week # # # Set visible_home for the collection #
# visible_home_episodes: # # visible_home_key: #
# # Set visible_shared for Episodes This Week # # # Set visible_shared for the collection #
# visible_shared_episodes: # # visible_shared_key: #
# # Radarr Tag for existing items #
# item_radarr_tag_key: #
# # Sonarr Tag for existing items #
# item_sonarr_tag_key: #
############################################################# #############################################################
external_templates: external_templates:

@ -13,38 +13,39 @@
# # Sets the value at the start of the sort title # # # Sets the value at the start of the sort title #
# collection_section: "01" # # collection_section: "01" #
# # # #
# # Turn the IMDb Popular collection on/off # # # For each collection use the "key" to set #
# use_popular: true # # # the options. #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Available collections #
# order_popular: # # # KEY COLLECTION #
# # Set visible_library for IMDb Popular # # # popular IMDb Popular #
# visible_library_popular: # # # top IMDb Top 250 #
# # Set visible_home for IMDb Popular # # # lowest IMDb Lowest Rated #
# visible_home_popular: #
# # Set visible_shared for IMDb Popular #
# visible_shared_popular: #
# # # #
# # Turn the IMDb Top 250 collection on/off # # # Available options. Replace "key" with the #
# use_top: true # # # desired collection's key from the chart above. #
# # Determines collection order in it's section #
# order_top: #
# # Set visible_library for IMDb Top 250 #
# visible_library_top: #
# # Set visible_home for IMDb Top 250 #
# visible_home_top: #
# # Set visible_shared for IMDb Top 250 #
# visible_shared_top: #
# # # #
# # Turn the IMDb Lowest collection on/off # # # Turn the collection on/off #
# use_lowest: true # # use_key: true #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Determines collection order in its section #
# order_trending: # # order_key: #
# # Set visible_library for IMDb Lowest # # # Set visible_library for the collection #
# visible_library_lowest: # # visible_library_key: #
# # Set visible_home for IMDb Lowest # # # Set visible_home for the collection #
# visible_home_lowest: # # visible_home_key: #
# # Set visible_shared for IMDb Lowest # # # Set visible_shared for the collection #
# visible_shared_lowest: # # visible_shared_key: #
# # Adds missing from the collection to radarr #
# radarr_add_missing_key: #
# # Adds missing from the collection to sonarr #
# radarr_add_missing_key: #
# # Radarr Tag for added missing #
# radarr_tag_key: #
# # Sonarr Tag for added missing #
# sonarr_tag_key: #
# # Radarr Tag for existing items #
# item_radarr_tag_key: #
# # Sonarr Tag for existing items #
# item_sonarr_tag_key: #
############################################################# #############################################################
external_templates: external_templates:

@ -13,55 +13,43 @@
# # Sets the value at the start of the sort title # # # Sets the value at the start of the sort title #
# collection_section: "01" # # collection_section: "01" #
# # # #
# # Turn the MyAnimeList Popular collection on/off # # # For each collection use the "key" to set #
# use_popular: true # # # the options. #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Available collections #
# order_popular: # # # KEY COLLECTION #
# # Set visible_library for MyAnimeList Popular # # # popular MyAnimeList Popular #
# visible_library_popular: # # # favorited MyAnimeList Favorited #
# # Set visible_home for MyAnimeList Popular # # # top MyAnimeList Top Rated #
# visible_home_popular: # # # airing MyAnimeList Top Airing #
# # Set visible_shared for MyAnimeList Popular # # # season MyAnimeList Season #
# visible_shared_popular: #
# # Set limit for MyAnimeList Popular #
# limit_popular: 100 #
# #
# # Turn the MyAnimeList Top collection on/off #
# use_top: true #
# # Determines collection order in it's section #
# order_top: #
# # Set visible_library for MyAnimeList Top Rated #
# visible_library_top: #
# # Set visible_home for MyAnimeList Top Rated #
# visible_home_top: #
# # Set visible_shared for MyAnimeList Top Rated #
# visible_shared_top: #
# # Set limit for MyAnimeList Top Rated #
# limit_top: 100 #
# # # #
# # Turn the MyAnimeList Trending collection on/off# # # Available options. Replace "key" with the #
# use_trending: true # # # desired collection's key from the chart above. #
# # Determines collection order in it's section #
# order_trending: #
# # Set visible_library for MyAnimeList Trending #
# visible_library_trending: #
# # Set visible_home for MyAnimeList Trending #
# visible_home_trending: #
# # Set visible_shared for MyAnimeList Trending #
# visible_shared_trending: #
# # Set limit for MyAnimeList Trending #
# limit_trending: 100 #
# # # #
# # Turn the MyAnimeList Season collection on/off # # # Turn the collection on/off #
# use_season: true # # use_key: true #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Determines collection order in it's section #
# order_season: # # order_key: #
# # Set visible_library for MyAnimeList Season # # # Set visible_library for the collection #
# visible_library_season: # # visible_library_key: #
# # Set visible_home for MyAnimeList Season # # # Set visible_home for the collection #
# visible_home_season: # # visible_home_key: #
# # Set visible_shared for MyAnimeList Season # # # Set visible_shared for the collection #
# visible_shared_season: # # visible_shared_key: #
# # Set limit for the collection #
# limit_key: 100 #
# # Adds missing from the collection to radarr #
# radarr_add_missing_key: #
# # Adds missing from the collection to sonarr #
# radarr_add_missing_key: #
# # Radarr Tag for added missing #
# radarr_tag_key: #
# # Sonarr Tag for added missing #
# sonarr_tag_key: #
# # Radarr Tag for existing items #
# item_radarr_tag_key: #
# # Sonarr Tag for existing items #
# item_sonarr_tag_key: #
############################################################# #############################################################
external_templates: external_templates:

@ -13,38 +13,39 @@
# # Sets the value at the start of the sort title # # # Sets the value at the start of the sort title #
# collection_section: "01" # # collection_section: "01" #
# # # #
# # Turn the StevenLu's Popular collection on/off # # # For each collection use the "key" to set #
# use_stevenlu: true # # # the options. #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Available collections #
# order_stevenlu: # # # KEY COLLECTION #
# # Set visible_library for StevenLu's Popular # # # stevenlu StevenLu's Popular Movies #
# visible_library_stevenlu: # # # anidb AniDB Popular #
# # Set visible_home for StevenLu's Popular # # # pirated Top 10 Pirated Movies #
# visible_home_stevenlu: #
# # Set visible_shared for StevenLu's Popular #
# visible_shared_stevenlu: #
# # # #
# # Turn the AniDB Popular collection on/off # # # Available options. Replace "key" with the #
# use_anidb: true # # # desired collection's key from the chart above. #
# # Determines collection order in it's section #
# order_anidb: #
# # Set visible_library for AniDB Popular #
# visible_library_anidb: #
# # Set visible_home for AniDB Popular #
# visible_home_anidb: #
# # Set visible_shared for AniDB Popular #
# visible_shared_anidb: #
# # # #
# # Turn the Pirated Movies collection on/off # # # Turn the collection on/off #
# use_pirated: true # # use_key: true #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Determines collection order in its section #
# order_pirated: # # order_key: #
# # Set visible_library for Pirated Movies # # # Set visible_library for the collection #
# visible_library_pirated: # # visible_library_key: #
# # Set visible_home for Pirated Movies # # # Set visible_home for the collection #
# visible_home_pirated: # # visible_home_key: #
# # Set visible_shared for Pirated Movies # # # Set visible_shared for the collection #
# visible_shared_pirated: # # visible_shared_key: #
# # Adds missing from the collection to radarr #
# radarr_add_missing_key: #
# # Adds missing from the collection to sonarr #
# radarr_add_missing_key: #
# # Radarr Tag for added missing #
# radarr_tag_key: #
# # Sonarr Tag for added missing #
# sonarr_tag_key: #
# # Radarr Tag for existing items #
# item_radarr_tag_key: #
# # Sonarr Tag for existing items #
# item_sonarr_tag_key: #
############################################################# #############################################################
external_templates: external_templates:

@ -16,20 +16,33 @@
# # Sets the value at the start of the sort title # # # Sets the value at the start of the sort title #
# collection_section: "01" # # collection_section: "01" #
# # # #
# # Turn the Plex Popular collection on/off # # # For each collection use the "key" to set #
# use_popular: true # # # the options. #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Available collections #
# order_popular: # # # KEY COLLECTION #
# # Set visible_library for Plex Popular # # # popular Plex Popular #
# visible_library_popular: # # # watched Plex Watched #
# # Set visible_home for Plex Popular # # #
# visible_home_popular: # # # Available options. Replace "key" with the #
# # Set visible_shared for Plex Popular # # # desired collection's key from the chart above. #
# visible_shared_popular: # # #
# # Set list_size for Plex Popular # # # Turn the collection on/off #
# list_size_popular: # # use_key: true #
# # Set list_days for Plex Popular # # # Determines collection order in its section #
# list_days_popular: # # order_key: #
# # Set visible_library for the collection #
# visible_library_key: #
# # Set visible_home for the collection #
# visible_home_key: #
# # Set visible_shared for the collection #
# visible_shared_key: #
# # Set list_days for the collection #
# list_days_key: 30 #
# # Set list_size for the collection #
# list_size_key: 20 #
# item_radarr_tag_key: #
# # Sonarr Tag for existing items #
# item_sonarr_tag_key: #
############################################################# #############################################################
external_templates: external_templates:
@ -38,7 +51,7 @@ external_templates:
collection_section: "01" collection_section: "01"
templates: templates:
tautulli: tautulli_popular:
default: default:
list_days_popular: 30 list_days_popular: 30
list_size_popular: 20 list_size_popular: 20
@ -47,11 +60,26 @@ templates:
list_days: <<list_days_popular>> list_days: <<list_days_popular>>
list_size: <<list_size_popular>> list_size: <<list_size_popular>>
list_buffer: 20 list_buffer: 20
list_days_watched: 30
list_size_watched: 20
summary: A collection of Top <<library_type>>s Watched on Plex
list_days: <<list_days_watched>>
list_size: <<list_size_watched>>
list_buffer: 20
collections: collections:
Plex Popular: Plex Popular:
template: template:
- name: tautulli - name: tautulli_popular
- name: customsync - name: customsync
- name: chart_shared - name: chart_shared
key: popular key: popular
Plex Watched:
- name: tautulli_watched
- name: customsync
- name: chart_shared
key: watched

@ -13,70 +13,43 @@
# # Sets the value at the start of the sort title # # # Sets the value at the start of the sort title #
# collection_section: "01" # # collection_section: "01" #
# # # #
# # Turn the TMDb Airing Today collection on/off # # # For each collection use the "key" to set #
# use_airing: true # # # the options. #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Available collections #
# order_airing: # # # KEY COLLECTION #
# # Set visible_library for TMDb Airing Today # # # airing TMDb Airing Today #
# visible_library_airing: # # # air TMDb On The Air #
# # Set visible_home for TMDb Airing Today # # # popular TMDb Popular #
# visible_home_airing: # # # top TMDb Top Rated #
# # Set visible_shared for TMDb Airing Today # # # trending TMDb Trending #
# visible_shared_airing: #
# # Set limit for TMDb Airing Today #
# limit_airing: 100 #
# # # #
# # Turn the TMDb On The Air collection on/off # # # Available options. Replace "key" with the #
# use_air: true # # # desired collection's key from the chart above. #
# # Determines collection order in it's section #
# order_air: #
# # Set visible_library for TMDb On The Air #
# visible_library_air: #
# # Set visible_home for TMDb On The Air #
# visible_home_air: #
# # Set visible_shared for TMDb On The Air #
# visible_shared_air: #
# # Set limit for TMDb On The Air #
# limit_air: 100 #
# # # #
# # Turn the TMDb Popular collection on/off # # # Turn the collection on/off #
# use_popular: true # # use_key: true #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Determines collection order in its section #
# order_popular: # # order_key: #
# # Set visible_library for TMDb Popular # # # Set visible_library for the collection #
# visible_library_popular: # # visible_library_key: #
# # Set visible_home for TMDb Popular # # # Set visible_home for the collection #
# visible_home_popular: # # visible_home_key: #
# # Set visible_shared for TMDb Popular # # # Set visible_shared for the collection #
# visible_shared_popular: # # visible_shared_key: #
# # Set limit for TMDb Popular # # # Set limit for the collection #
# limit_popular: 100 # # limit_key: 100 #
# # # # Adds missing from the collection to radarr #
# # Turn the TMDb Top Rated collection on/off # # radarr_add_missing_key: #
# use_top: true # # # Adds missing from the collection to sonarr #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # radarr_add_missing_key: #
# order_top: # # # Radarr Tag for added missing #
# # Set visible_library for TMDb Top Rated # # radarr_tag_key: #
# visible_library_top: # # # Sonarr Tag for added missing #
# # Set visible_home for TMDb Top Rated # # sonarr_tag_key: #
# visible_home_top: # # # Radarr Tag for existing items #
# # Set visible_shared for TMDb Top Rated # # item_radarr_tag_key: #
# visible_shared_top: # # # Sonarr Tag for existing items #
# # Set limit for TMDb Top Rated # # item_sonarr_tag_key: #
# limit_top: 100 #
# #
# # Turn the TMDb Trending collection on/off #
# use_trending: true #
# # Determines collection order in it's section #
# order_trending: #
# # Set visible_library for TMDb Trending #
# visible_library_trending: #
# # Set visible_home for TMDb Trending #
# visible_home_trending: #
# # Set visible_shared for TMDb Trending #
# visible_shared_trending: #
# # Set limit for TMDb Trending #
# limit_trending: 100 #
############################################################# #############################################################
external_templates: external_templates:

@ -16,70 +16,43 @@
# # Sets the value at the start of the sort title # # # Sets the value at the start of the sort title #
# collection_section: "01" # # collection_section: "01" #
# # # #
# # Turn the Trakt Collected collection on/off # # # For each collection use the "key" to set #
# use_collected: true # # # the options. #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Available collections #
# order_collected: # # # KEY COLLECTION #
# # Set visible_library for Trakt Collected # # # collected Trakt Collected #
# visible_library_collected: # # # popular Trakt Popular #
# # Set visible_home for Trakt Collected # # # recommended Trakt Recommended #
# visible_home_collected: # # # trending Trakt Trending #
# # Set visible_shared for Trakt Collected # # # watched Trakt Watched #
# visible_shared_collected: #
# # Set limit for Trakt Collected #
# limit_collected: 250 #
# # # #
# # Turn the Trakt Popular collection on/off # # # Available options. Replace "key" with the #
# use_popular: true # # # desired collection's key from the chart above. #
# # Determines collection order in it's section #
# order_popular: #
# # Set visible_library for Trakt Popular #
# visible_library_popular: #
# # Set visible_home for Trakt Popular #
# visible_home_popular: #
# # Set visible_shared for Trakt Popular #
# visible_shared_popular: #
# # Set limit for Trakt Popular #
# limit_popular: 250 #
# # # #
# # Turn the Trakt Recommended collection on/off # # # Turn the collection on/off #
# use_recommended: true # # use_key: true #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # # Determines collection order in its section #
# order_recommended: # # order_key: #
# # Set visible_library for Trakt Recommended # # # Set visible_library for the collection #
# visible_library_recommended: # # visible_library_key: #
# # Set visible_home for Trakt Recommended # # # Set visible_home for the collection #
# visible_home_recommended: # # visible_home_key: #
# # Set visible_shared for Trakt Recommended # # # Set visible_shared for the collection #
# visible_shared_recommended: # # visible_shared_key: #
# # Set limit for Trakt Recommended # # # Set limit for the collection #
# limit_recommended: 250 # # limit_key: 100 #
# # # # Adds missing from the collection to radarr #
# # Turn the Trakt Trending collection on/off # # radarr_add_missing_key: #
# use_trending: true # # # Adds missing from the collection to sonarr #
# # Determines collection order in it's section # # radarr_add_missing_key: #
# order_trending: # # # Radarr Tag for added missing #
# # Set visible_library for Trakt Trending # # radarr_tag_key: #
# visible_library_trending: # # # Sonarr Tag for added missing #
# # Set visible_home for Trakt Trending # # sonarr_tag_key: #
# visible_home_trending: # # # Radarr Tag for existing items #
# # Set visible_shared for Trakt Trending # # item_radarr_tag_key: #
# visible_shared_trending: # # # Sonarr Tag for existing items #
# # Set limit for Trakt Trending # # item_sonarr_tag_key: #
# limit_trending: 250 #
# #
# # Turn the Trakt Watched collection on/off #
# use_watched: true #
# # Determines collection order in it's section #
# order_watched: #
# # Set visible_library for Trakt Watched #
# visible_library_watched: #
# # Set visible_home for Trakt Watched #
# visible_home_watched: #
# # Set visible_shared for Trakt Watched #
# visible_shared_watched: #
# # Set limit for Trakt Watched #
# limit_watched: 250 #
############################################################# #############################################################
external_templates: external_templates:

@ -28,8 +28,9 @@ templates:
default: default:
collection_section: "00" collection_section: "00"
sort: <<collection_name>> sort: <<collection_name>>
key: ""
pre: "_" pre: "_"
order: "" order_<<key>>: ""
optional: optional:
- collection_mode - collection_mode
- radarr_add_missing - radarr_add_missing
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ templates:
item_radarr_tag: <<item_radarr_tag>> item_radarr_tag: <<item_radarr_tag>>
item_sonarr_tag: <<item_sonarr_tag>> item_sonarr_tag: <<item_sonarr_tag>>
collection_mode: <<collection_mode>> collection_mode: <<collection_mode>>
sort_title: "!<<collection_section>><<pre>><<order>><<sort>>" sort_title: "!<<collection_section>><<pre>><<order_<<key>>>><<sort>>"
chart_shared: chart_shared:
default: default:
@ -54,6 +55,12 @@ templates:
sort: <<collection_name>> sort: <<collection_name>>
pre: "_" pre: "_"
order_<<key>>: "" order_<<key>>: ""
radarr_add_missing_<<key>>: <<radarr_add_missing>>
sonarr_add_missing_<<key>>: <<sonarr_add_missing>>
radarr_tag_<<key>>: <<radarr_tag>>
sonarr_tag_<<key>>: <<sonarr_tag>>
item_radarr_tag_<<key>>: <<item_radarr_tag>>
item_sonarr_tag_<<key>>: <<item_sonarr_tag>>
optional: optional:
- use_<<key>> - use_<<key>>
- visible_library_<<key>> - visible_library_<<key>>
@ -74,12 +81,12 @@ templates:
visible_library: <<visible_library_<<key>>>> visible_library: <<visible_library_<<key>>>>
visible_home: <<visible_home_<<key>>>> visible_home: <<visible_home_<<key>>>>
visible_shared: <<visible_shared_<<key>>>> visible_shared: <<visible_shared_<<key>>>>
radarr_add_missing: <<radarr_add_missing>> radarr_add_missing: <<radarr_add_missing_<<key>>>>
sonarr_add_missing: <<sonarr_add_missing>> sonarr_add_missing: <<sonarr_add_missing_<<key>>>>
radarr_tag: <<radarr_tag>> radarr_tag: <<radarr_tag_<<key>>>>
sonarr_tag: <<sonarr_tag>> sonarr_tag: <<sonarr_tag_<<key>>>>
item_radarr_tag: <<item_radarr_tag>> item_radarr_tag: <<item_radarr_tag_<<key>>>>
item_sonarr_tag: <<item_sonarr_tag>> item_sonarr_tag: <<item_sonarr_tag_<<key>>>>
collection_mode: <<collection_mode>> collection_mode: <<collection_mode>>
sort_title: "!<<collection_section>><<pre>><<order_<<key>>>><<sort>>" sort_title: "!<<collection_section>><<pre>><<order_<<key>>>><<sort>>"
url_poster:<<collection_name_encoded>>.jpg url_poster:<<collection_name_encoded>>.jpg
