You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Audio/Subtitle Language Flags Overlay
The `languages` Default Overlay File is used to create an overlay of a flag and [ISO 639-1 Code]( based on the audio/subtitle languages available on each item within your library.
## Requirements & Recommendations
Supported library types: Movie & Show
## Supported Audio/Subtitle Language Flags
| Audio/Subtitle Languages | Key | Weight | Default Flag | Default Use |
| English | `en` | `610` | `us` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } |
| German | `de` | `600` | `de` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } |
| French | `fr` | `590` | `fr` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } |
| Spanish | `es` | `580` | `es` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } |
| Portuguese | `pt` | `570` | `pt` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } |
| Japanese | `ja` | `560` | `jp` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } |
| Korean | `ko` | `550` | `kr` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Chinese | `zh` | `540` | `cn` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Danish | `da` | `530` | `dk` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Russian | `ru` | `520` | `ru` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Italian | `it` | `510` | `it` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Hindi | `hi` | `500` | `in` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Telugu | `te` | `490` | `in` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Farsi | `fa` | `480` | `ir` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Thai | `th` | `470` | `th` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Dutch | `nl` | `460` | `nl` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Norwegian | `no` | `450` | `no` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Icelandic | `is` | `440` | `is` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Swedish | `sv` | `430` | `se` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Turkish | `tr` | `420` | `tr` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Polish | `pl` | `410` | `pl` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Czech | `cs` | `400` | `cz` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Ukrainian | `uk` | `390` | `ua` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Hungarian | `hu` | `380` | `hu` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Arabic | `ar` | `370` | `eg` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Bulgarian | `bg` | `360` | `bg` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Bengali | `bn` | `350` | `bd` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Bosnian | `bs` | `340` | `ba` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Catalan | `ca` | `330` | `es` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Welsh | `cy` | `320` | `uk` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Greek | `el` | `310` | `gr` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Estonian | `et` | `300` | `ee` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Basque | `eu` | `290` | `es` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Finnish | `fi` | `280` | `fi` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Tagalog | `tl` | `270` | `ph` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Filipino | `fil` | `265` | `ph` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Galician | `gl` | `260` | `es` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Hebrew | `he` | `250` | `il` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Croatian | `hr` | `240` | `hr` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Indonesian | `id` | `230` | `id` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Georgian | `ka` | `220` | `ge` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Kazakh | `kk` | `210` | `kz` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Kannada | `kn` | `200` | `in` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Latin | `la` | `190` | `it` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Lithuanian | `lt` | `180` | `lt` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Latvian | `lv` | `170` | `lv` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Macedonian | `mk` | `160` | `mk` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Malayalam | `ml` | `150` | `in` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Marathi | `mr` | `140` | `in` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Malay | `ms` | `130` | `my` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Norwegian Nokmål | `nb` | `120` | `no` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Norwegian Nynorsk | `nn` | `110` | `no` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Punjabi | `pa` | `100` | `in` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Romanian | `ro` | `90` | `ro` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Slovak | `sk` | `80` | `sk` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Slovenian | `sl` | `70` | `si` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Albanian | `sq` | `60` | `al` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Serbian | `sr` | `50` | `rs` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Somali | `so` | `45` | `so` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Swahili | `sw` | `40` | `tz` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Tamil | `ta` | `30` | `in` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Urdu | `ur` | `20` | `pk` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Vietnamese | `vi` | `15` | `vn` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Lingala | `ln` | `11` | `cd` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Wolof | `wo` | `10` | `sn` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Mayan | `myn` | `8` | `mx` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Inuktitut | `iu` | `7` | `ca` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Romani | `rom` | `6` | `ro` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Amharic | `am` | `5` | `et` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Sundanese | `su` | `4` | `id` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Zulu | `zu` | `3` | `za` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Luxembourgish | `lb` | `2` | `lu` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| Mossi | `mos` | `1` | `bf` | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
### Square Style
Below is a screenshot of the alternative Square (`square`) style which can be set via the `style` template variable.
### Half Style
Below is a screenshot of the alternative Half (`half`) style which can be set via the `style` template variable.
## Config
The below YAML in your config.yml will create the overlays:
- pmm: languages
TV Shows:
- pmm: languages
- pmm: languages
builder_level: season
- pmm: languages
builder_level: episode
## Template Variable Default Values
Template Variables can be used to manipulate the file in various ways to slightly change how it works without having to make your own local copy.
| Variable | Default / Values |
| `horizontal_offset` | `15`/`206`/`397`/`588`/`779` |
| `horizontal_align` | `left`/`right`/`center` |
| `vertical_offset` | `15`/`76`/`137`/`198`/`259` |
| `vertical_align` | `top`/`bottom`/`center` |
| `back_color` | `#00000099` |
| `back_radius` | `26`/` ` |
| `back_width` | `190` |
| `back_height` | `105` |
| `back_align` | `left`/`right` |
| `font` | `fonts/Inter-Bold.ttf` |
| `font_size` | `50` |
| `languages` | **Description:** Controls which Languages will be active.<br>**Default:** `["en", "de", "fr", "es", "pt", "ja"]` <br>**Values:** List of [ISO 639-1 Codes]( for the Languages desired |
| `use_subtitles` | **Description:** Controls if the overlay is based on subtitle language instead of audio language.<br>**Values:** `true` to look at subtitle language instead of audio language |
| `builder_level` | **Description:** Choose the Overlay Level.<br>**Values:** `season` or `episode` |
2 years ago
| `horizontal_position` | **Description:** Choose the horizontal position for the flag group.<br>**Default:** `left`<br>**Values:** `left`, `left2`, `center`, `center_left`, `center_right`, `right` or `right2` |
| `vertical_position` | **Description:** Choose the vertical position for the flag group.<br>**Default:** `top`<br>**Values:** `top`, `top2`, `top3`, `center`, `center_top`, `center_bottom`, `bottom`, `bottom2` or `bottom3` |
| `overlay_limit` | **Description:** Choose the number of overlay this queue displays.<br>**Default:** `3`<br>**Values:** `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, or `5` |
| `group_alignment` | **Description:** Choose the display alignment for the flag group.<br>**Default:** `vertical`<br>**Values:** `horizontal`, or `vertical` |
| `style` | **Description:** Controls the visual theme of the overlays created.<table class="clearTable"><tr><th>Values:</th></tr><tr><td><code>round</code></td><td>Round Theme</td></tr><tr><td><code>square</code></td><td>Square Theme</td></tr><tr><td><code>half</code></td><td>Square Flag with Round Background</td></tr></table> |
| `flag_alignment` | **Description:** Controls the flag alignment in the backdrop.<br>**Default:** `left`<br>**Values:** `left` or `right` |
| `offset` | **Description:** Controls the offset between the flag and the text.<br>**Default:** `10`<br>**Values:** Any Integer 0 or greater |
| `use_lowercase` | **Description:** Controls if the overlay display is in lowercase.<br>**Values:** `true` to use lowercase text |
| `position` | **Description:** Use the Custom Given Queue instead of the the provided Queues.<br>**Values:** List of Coordinates |
| `country_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Controls the country image for the Overlay.<br>**Default:** Listed in the [Table](#supported-audiosubtitle-language-flags) above<br>**Values:** [ISO 3166-1 Country Code]( for the flag desired |
| `weight_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Controls the weight of the Overlay. Higher numbers have priority.<br>**Values:** Any Number |
1. Each default overlay has a `key` that when calling to effect a specific overlay you must replace `<<key>>` with when calling.
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## Example Template Variable Amendments
The below is an example config.yml extract with some Template Variables added in to change how the file works.
- pmm: languages
- en
- ja
use_subtitles: true
style: square