You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1535 lines
45 KiB

# Dynamic Collection Types & Data
Every dynamic collection definition requires the `type` attribute which determines the attribute used to dynamically
create collections.
Depending on the `type` of dynamic collection, `data` is used to specify the options that are required to fulfill the
requirements of creating the collection.
??? blank "`tmdb_collection` - Collections based on TMDb Collections.<a class="headerlink" href="#tmdb-collection" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="tmdb-collection" />Creates collections based on the TMDb Collections associated with items in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `tmdb_collection`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Movies
**Key Values:** TMDb Collection ID
**Key Name Value:** TMDb Collection Title
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>>`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
tmdb_collection_details: <<value>>
minimum_items: 2
???+ example "Example"
TMDb Collections: # This name is the mapping name
type: tmdb_collection
remove_suffix: Collection
remove_prefix: The
??? blank "`tmdb_popular_people` - Collections based on actors found on [TMDb's Popular People List](<a class="headerlink" href="#tmdb-popular-people" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="tmdb-popular-people" />Creates collections based on each actor found on
[TMDb's Popular People List](
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `tmdb_popular_people`
**`data` Value:** Number greater than 0
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** TMDb Person ID
**Key Name Value:** TMDb Person Name
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>>`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
tmdb_person: <<value>>
actor: tmdb
???+ example "Example"
Creates a collection for the top 10 popular people according to TMDb.
TMDb Popular People: # This name is the mapping name
type: tmdb_popular_people
data: 10
??? blank "`original_language` - Collections based on TMDb original languages.<a class="headerlink" href="#original-language" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="original-language" />Creates collections based on the TMDb original language associated with items in the
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `original_language`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** [ISO 639-1 Code](
**Key Name Value:** ISO Language Name
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>> <<library_type>>s`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
plex_all: true
original_language: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
TMDb Languages: # This name is the mapping name
type: original_language
??? blank "`origin_country` - Collections based on TMDb origin countries.<a class="headerlink" href="#origin-country" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="origin-country" />Creates collections based on the TMDb origin country associated with items in the
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `origin_country`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Shows
**Key Values:** [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code](
**Key Name Value:** ISO Country Name
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>> <<library_type>>s`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
plex_all: true
origin_country: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
TMDb Countries: # This name is the mapping name
type: origin_country
??? blank "`imdb_awards` - Collections based on IMDb Events by Year.<a class="headerlink" href="#imdb-awards" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="imdb-awards" />Creates collections for each of the Year's found on the IMDb event page.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `imdb_awards`
**`data` Value:** [Dictionary](../pmm/ of Attributes
??? blank "`event_id` - Determines the [IMDb Event]( used.<a class="headerlink" href="#imdb-awards-event-id" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="imdb-awards-event-id" />This determines which [IMDb Event]( is used.
**Allowed Values:** The ID found in the URLs linked on the [IMDb Events Page](
(ex. `ev0000003`)
??? blank "`starting` - Determines the starting year of the event to use.<a class="headerlink" href="#imdb-awards-starting" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="imdb-awards-starting" />This determines the starting year of the event to use to create collections.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0, `first`, `latest`, relative first (`first+#`; where `#` is the number
of events past the first event), or relative latest (`latest-#`; where `#` is the number of events back from the
**Default:** `first`
??? blank "`ending` - Determines the ending year of the event to use.<a class="headerlink" href="#imdb-awards-ending" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="imdb-awards-ending" />This determines the ending year of the event to use to create collections.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0, `first`, `latest`, relative first (`first+#`; where `#` is the number
of events past the first event), or relative latest (`latest-#`; where `#` is the number of events back from the
**Default:** `latest`
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** Award Year (sometimes this will look like `2003-2` if there are more than one award show that year)
**Key Name Value:** Award Year (sometimes this will look like `2003-2` if there are more than one award show that
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>>`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
event_id: <<event_id>>
event_year: <<value>>
winning: true
???+ example "Example"
Oscar Awards Lists: # This name is the mapping name
type: imdb_awards
event_id: ev0000003
starting: current-15
ending: current
??? blank "`trakt_user_lists` - Collections based on Trakt Lists by users.<a class="headerlink" href="#trakt-user-lists" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="trakt-user-lists" />Creates collections for each of the Trakt lists for the specified users. Use `me` to
reference the authenticated user.
???+ warning
Requires [Trakt Authentication](../config/ to be configured within the Configuration File.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `trakt_user_lists`
**`data` Value:** List of Trakt Users (Use `me` to reference the authenticated user)
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** Trakt List URL
**Key Name Value:** Trakt List Title
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>>`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
trakt_list_details: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
Trakt User Lists: # This name is the mapping name
type: trakt_user_lists
- me
- yozoraxcii
??? blank "`trakt_liked_lists` - Collections based on liked Trakt Lists.<a class="headerlink" href="#trakt-liked-lists" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="trakt-liked-lists" />Creates collections for each of the Trakt lists that the authenticated user has liked.
???+ warning
Requires [Trakt Authentication](../config/ to be configured within the Configuration File.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `trakt_liked_lists`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** Trakt List URL
**Key Name Value:** Trakt List Title
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>>`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
trakt_list_details: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
Trakt Liked Lists: # This name is the mapping name
type: trakt_liked_lists
??? blank "`trakt_people_list` - Collections based on people on Trakt Lists.<a class="headerlink" href="#trakt-people-list" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="trakt-people-list" />Creates collections for each of the people found within Trakt lists that the user
???+ warning
Requires [Trakt Authentication](../config/ to be configured within the Configuration File.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `trakt_people_list`
**`data` Value:** List of Trakt URLs
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** TMDb Person ID
**Key Name Value:** TMDb Person Name
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>>`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
tmdb_person: <<value>>
actor: tmdb
???+ example "Example"
Trakt People Lists:
type: trakt_people_list
??? blank "`actor` - Collections based on actor credits.<a class="headerlink" href="#actor" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="actor" />Creates collections for each actor found in the library based on given criteria.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `actor`
**`data` Value:** [Dictionary](../pmm/ of Attributes
??? blank "`depth` - Determines how many "top" acting credits per item.<a class="headerlink" href="#actor-depth" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="actor-depth" />This determines how many "top" acting credits there are for each item. Acting credits
are parsed in top billing order.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0
**Default:** `3`
??? blank "`minimum` - Determines the minimum number of "top" acting credits.<a class="headerlink" href="#actor-minimum" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="actor-minimum" />Determines the minimum number of "top" acting credits. For a collection for this actor
to be created they must meet the minimum number of "top" acting credits.
???+ warning
The number of "top" acting credits per item is determined by the `depth` value.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0
**Default:** `3`
??? blank "`limit` - Determines the maximum number of actor collections to create.<a class="headerlink" href="#actor-limit" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="actor-limit" />Determines the maximum number of actor collections to create.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0
**Default:** None
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** Person Name
**Key Name Value:** Person Name
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>>`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
actor: <<value>>
???+ example "Examples"
This example creates a collection for each of the top 25 actors who appear in the "top" 5 acting credits of an
item in the library.
Top Actors: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: actor
depth: 5
limit: 25
This example creates a collection for each of the actors who appear in the "top" 5 acting credits of an item in
the library for at least 20 items.
Actors: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: actor
depth: 5
minimum: 20
??? blank "`director` - Collections based on directors.<a class="headerlink" href="#director" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="director" />Creates collections for each director found in the library based on given criteria.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `director`
**`data` Value:** [Dictionary](../pmm/ of Attributes
??? blank "`depth` - Determines how many "top" directing credits per item.<a class="headerlink" href="#director-depth" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="director-depth" />This determines how many "top" directing credits there are for each item. Directing
credits are parsed in top billing order.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0
**Default:** `3`
??? blank "`minimum` - Determines the minimum number of "top" directing credits.<a class="headerlink" href="#director-minimum" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="director-minimum" />Determines the minimum number of "top" directing credits. For a collection for this
director to be created they must meet the minimum number of "top" directing credits.
???+ warning
The number of "top" directing credits per item is determined by the `depth` value.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0
**Default:** `3`
??? blank "`limit` - Determines the maximum number of director collections to create.<a class="headerlink" href="#director-limit" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="director-limit" />Determines the maximum number of director collections to create.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0
**Default:** None
**Valid Library Types:** Movies
**Key Values:** Person Name
**Key Name Value:** Person Name
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>>`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
director: <<value>>
???+ example "Examples"
This example creates a collection for the each of the top 5 directors who appear as the "top" directing credits
of movies.
Top Directors: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: director
depth: 1
limit: 5
This example creates a collection for the each of the directors who appear as the "top" directing credits of
movies the library for at least 10 movies.
Directors: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: director
depth: 1
minimum: 10
??? blank "`writer` - Collections based on writers.<a class="headerlink" href="#director" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="director" />Creates collections for each writer found in the library based on given criteria.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `writer`
**`data` Value:** [Dictionary](../pmm/ of Attributes
??? blank "`depth` - Determines how many "top" writing credits per item.<a class="headerlink" href="#writer-depth" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="writer-depth" />This determines how many "top" writing credits there are for each item. Writing credits
are parsed in top billing order.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0
**Default:** `3`
??? blank "`minimum` - Determines the minimum number of "top" writing credits.<a class="headerlink" href="#writer-minimum" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="writer-minimum" />Determines the minimum number of "top" writing credits. For a collection for this
writer to be created they must meet the minimum number of "top" writing credits.
???+ warning
The number of "top" writing credits per item is determined by the `depth` value.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0
**Default:** `3`
??? blank "`limit` - Determines the maximum number of writer collections to create.<a class="headerlink" href="#writer-limit" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="writer-limit" />Determines the maximum number of writer collections to create.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0
**Default:** None
**Valid Library Types:** Movies
**Key Values:** Person Name
**Key Name Value:** Person Name
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>>`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
writer: <<value>>
???+ example "Examples"
This example creates a collection for the each of the top 5 writers who appear as the "top" writing credits of
Top Writers: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: writer
depth: 1
limit: 5
This example creates a collection for the each of the writers who appear as the "top" writing credits of movies
the library for at least 10 movies.
Writers: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: writer
depth: 1
minimum: 10
??? blank "`producer` - Collections based on producers.<a class="headerlink" href="#director" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="director" />Creates collections for each producer found in the library based on given criteria.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `producer`
**`data` Value:** [Dictionary](../pmm/ of Attributes
??? blank "`depth` - Determines how many "top" producing credits per item.<a class="headerlink" href="#producer-depth" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="producer-depth" />This determines how many "top" producing credits there are for each item. Producing
credits are parsed in top billing order.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0
**Default:** `3`
??? blank "`minimum` - Determines the minimum number of "top" producing credits.<a class="headerlink" href="#producer-minimum" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="producer-minimum" />Determines the minimum number of "top" producing credits. For a collection for this
producer to be created they must meet the minimum number of "top" producing credits.
???+ warning
The number of "top" producing credits per item is determined by the `depth` value.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0
**Default:** `3`
??? blank "`limit` - Determines the maximum number of producer collections to create.<a class="headerlink" href="#producer-limit" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="producer-limit" />Determines the maximum number of producer collections to create.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0
**Default:** None
**Valid Library Types:** Movies
**Key Values:** Person Name
**Key Name Value:** Person Name
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>>`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
producer: <<value>>
???+ example "Examples"
This example creates a collection for the each of the top 5 producers who appear as the "top" producing credits
of movies.
Top Producers: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: producer
depth: 1
limit: 5
This example creates a collection for the each of the producers who appear as the "top" producing credits of
movies the library for at least 10 movies.
Producers: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: producers
depth: 1
minimum: 10
??? blank "`genre` - Collections based on genres.<a class="headerlink" href="#genre" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="genre" />Creates collections for each genre found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `genre`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Movies, Shows, Music, and Video
**Key Values:** Genre
**Key Name Value:** Genre
**Default `title_format`:** `Top <<key_name>> <<library_type>>s`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
limit: 50
sort_by: critic_rating.desc
genre: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each genre found in the library.
Genres: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: genre
??? blank "`album_genre` - Collections based on album genres.<a class="headerlink" href="#album-genre" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="album-genre" />Creates album collections for each genre associated with albums found in the music library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `genre`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Music
**Key Values:** Genre
**Key Name Value:** Genre
**Default `title_format`:** `Top <<key_name>> Albums`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
builder_level: album
limit: 50
sort_by: plays.desc
album_genre: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates album collections for each genre associated with albums found in the music library.
Genres: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: album_genre
??? blank "`content_rating` - Collections based on content ratings.<a class="headerlink" href="#content-rating" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="content-rating" />Creates collections for each content rating found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `content_rating`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Movies, Shows, and Video
**Key Values:** Content Rating
**Key Name Value:** Content Rating
**Default `title_format`:** `Top <<key_name>> <<library_type>>s`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
limit: 50
sort_by: critic_rating.desc
content_rating: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each genre found in the library.
Content Ratings: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: content_rating
??? blank "`year` - Collections based on content ratings.<a class="headerlink" href="#year" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="year" />Creates collections for each year found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `year`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** Year
**Key Name Value:** Year
**Default `title_format`:** `Best <<library_type>>s of <<key_name>>`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
limit: 50
sort_by: critic_rating.desc
year: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each year found in the library.
Years: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: year
??? blank "`episode_year` - Collections based on content ratings.<a class="headerlink" href="#episode-year" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="episode-year" />Creates collections for each year associated with episodes found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `episode_year`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Shows
**Key Values:** Year
**Key Name Value:** Year
**Default `title_format`:** `Best Episodes of <<key_name>>`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
builder_level: episode
limit: 50
sort_by: critic_rating.desc
year: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each year found in the library.
Years: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: year
??? blank "`decade` - Collections based on decades.<a class="headerlink" href="#decade" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="decade" />Creates collections for each decade found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `decade`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** Decade
**Key Name Value:** Decade with an `s` at the end
**Default `title_format`:** `Best <<library_type>> of the <<key_name>>`
??? tip "Default Templates (click to expand)"
=== "Movie Default"
limit: 50
sort_by: critic_rating.desc
decade: <<value>>
=== "Show Default"
Shows don't inherently have a decade attribute so pmm just passes all years from the decade as a list.
limit: 50
sort_by: critic_rating.desc
year: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each decade found in the library.
Decades: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: decade
??? blank "`country` - Collections based on countries.<a class="headerlink" href="#country" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="country" />Creates collections for each country found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `country`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Movies, Music, Video
**Key Values:** Country
**Key Name Value:** Country
**Default `title_format`:** `Top <<key_name>> <<library_type>>s`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
limit: 50
sort_by: critic_rating.desc
country: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each country found in the library.
Countries: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: country
??? blank "`resolution` - Collections based on resolutions.<a class="headerlink" href="#resolution" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="resolution" />Creates collections for each resolution found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `resolution`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** Resolution
**Key Name Value:** Resolution
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>> <<library_type>>s`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
limit: 50
sort_by: title.asc
resolution: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each resolution found in the library.
Resolutions: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: resolution
??? blank "`subtitle_language` - Collections based on subtitle languages.<a class="headerlink" href="#subtitle-language" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="subtitle-language" />Creates collections for each subtitle language found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `subtitle_language`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** [ISO 639-1 Code](
**Key Name Value:** ISO Language Name
**Default `title_format`:** `Top <<key_name>> <<library_type>>s`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
limit: 50
sort_by: critic_rating.asc
subtitle_language: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each subtitle language found in the library.
Subtitle Languages: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: subtitle_language
??? blank "`audio_language` - Collections based on audio languages.<a class="headerlink" href="#audio-language" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="audio-language" />Creates collections for each audio language found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `audio_language`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** [ISO 639-1 Code](
**Key Name Value:** ISO Language Name
**Default `title_format`:** `Top <<key_name>> <<library_type>>s`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
limit: 50
sort_by: critic_rating.asc
audio_language: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each audio language found in the library.
Audio Languages: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: audio_language
??? blank "`studio` - Collections based on studios.<a class="headerlink" href="#studio" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="studio" />Creates collections for each studio found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `studio`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** Studio
**Key Name Value:** Studio
**Default `title_format`:** `Top <<key_name>> <<library_type>>s`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
limit: 50
sort_by: critic_rating.asc
studio: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each studio found in the library.
Studios: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: studio
??? blank "`edition` - Collections based on editions.<a class="headerlink" href="#edition" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="edition" />Creates collections for each edition found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `edition`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Movies
**Key Values:** Edition
**Key Name Value:** Edition
**Default `title_format`:** `Top <<key_name>> <<library_type>>s`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
limit: 50
sort_by: critic_rating.asc
edition: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each edition found in the library.
Editions: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: edition
??? blank "`network` - Collections based on networks.<a class="headerlink" href="#network" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="network" />Creates collections for each network found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `network`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Shows
**Key Values:** Network
**Key Name Value:** Network
**Default `title_format`:** `Top <<key_name>> <<library_type>>s`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
limit: 50
sort_by: critic_rating.asc
network: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each network found in the library.
Networks: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: network
??? blank "`mood` - Collections based on artist moods.<a class="headerlink" href="#mood" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="mood" />Creates collections for each mood associated with an artist found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `mood`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Music
**Key Values:** Mood
**Key Name Value:** Mood
**Default `title_format`:** `Most Played <<key_name>> Artists`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
limit: 10
sort_by: plays.desc
artist_mood: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each artist mood found in the library.
Moods: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: mood
??? blank "`album_mood` - Collections based on album moods.<a class="headerlink" href="#album-mood" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="album-mood" />Creates collections for each mood associated with an album found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `album_mood`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Music
**Key Values:** Mood
**Key Name Value:** Mood
**Default `title_format`:** `Most Played <<key_name>> Albums`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
builder_level: album
limit: 10
sort_by: plays.desc
album_mood: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each album mood found in the library.
Moods: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: album_mood
??? blank "`track_mood` - Collections based on track moods.<a class="headerlink" href="#track-mood" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="track-mood" />Creates collections for each mood associated with a track found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `track_mood`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Music
**Key Values:** Mood
**Key Name Value:** Mood
**Default `title_format`:** `Most Played <<key_name>> Tracks`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
builder_level: track
limit: 50
sort_by: plays.desc
track_mood: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each track mood found in the library.
Moods: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: track_mood
??? blank "`style` - Collections based on artist styles.<a class="headerlink" href="#style" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="style" />Creates collections for each style associated with an artist found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `style`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Music
**Key Values:** Style
**Key Name Value:** Style
**Default `title_format`:** `Most Played <<key_name>> Artists`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
limit: 10
sort_by: plays.desc
artist_style: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each artist style found in the library.
Styles: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: style
??? blank "`album_style` - Collections based on album styles.<a class="headerlink" href="#album-style" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="album-style" />Creates collections for each style associated with an album found in the library.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `album_style`
**`data` Value:** Not Used
**Valid Library Types:** Music
**Key Values:** Style
**Key Name Value:** Style
**Default `title_format`:** `Most Played <<key_name>> Artists`
??? tip "Default Template (click to expand)"
builder_level: album
limit: 10
sort_by: plays.desc
album_style: <<value>>
???+ example "Example"
This example creates collections based on each album style found in the library.
Styles: # mapping name does not matter just needs to be unique
type: album_style
??? blank "`number` - Collections based on defined numbers.<a class="headerlink" href="#number" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="number" />Creates collections for each number based on given criteria.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `number`
**`data` Value:** [Dictionary](../pmm/ of Attributes
??? blank "`starting` - Determines the starting number.<a class="headerlink" href="#number-starting" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="number-starting" />This determines the starting number of collections to create.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0, `current_year`, or relative year `current_year-#` (`#` is the number
of years back from the current year)
**Default:** `0`
??? blank "`ending` - Determines the ending number.<a class="headerlink" href="#number-ending" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="number-ending" />This determines the ending number of collections to create.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 1, `current_year`, or relative year `current_year-#` (`#` is the number
of years back from the current year)
**Default:** `1`
??? blank "`increment` - Determines amount incremented.<a class="headerlink" href="#number-increment" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="number-increment" />Determines the amount incremented from one collection to the other.
**Allowed Values:** Number greater than 0
**Default:** `1`
**Valid Library Types:** Movies, Shows, Music, and Video
**Key Values:** Number
**Key Name Value:** Number
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>>`
???+ warning
There's no default template for this type one has to be specified.
???+ example "Example"
This example create a collection for the Oscar Winner by Year for the last 5 years and names the collection
"Oscars Winners [Number]".
summary: Academy Awards (Oscars) Winners for <<key>>
release.after: <<key>>-01-01
release.before: <<key>>-12-31
event.winning: oscar_picture, oscar_director
sort_by: popularity.asc
sync_mode: sync
collection_order: custom
Oscars Winners Awards:
type: number
sync: true
starting: current_year-5
ending: current_year
title_format: Oscars Winners <<key_name>>
- Oscars
??? blank "`custom` - Collections based on given values.<a class="headerlink" href="#custom" title="Permanent link"></a>"
<div id="custom" />Creates collections for each custom `dynamic key: key_name` pair defined.
<hr style="margin: 0px;">
**`type` Value:** `custom`
**`data` Value:** [Dictionary](../pmm/ with the keys being the `dynamic key` and the values
being the `key name`
**Valid Library Types:** Movies, Shows, Music, and Video
**Key Values:** `dynamic key`
**Key Name Value:** `key_name`
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>>`
???+ warning
There's no default template for this type one has to be specified.
???+ example "Example"
This example creates a collection for the various Streaming Services and names them "[Key Name] Movies".
cache_builders: 1
smart_label: release.desc
sync_mode: sync
type: custom
all-4: All 4
appletv: Apple TV+
bet: BET+
britbox: BritBox
disney: Disney+
max: Max
hulu: Hulu
netflix: Netflix
now: NOW
paramount: Paramount+
peacock: Peacock
amazon-prime-video: Prime Video
title_format: <<key_name>> Movies
- streaming
- shared
include-markdown "./"