| `name` | **Description:** Used to specify the name off the collection/playlist in Plex as different then the mapping name.<br>**Values:** Any String |
| `limit` | **Description:** Used to specify the max number of items for the collection/playlist<br>**Values:** Number greater then 0 |
| `template` | **Description:** Used to specify a template and template variables to use for this collection/playlist. See the [Templates Page](../templates) for more information.<br>**Values:** Dictionary |
@ -28,4 +28,6 @@ All the following attributes serve various functions as how the collection/playl
| `name_mapping` | **Description:** Used to specify the folder name in the [Image Assets Directory](../../home/guides/assets) i.e. if your collection/playlist name contains characters that are not allowed in file paths (i.e. for windows `<`, `>`, `:`, `"`, `/`, `\`, `?`, `*` cannot be in the file path), but you want them in your name you can this to specify the name in the file system.<br>**Values:** Any String |
| `test` | **Description:** When running in Test Mode (`--run-tests` [option](../../home/environmental)) only collections/playlists with `test: true` will be run.<br>**Default:** `false`<br>**Values:** `true` or `false` |
| `changes_webhooks` | **Description:** Used to specify a collection/playlist changes webhook for just this collection/playlist.<br>**Values:** List of webhooks |
| `sync_to_trakt_list` | **Description:** Used to specify a trakt list you want the collection/playlist synced to.<br>**Values:** Trakt List Slug you want to sync to |
| `sync_missing_to_trakt_list` | **Description:** Used to also sync missing items to the Trakt List specified by `sync_to_trakt_list`.<br>**Values:** `ture` or `false` |
logger.info(f"Processing MyAnimeList Season: {data['limit']} Anime from {data['season'].title()}{data['year']} sorted by {pretty_names[data['sort_by']]}")