updated posters backgrounds and summaries

meisnate12 4 years ago
parent 92d5e29a91
commit 06f91346af

@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
self.methods = []
self.filters = []
self.posters = []
self.backgrounds = []
self.posters = {}
self.backgrounds = {}
self.summaries = {}
self.schedule = ""
current_time = datetime.now()
current_year = current_time.year
@ -180,10 +181,10 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
for tmdb_id in util.get_int_list(data["tmdb_person"], "TMDb Person ID"):
person = config.TMDb.get_person(tmdb_id)
if "summary" not in self.details and hasattr(person, "biography") and person.biography:
self.details["summary"] = person.biography
if "poster" not in self.details and hasattr(person, "profile_path") and person.profile_path:
self.details["poster"] = ("url", f"{config.TMDb.image_url}{person.profile_path}", "tmdb_person")
if hasattr(person, "biography") and person.biography:
self.summaries["tmdb_person"] = person.biography
if hasattr(person, "profile_path") and person.profile_path:
self.posters["tmdb_person"] = f"{config.TMDb.image_url}{person.profile_path}"
if len(valid_names) > 0: self.details["tmdb_person"] = valid_names
else: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: No valid TMDb Person IDs in {data['tmdb_person']}")
@ -212,12 +213,14 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} plex search only works for movie libraries")
elif method_name not in util.collectionless_lists and self.collectionless:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} attribute does not work for Collectionless collection")
elif method_name == "summary":
self.summaries[method_name] = data[m]
elif method_name == "tmdb_summary":
self.details["summary"] = config.TMDb.get_movie_show_or_collection(util.regex_first_int(data[m], "TMDb ID"), self.library.is_movie).overview
self.summaries[method_name] = config.TMDb.get_movie_show_or_collection(util.regex_first_int(data[m], "TMDb ID"), self.library.is_movie).overview
elif method_name == "tmdb_description":
self.details["summary"] = config.TMDb.get_list(util.regex_first_int(data[m], "TMDb List ID")).description
self.summaries[method_name] = config.TMDb.get_list(util.regex_first_int(data[m], "TMDb List ID")).description
elif method_name == "tmdb_biography":
self.details["summary"] = config.TMDb.get_person(util.regex_first_int(data[m], "TMDb Person ID")).biography
self.summaries[method_name] = config.TMDb.get_person(util.regex_first_int(data[m], "TMDb Person ID")).biography
elif method_name == "collection_mode":
if data[m] in ["default", "hide", "hide_items", "show_items", "hideItems", "showItems"]:
if data[m] == "hide_items": self.details[method_name] = "hideItems"
@ -231,20 +234,20 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {data[m]} collection_order Invalid\n| \trelease (Order Collection by release dates)\n| \talpha (Order Collection Alphabetically)")
elif method_name == "url_poster":
self.posters.append(("url", data[m], method_name))
self.posters[method_name] = data[m]
elif method_name == "tmdb_poster":
self.posters.append(("url", f"{config.TMDb.image_url}{config.TMDb.get_movie_show_or_collection(util.regex_first_int(data[m], 'TMDb ID'), self.library.is_movie).poster_path}", method_name))
self.posters[method_name] = f"{config.TMDb.image_url}{config.TMDb.get_movie_show_or_collection(util.regex_first_int(data[m], 'TMDb ID'), self.library.is_movie).poster_path}"
elif method_name == "tmdb_profile":
self.posters.append(("url", f"{config.TMDb.image_url}{config.TMDb.get_person(util.regex_first_int(data[m], 'TMDb Person ID')).profile_path}", method_name))
self.posters[method_name] = f"{config.TMDb.image_url}{config.TMDb.get_person(util.regex_first_int(data[m], 'TMDb Person ID')).profile_path}"
elif method_name == "file_poster":
if os.path.exists(data[m]): self.posters.append(("file", os.path.abspath(data[m]), method_name))
if os.path.exists(data[m]): self.posters[method_name] = os.path.abspath(data[m])
else: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: Poster Path Does Not Exist: {os.path.abspath(data[m])}")
elif method_name == "url_background":
self.backgrounds.append(("url", data[m], method_name))
self.backgrounds[method_name] = data[m]
elif method_name == "tmdb_background":
self.backgrounds.append(("url", f"{config.TMDb.image_url}{config.TMDb.get_movie_show_or_collection(util.regex_first_int(data[m], 'TMDb ID'), self.library.is_movie).poster_path}", method_name))
self.backgrounds[method_name] = f"{config.TMDb.image_url}{config.TMDb.get_movie_show_or_collection(util.regex_first_int(data[m], 'TMDb ID'), self.library.is_movie).poster_path}"
elif method_name == "file_background":
if os.path.exists(data[m]): self.backgrounds.append(("file", os.path.abspath(data[m]), method_name))
if os.path.exists(data[m]): self.backgrounds[method_name] = os.path.abspath(data[m])
else: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: Background Path Does Not Exist: {os.path.abspath(data[m])}")
elif method_name == "label_sync_mode":
if data[m] in ["append", "sync"]: self.details[method_name] = data[m]
@ -501,16 +504,16 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
if method_name[-8:] == "_details":
if method_name in ["tmdb_collection_details", "tmdb_movie_details", "tmdb_show_details"]:
item = config.TMDb.get_movie_show_or_collection(values[0], self.library.is_movie)
if "summary" not in self.details and hasattr(item, "overview") and item.overview:
self.details["summary"] = item.overview
if "background" not in self.details and hasattr(item, "backdrop_path") and item.backdrop_path:
self.details["background"] = ("url", f"{config.TMDb.image_url}{item.backdrop_path}", method_name[:-8])
if "poster" not in self.details and hasattr(item, "poster_path") and item.poster_path:
self.details["poster"] = ("url", f"{config.TMDb.image_url}{item.poster_path}", method_name[:-8])
if hasattr(item, "overview") and item.overview:
self.summaries[method_name] = item.overview
if hasattr(item, "backdrop_path") and item.backdrop_path:
self.backgrounds[method_name] = f"{config.TMDb.image_url}{item.backdrop_path}"
if hasattr(item, "poster_path") and item.poster_path:
self.posters[method_name] = f"{config.TMDb.image_url}{item.poster_path}"
item = config.TMDb.get_list(values[0])
if "summary" not in self.details and hasattr(item, "description") and item.description:
self.details["summary"] = item.description
if hasattr(item, "description") and item.description:
self.summaries[method_name] = item.description
self.methods.append((method_name[:-8], values))
self.methods.append((method_name, values))
@ -692,15 +695,28 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
def update_details(self, collection):
edits = {}
def get_summary(summary_method, summaries):
logger.info(f"Detail: {summary_method} updated collection summary")
return summaries[summary_method]
if "summary" in self.summaries: summary = get_summary("summary", self.summaries)
elif "tmdb_description" in self.summaries: summary = get_summary("tmdb_description", self.summaries)
elif "tmdb_summary" in self.summaries: summary = get_summary("tmdb_summary", self.summaries)
elif "tmdb_biography" in self.summaries: summary = get_summary("tmdb_biography", self.summaries)
elif "tmdb_person" in self.summaries: summary = get_summary("tmdb_person", self.summaries)
elif "tmdb_collection_details" in self.summaries: summary = get_summary("tmdb_collection_details", self.summaries)
elif "tmdb_list_details" in self.summaries: summary = get_summary("tmdb_list_details", self.summaries)
elif "tmdb_movie_details" in self.summaries: summary = get_summary("tmdb_movie_details", self.summaries)
elif "tmdb_show_details" in self.summaries: summary = get_summary("tmdb_show_details", self.summaries)
else: summary = None
if summary:
edits["summary.value"] = summary
edits["summary.locked"] = 1
if "sort_title" in self.details:
edits["titleSort.value"] = self.details["sort_title"]
edits["titleSort.locked"] = 1
if "content_rating" in self.details:
edits["contentRating.value"] = self.details["content_rating"]
edits["contentRating.locked"] = 1
if "summary" in self.details:
edits["summary.value"] = self.details["summary"]
edits["summary.locked"] = 1
if len(edits) > 0:
@ -725,8 +741,8 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
if self.library.asset_directory:
name_mapping = self.name
if "name_mapping" in self.details:
if self.details["name_mapping"]: name_mapping = self.details["name_mapping"]
else: logger.error("Collection Error: name_mapping attribute is blank")
if self.details["name_mapping"]: name_mapping = self.details["name_mapping"]
else: logger.error("Collection Error: name_mapping attribute is blank")
for ad in self.library.asset_directory:
path = os.path.join(ad, f"{name_mapping}")
if not os.path.isdir(path):
@ -734,11 +750,11 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(ad, f"{name_mapping}", "poster.*"))
if len(matches) > 0:
for match in matches:
self.posters.append(("file", os.path.abspath(match), "asset_directory"))
self.posters["asset_directory"] = os.path.abspath(match)
matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(ad, f"{name_mapping}", "background.*"))
if len(matches) > 0:
for match in matches:
self.backgrounds.append(("file", os.path.abspath(match), "asset_directory"))
self.backgrounds["asset_directory"] = os.path.abspath(match)
dirs = [folder for folder in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, folder))]
if len(dirs) > 0:
for item in collection.items():
@ -759,16 +775,46 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
logger.warning(f"No Folder: {os.path.join(path, folder)}")
poster = util.choose_from_list(self.posters, "poster", list_type="tuple")
if not poster and "poster" in self.details: poster = self.details["poster"]
if poster:
if poster[0] == "url": collection.uploadPoster(url=poster[1])
else: collection.uploadPoster(filepath=poster[1])
logger.info(f"Detail: {poster[2]} updated collection poster to [{poster[0]}] {poster[1]}")
background = util.choose_from_list(self.backgrounds, "background", list_type="tuple")
if not background and "background" in self.details: background = self.details["background"]
if background:
if background[0] == "url": collection.uploadArt(url=background[1])
else: collection.uploadArt(filepath=background[1])
logger.info(f"Detail: {background[2]} updated collection background to [{background[0]}] {background[1]}")
def set_image(image_method, images, is_background=False):
if image_method in ['file_poster', 'asset_directory']:
if is_background: collection.uploadArt(url=images[image_method])
else: collection.uploadPoster(url=images[image_method])
image_location = "File"
if is_background: collection.uploadArt(filepath=images[image_method])
else: collection.uploadPoster(filepath=images[image_method])
image_location = "URL"
logger.info(f"Detail: {image_method} updated collection {'background' if is_background else 'poster'} to [{image_location}] {images[image_method]}")
if len(self.posters) > 1:
logger.info(f"{len(self.posters)} posters found:")
for p in self.posters:
logger.info(f"Method: {p} Poster: {self.posters[p]}")
if "url_poster" in self.posters: set_image("url_poster", self.posters)
elif "file_poster" in self.posters: set_image("file_poster", self.posters)
elif "tmdb_poster" in self.posters: set_image("tmdb_poster", self.posters)
elif "tmdb_profile" in self.posters: set_image("tmdb_profile", self.posters)
elif "asset_directory" in self.posters: set_image("asset_directory", self.posters)
elif "tmdb_collection_details" in self.posters: set_image("tmdb_collection", self.posters)
elif "tmdb_movie_details" in self.posters: set_image("tmdb_movie", self.posters)
elif "tmdb_show_details" in self.posters: set_image("tmdb_show", self.posters)
elif "tmdb_person" in self.posters: set_image("tmdb_person", self.posters)
else: logger.info("No poster to update")
if len(self.backgrounds) > 1:
logger.info(f"{len(self.backgrounds)} backgrounds found:")
for b in self.backgrounds:
logger.info(f"Method: {b} Background: {self.backgrounds[b]}")
if "url_background" in self.backgrounds: set_image("url_background", self.backgrounds, is_background=True)
elif "file_background" in self.backgrounds: set_image("file_poster", self.backgrounds, is_background=True)
elif "tmdb_background" in self.backgrounds: set_image("tmdb_poster", self.backgrounds, is_background=True)
elif "asset_directory" in self.backgrounds: set_image("asset_directory", self.backgrounds, is_background=True)
elif "tmdb_collection_details" in self.backgrounds: set_image("tmdb_collection", self.backgrounds, is_background=True)
elif "tmdb_movie_details" in self.backgrounds: set_image("tmdb_movie", self.backgrounds, is_background=True)
elif "tmdb_show_details" in self.backgrounds: set_image("tmdb_show", self.backgrounds, is_background=True)
else: logger.info("No background to update")

@ -565,27 +565,27 @@ class Config:
if tmdb_id and imdb_id: id_name = f"TMDb ID: {tmdb_id} or IMDb ID: {imdb_id}"
elif imdb_id and tvdb_id: id_name = f"IMDb ID: {imdb_id} or TVDb ID: {tvdb_id}"
elif tmdb_id: id_name = "TMDb ID: {}".format(tmdb_id)
elif imdb_id: id_name = "IMDb ID: {}".format(imdb_id)
elif tvdb_id: id_name = "TVDb ID: {}".format(tvdb_id)
elif tmdb_id: id_name = f"TMDb ID: {tmdb_id}"
elif imdb_id: id_name = f"IMDb ID: {imdb_id}"
elif tvdb_id: id_name = f"TVDb ID: {tvdb_id}"
else: id_name = None
if anidb_id and not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id: error_message = "Unable to convert AniDb ID: {} to TMDb ID or TVDb ID".format(anidb_id)
elif mal_id and not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id: error_message = "Unable to convert MyAnimeList ID: {} to TMDb ID or TVDb ID".format(mal_id)
elif id_name and api_name: error_message = "Unable to convert {} to {} using {}".format(id_name, service_name, api_name)
elif id_name: error_message = "Configure TMDb or Trakt to covert {} to {}".format(id_name, service_name)
else: error_message = "No ID to convert to {}".format(service_name)
if anidb_id and not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id: error_message = f"Unable to convert AniDb ID: {anidb_id} to TMDb ID or TVDb ID"
elif mal_id and not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id: error_message = f"Unable to convert MyAnimeList ID: {mal_id} to TMDb ID or TVDb ID"
elif id_name and api_name: error_message = f"Unable to convert {id_name} to {service_name} using {api_name}"
elif id_name: error_message = f"Configure TMDb or Trakt to covert {id_name} to {service_name}"
else: error_message = f"No ID to convert to {service_name}"
if self.Cache and (tmdb_id and library.is_movie) or ((tvdb_id or ((anidb_id or mal_id) and tmdb_id)) and library.is_show):
if isinstance(tmdb_id, list):
for i in range(len(tmdb_id)):
util.print_end(length, f"Cache | {'^' if expired is True else '+'} | {item.guid:<46} | {tmdb_id[i] if tmdb_id[i] else 'None':<6} | {imdb_id[i] if imdb_id[i] else 'None':<10} | {tvdb_id if tvdb_id else 'None':<6} | {anidb_id if anidb_id else 'None':<5} | {mal_id if mal_id else 'None':<5} | {item.title}")
self.Cache.update_guid("movie" if library.is_movie else "show", item.guid, tmdb_id[i], imdb_id[i], tvdb_id, anidb_id, mal_id, expired)
util.print_end(length, "Cache | {} | {:<46} | {:<6} | {:<10} | {:<6} | {:<5} | {:<5} | {}".format("^" if expired is True else "+", item.guid, tmdb_id if tmdb_id else "None", imdb_id if imdb_id else "None", tvdb_id if tvdb_id else "None", anidb_id if anidb_id else "None", mal_id if mal_id else "None", item.title))
util.print_end(length, f"Cache | {'^' if expired is True else '+'} | {item.guid:<46} | {tmdb_id if tmdb_id else 'None':<6} | {imdb_id if imdb_id else 'None':<10} | {tvdb_id if tvdb_id else 'None':<6} | {anidb_id if anidb_id else 'None':<5} | {mal_id if mal_id else 'None':<5} | {item.title}")
self.Cache.update_guid("movie" if library.is_movie else "show", item.guid, tmdb_id, imdb_id, tvdb_id, anidb_id, mal_id, expired)
if tmdb_id and library.is_movie: return "movie", tmdb_id
elif tvdb_id and library.is_show: return "show", tvdb_id
elif (anidb_id or mal_id) and tmdb_id: return "movie", tmdb_id
util.print_end(length, "{} {:<46} | {} for {}".format("Cache | ! |" if self.Cache else "Mapping Error:", item.guid, error_message, item.title))
util.print_end(length, f"{'Cache | ! |' if self.Cache else 'Mapping Error:'} {item.guid:<46} | {error_message} for {item.title}")
return None, None

@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ def choose_from_list(datalist, description, data=None, list_type="title", exact=
return None
logger.warning(f"Input Timeout: using {datalist[0][1]}")
return datalist[0][1]
return datalist[0]
return None
