[20] separate overlay into its own file

meisnate12 3 years ago
parent f1db86bdc9
commit 09957ce390

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import os, re, time
from datetime import datetime
from modules import anidb, anilist, flixpatrol, icheckmovies, imdb, letterboxd, mal, plex, radarr, reciperr, sonarr, tautulli, tmdb, trakt, tvdb, mdblist, util
from modules.util import Failed, NonExisting, NotScheduled, NotScheduledRange, Overlay, Deleted
from modules.util import Failed, NonExisting, NotScheduled, NotScheduledRange, Deleted
from modules.overlay import Overlay
from plexapi.audio import Artist, Album, Track
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound
from plexapi.video import Movie, Show, Season, Episode

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import math, operator, os, re, requests
from datetime import datetime
from modules import plex, ergast, util
from modules import plex, ergast, overlay, util
from modules.util import Failed, YAML
from plexapi.exceptions import NotFound, BadRequest
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class DataFile:
self.templates = {}
def get_file_name(self):
data = f"{util.github_base}{self.path}.yml" if self.type == "GIT" else self.path
data = f"{overlay.github_base}{self.path}.yml" if self.type == "GIT" else self.path
if "/" in data:
if data.endswith(".yml"):
return data[data.rfind("/") + 1:-4]
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class DataFile:
if file_type in ["URL", "Git", "Repo"]:
if file_type == "Repo" and not self.config.custom_repo:
raise Failed("Config Error: No custom_repo defined")
content_path = file_path if file_type == "URL" else f"{self.config.custom_repo if file_type == 'Repo' else util.github_base}{file_path}.yml"
content_path = file_path if file_type == "URL" else f"{self.config.custom_repo if file_type == 'Repo' else overlay.github_base}{file_path}.yml"
response = self.config.get(content_path)
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise Failed(f"URL Error: No file found at {content_path}")

@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
import os, re, time
from PIL import Image, ImageColor, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
logger = util.logger
portrait_dim = (1000, 1500)
landscape_dim = (1920, 1080)
github_base = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager-Configs/master/"
rating_mods = ["0", "%", "#"]
special_text_overlays = [f"text({a}{s})" for a in ["audience_rating", "critic_rating", "user_rating"] for s in [""] + rating_mods]
def parse_cords(data, parent, required=False):
horizontal_align = util.parse("Overlay", "horizontal_align", data["horizontal_align"], parent=parent,
options=["left", "center", "right"]) if "horizontal_align" in data else "left"
vertical_align = util.parse("Overlay", "vertical_align", data["vertical_align"], parent=parent,
options=["top", "center", "bottom"]) if "vertical_align" in data else "top"
horizontal_offset = None
if "horizontal_offset" in data and data["horizontal_offset"] is not None:
x_off = data["horizontal_offset"]
per = False
if str(x_off).endswith("%"):
x_off = x_off[:-1]
per = True
x_off = util.check_num(x_off)
error = f"Overlay Error: {parent} horizontal_offset: {data['horizontal_offset']} must be a number"
if x_off is None:
raise Failed(error)
if horizontal_align != "center" and not per and x_off < 0:
raise Failed(f"{error} 0 or greater")
elif horizontal_align != "center" and per and (x_off > 100 or x_off < 0):
raise Failed(f"{error} between 0% and 100%")
elif horizontal_align == "center" and per and (x_off > 50 or x_off < -50):
raise Failed(f"{error} between -50% and 50%")
horizontal_offset = f"{x_off}%" if per else x_off
if horizontal_offset is None and horizontal_align == "center":
horizontal_offset = 0
if required and horizontal_offset is None:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: {parent} horizontal_offset is required")
vertical_offset = None
if "vertical_offset" in data and data["vertical_offset"] is not None:
y_off = data["vertical_offset"]
per = False
if str(y_off).endswith("%"):
y_off = y_off[:-1]
per = True
y_off = util.check_num(y_off)
error = f"Overlay Error: {parent} vertical_offset: {data['vertical_offset']} must be a number"
if y_off is None:
raise Failed(error)
if vertical_align != "center" and not per and y_off < 0:
raise Failed(f"{error} 0 or greater")
elif vertical_align != "center" and per and (y_off > 100 or y_off < 0):
raise Failed(f"{error} between 0% and 100%")
elif vertical_align == "center" and per and (y_off > 50 or y_off < -50):
raise Failed(f"{error} between -50% and 50%")
vertical_offset = f"{y_off}%" if per else y_off
if vertical_offset is None and vertical_align == "center":
vertical_offset = 0
if required and vertical_offset is None:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: {parent} vertical_offset is required")
return horizontal_align, horizontal_offset, vertical_align, vertical_offset
class Overlay:
def __init__(self, config, library, original_mapping_name, overlay_data, suppress):
self.config = config
self.library = library
self.original_mapping_name = original_mapping_name
self.data = overlay_data
self.suppress = suppress
self.keys = []
self.updated = False
self.image = None
self.landscape = None
self.landscape_box = None
self.portrait = None
self.portrait_box = None
self.group = None
self.queue = None
self.weight = None
self.path = None
self.font = None
self.font_name = None
self.font_size = 36
self.font_color = None
self.addon_offset = 0
self.addon_position = None
logger.debug("Validating Method: overlay")
logger.debug(f"Value: {self.data}")
if not isinstance(self.data, dict):
self.data = {"name": str(self.data)}
logger.warning(f"Overlay Warning: No overlay attribute using mapping name {self.data} as the overlay name")
if "name" not in self.data or not self.data["name"]:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay must have the name attribute")
self.name = str(self.data["name"])
if self.original_mapping_name not in library.overlay_names:
self.mapping_name = self.original_mapping_name
name_count = 1
test_name = f"{self.original_mapping_name} ({name_count})"
while test_name in library.overlay_names:
name_count += 1
test_name = f"{self.original_mapping_name} ({name_count})"
self.mapping_name = test_name
if "group" in self.data and self.data["group"]:
self.group = str(self.data["group"])
if "queue" in self.data and self.data["queue"]:
self.queue = str(self.data["queue"])
if "weight" in self.data:
self.weight = util.parse("Overlay", "weight", self.data["weight"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", minimum=0)
if "group" in self.data and (self.weight is None or not self.group):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's group requires the weight attribute")
elif "queue" in self.data and (self.weight is None or not self.queue):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's queue requires the weight attribute")
elif self.group and self.queue:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's group and queue cannot be used together")
self.horizontal_align, self.horizontal_offset, self.vertical_align, self.vertical_offset = parse_cords(self.data, "overlay")
if (self.horizontal_offset is None and self.vertical_offset is not None) or (self.vertical_offset is None and self.horizontal_offset is not None):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's horizontal_offset and vertical_offset must be used together")
def color(attr):
if attr in self.data and self.data[attr]:
return ImageColor.getcolor(self.data[attr], "RGBA")
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay {attr}: {self.data[attr]} invalid")
self.back_color = color("back_color")
self.back_radius = util.parse("Overlay", "back_radius", self.data["back_radius"], datatype="int", parent="overlay") if "back_radius" in self.data else None
self.back_line_width = util.parse("Overlay", "back_line_width", self.data["back_line_width"], datatype="int", parent="overlay") if "back_line_width" in self.data else None
self.back_line_color = color("back_line_color")
self.back_padding = util.parse("Overlay", "back_padding", self.data["back_padding"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", default=0) if "back_padding" in self.data else 0
self.back_align = util.parse("Overlay", "back_align", self.data["back_align"], parent="overlay", default="center", options=["left", "right", "center", "top", "bottom"]) if "back_align" in self.data else "center"
self.back_box = None
back_width = util.parse("Overlay", "back_width", self.data["back_width"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", minimum=0) if "back_width" in self.data else -1
back_height = util.parse("Overlay", "back_height", self.data["back_height"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", minimum=0) if "back_height" in self.data else -1
if (back_width >= 0 and back_height < 0) or (back_height >= 0 and back_width < 0):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attributes back_width and back_height must be used together")
if self.back_align != "center" and (back_width < 0 or back_height < 0):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute back_align only works when back_width and back_height are used")
elif back_width >= 0 and back_height >= 0:
self.back_box = (back_width, back_height)
self.has_back = True if self.back_color or self.back_line_color else False
if self.has_back and not self.has_coordinates() and not self.queue:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: horizontal_offset and vertical_offset are required when using a backdrop")
def get_and_save_image(image_url):
response = self.config.get(image_url)
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Image not found at: {image_url}")
if "Content-Type" not in response.headers or response.headers["Content-Type"] != "image/png":
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Image not a png: {image_url}")
if not os.path.exists(library.overlay_folder) or not os.path.isdir(library.overlay_folder):
os.makedirs(library.overlay_folder, exist_ok=False)
logger.info(f"Creating Overlay Folder found at: {library.overlay_folder}")
clean_image_name, _ = util.validate_filename(self.name)
image_path = os.path.join(library.overlay_folder, f"{clean_image_name}.png")
if os.path.exists(image_path):
with open(image_path, "wb") as handler:
while util.is_locked(image_path):
return image_path
if not self.name.startswith("blur"):
if "file" in self.data and self.data["file"]:
self.path = self.data["file"]
elif "git" in self.data and self.data["git"]:
self.path = get_and_save_image(f"{github_base}{self.data['git']}.png")
elif "repo" in self.data and self.data["repo"]:
self.path = get_and_save_image(f"{self.config.custom_repo}{self.data['repo']}.png")
elif "url" in self.data and self.data["url"]:
self.path = get_and_save_image(self.data["url"])
if "|" in self.name:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Name: {self.name} cannot contain '|'")
elif self.name.startswith("blur"):
match = re.search("\\(([^)]+)\\)", self.name)
if not match or 0 >= int(match.group(1)) > 100:
raise ValueError
self.name = f"blur({match.group(1)})"
except ValueError:
logger.error(f"Overlay Error: failed to parse overlay blur name: {self.name} defaulting to blur(50)")
self.name = "blur(50)"
elif self.name.startswith("text"):
if not self.has_coordinates() and not self.queue:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's horizontal_offset and vertical_offset are required when using text")
if self.path:
if not os.path.exists(self.path):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Text Overlay Addon Image not found at: {self.path}")
self.addon_offset = util.parse("Overlay", "addon_offset", self.data["addon_offset"], datatype="int", parent="overlay") if "addon_offset" in self.data else 0
self.addon_position = util.parse("Overlay", "addon_position", self.data["addon_position"], parent="overlay", options=["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]) if "addon_position" in self.data else "left"
image_compare = None
if self.config.Cache:
_, image_compare, _ = self.config.Cache.query_image_map(self.mapping_name, f"{self.library.image_table_name}_overlays")
overlay_size = os.stat(self.path).st_size
self.updated = not image_compare or str(overlay_size) != str(image_compare)
self.image = Image.open(self.path).convert("RGBA")
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_image_map(self.mapping_name, f"{self.library.image_table_name}_overlays", self.name, overlay_size)
except OSError:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay image {self.path} failed to load")
match = re.search("\\(([^)]+)\\)", self.name)
if not match:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: failed to parse overlay text name: {self.name}")
self.name = f"text({match.group(1)})"
self.font_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), "fonts", "Roboto-Medium.ttf")
if "font_size" in self.data:
self.font_size = util.parse("Overlay", "font_size", self.data["font_size"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", default=self.font_size)
if "font" in self.data and self.data["font"]:
font = str(self.data["font"])
if not os.path.exists(font):
fonts = util.get_system_fonts()
if font not in fonts:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: font: {font} not found. Options: {', '.join(fonts)}")
self.font_name = font
self.font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font_name, self.font_size)
if "font_style" in self.data and self.data["font_style"]:
variation_names = [n.decode("utf-8") for n in self.font.get_variation_names()]
if self.data["font_style"] in variation_names:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Font Style {self.data['font_style']} not found. Options: {','.join(variation_names)}")
except OSError:
logger.warning(f"Overlay Warning: font: {self.font} does not have variations")
self.font_color = None
if "font_color" in self.data and self.data["font_color"]:
self.font_color = ImageColor.getcolor(self.data["font_color"], "RGBA")
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay font_color: {self.data['font_color']} invalid")
if self.name not in special_text_overlays:
box = self.image.size if self.image else None
self.portrait, self.portrait_box = self.get_backdrop(portrait_dim, box=box, text=self.name[5:-1])
self.landscape, self.landscape_box = self.get_backdrop(landscape_dim, box=box, text=self.name[5:-1])
if not self.path:
clean_name, _ = util.validate_filename(self.name)
self.path = os.path.join(library.overlay_folder, f"{clean_name}.png")
if not os.path.exists(self.path):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Image not found at: {self.path}")
image_compare = None
if self.config.Cache:
_, image_compare, _ = self.config.Cache.query_image_map(self.mapping_name, f"{self.library.image_table_name}_overlays")
overlay_size = os.stat(self.path).st_size
self.updated = not image_compare or str(overlay_size) != str(image_compare)
self.image = Image.open(self.path).convert("RGBA")
if self.has_coordinates():
self.portrait, self.portrait_box = self.get_backdrop(portrait_dim, box=self.image.size)
self.landscape, self.landscape_box = self.get_backdrop(landscape_dim, box=self.image.size)
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_image_map(self.mapping_name, f"{self.library.image_table_name}_overlays", self.mapping_name, overlay_size)
except OSError:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay image {self.path} failed to load")
def get_backdrop(self, canvas_box, box=None, text=None, new_cords=None):
overlay_image = None
text_width = None
text_height = None
image_width, image_height = box if box else (None, None)
if text is not None:
_, _, text_width, text_height = self.get_text_size(text)
if image_width is not None and self.addon_position in ["left", "right"]:
box = (text_width + image_width + self.addon_offset, text_height if text_height > image_height else image_height)
elif image_width is not None:
box = (text_width if text_width > image_width else image_width, text_height + image_height + self.addon_offset)
box = (text_width, text_height)
box_width, box_height = box
back_width, back_height = self.back_box if self.back_box else (None, None)
start_x, start_y = self.get_coordinates(canvas_box, box, new_cords=new_cords)
main_x = start_x
main_y = start_y
if text is not None or self.has_back:
overlay_image = Image.new("RGBA", canvas_box, (255, 255, 255, 0))
drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(overlay_image)
if self.has_back:
cords = (
start_x - self.back_padding,
start_y - self.back_padding,
start_x + (back_width if self.back_box else box_width) + self.back_padding,
start_y + (back_height if self.back_box else box_height) + self.back_padding
if self.back_radius:
drawing.rounded_rectangle(cords, fill=self.back_color, outline=self.back_line_color, width=self.back_line_width, radius=self.back_radius)
drawing.rectangle(cords, fill=self.back_color, outline=self.back_line_color, width=self.back_line_width)
if self.back_box:
if self.back_align == "left":
main_y = start_y + (back_height - box_height) // 2
elif self.back_align == "right":
main_x = start_x + back_width - (text_width if text is not None else image_width)
elif self.back_align == "top":
main_x = start_x + (back_width - box_width) // 2
elif self.back_align == "bottom":
main_y = start_y + back_height - (text_height if text is not None else image_height)
main_x = start_x + (back_width - box_width) // 2
main_y = start_y + (back_height - box_height) // 2
addon_x = None
addon_y = None
if text is not None and image_width:
addon_x = main_x
addon_y = main_y
if self.addon_position == "left":
if self.back_align == "left":
main_x = start_x + self.addon_offset
elif self.back_align == "right":
addon_x = start_x + back_width - self.addon_offset
main_x = addon_x + image_width + self.addon_offset
elif self.addon_position == "right":
if self.back_align == "left":
addon_x = start_x + self.addon_offset
elif self.back_align == "right":
addon_x = start_x + back_width - image_width
main_x = start_x + back_width - self.addon_offset
addon_x = main_x + text_width + self.addon_offset
elif text_width < image_width:
main_x = main_x + ((image_width - text_width) / 2)
elif text_width > image_width:
addon_x = main_x + ((text_width - image_width) / 2)
if self.addon_position == "top":
if self.back_align == "top":
main_y = start_y + self.addon_offset
elif self.back_align == "bottom":
addon_y = start_y + back_height - self.addon_offset
main_y = addon_y + image_height + self.addon_offset
elif self.addon_position == "bottom":
if self.back_align == "top":
addon_y = start_y + self.addon_offset
elif self.back_align == "bottom":
addon_y = start_y + back_height - image_height
main_y = start_y + back_height - self.addon_offset
addon_y = main_y + text_height + self.addon_offset
elif text_height < image_height:
main_y = main_y + ((image_height - text_height) / 2)
elif text_height > image_height:
addon_y = main_y + ((text_height - image_height) / 2)
if text is not None:
drawing.text((int(main_x), int(main_y)), text, font=self.font, fill=self.font_color, anchor="lt")
if addon_x is not None:
main_x = addon_x
main_y = addon_y
return overlay_image, (int(main_x), int(main_y))
def get_overlay_compare(self):
output = f"{self.name}"
if self.group:
output += f"{self.group}{self.weight}"
if self.has_coordinates():
output += f"{self.horizontal_align}{self.horizontal_offset}{self.vertical_offset}{self.vertical_align}"
if self.font_name:
output += f"{self.font_name}{self.font_size}"
if self.back_box:
output += f"{self.back_box[0]}{self.back_box[1]}{self.back_align}"
if self.addon_position is not None:
output += f"{self.addon_position}{self.addon_offset}"
for value in [self.font_color, self.back_color, self.back_radius, self.back_padding, self.back_line_color, self.back_line_width]:
if value is not None:
output += f"{value}"
return output
def has_coordinates(self):
return self.horizontal_offset is not None and self.vertical_offset is not None
def get_text_size(self, text):
return ImageDraw.Draw(Image.new("RGBA", (0, 0))).textbbox((0, 0), text, font=self.font, anchor='lt')
def get_coordinates(self, canvas_box, box, new_cords=None):
if new_cords is None and not self.has_coordinates():
return 0, 0
if self.back_box:
box = self.back_box
def get_cord(value, image_value, over_value, align):
value = int(image_value * 0.01 * int(value[:-1])) if str(value).endswith("%") else value
if align in ["right", "bottom"]:
return image_value - over_value - value
elif align == "center":
return int(image_value / 2) - int(over_value / 2) + value
return value
if new_cords is None:
ho = self.horizontal_offset
ha = self.horizontal_align
vo = self.vertical_offset
va = self.vertical_align
ha, ho, va, vo = new_cords
return get_cord(ho, canvas_box[0], box[0], ha), get_cord(vo, canvas_box[1], box[1], va)

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import os, re, time
from datetime import datetime
from modules import plex, util
from modules import plex, util, overlay
from modules.builder import CollectionBuilder
from modules.overlay import Overlay
from modules.util import Failed, NotScheduled
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest
from plexapi.video import Movie, Show, Season, Episode
@ -90,18 +91,18 @@ class Overlays:
applied_names = []
queue_overlays = {}
for over_name in over_names:
overlay = properties[over_name]
if overlay.name.startswith("blur"):
current_overlay = properties[over_name]
if current_overlay.name.startswith("blur"):
blur_test = int(re.search("\\(([^)]+)\\)", overlay.name).group(1))
blur_test = int(re.search("\\(([^)]+)\\)", current_overlay.name).group(1))
if blur_test > blur_num:
blur_num = blur_test
elif overlay.queue:
if overlay.queue not in queue_overlays:
queue_overlays[overlay.queue] = {}
if overlay.weight in queue_overlays[overlay.queue]:
elif current_overlay.queue:
if current_overlay.queue not in queue_overlays:
queue_overlays[current_overlay.queue] = {}
if current_overlay.weight in queue_overlays[current_overlay.queue]:
raise Failed("Overlay Error: Overlays in a queue cannot have the same weight")
queue_overlays[overlay.queue][overlay.weight] = over_name
queue_overlays[current_overlay.queue][current_overlay.weight] = over_name
@ -118,10 +119,10 @@ class Overlays:
if self.config.Cache:
for over_name in over_names:
overlay = properties[over_name]
if overlay.name in util.special_text_overlays:
rating_type = overlay.name[5:-1]
if rating_type.endswith(tuple(util.rating_mods)):
current_overlay = properties[over_name]
if current_overlay.name in overlay.special_text_overlays:
rating_type = current_overlay.name[5:-1]
if rating_type.endswith(tuple(overlay.rating_mods)):
rating_type = rating_type[:-1]
cache_rating = self.config.Cache.query_overlay_ratings(item.ratingKey, rating_type)
actual = plex.attribute_translation[rating_type]
@ -191,9 +192,9 @@ class Overlays:
def get_text(text):
text = text[5:-1]
if f"text({text})" in util.special_text_overlays:
if f"text({text})" in overlay.special_text_overlays:
rating_code = text[-1:]
text_rating_type = text[:-1] if rating_code in util.rating_mods else text
text_rating_type = text[:-1] if rating_code in overlay.rating_mods else text
text_actual = plex.attribute_translation[text_rating_type]
if not hasattr(item, text_actual) or getattr(item, text_actual) is None:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Warning: No {text_rating_type} found")
@ -207,31 +208,31 @@ class Overlays:
return str(text)
for over_name in applied_names:
overlay = properties[over_name]
if overlay.name.startswith("text"):
if overlay.name in util.special_text_overlays:
image_box = overlay.image.size if overlay.image else None
current_overlay = properties[over_name]
if current_overlay.name.startswith("text"):
if current_overlay.name in overlay.special_text_overlays:
image_box = current_overlay.image.size if current_overlay.image else None
overlay_image, addon_box = overlay.get_backdrop((canvas_width, canvas_height), box=image_box, text=get_text(overlay.name))
overlay_image, addon_box = current_overlay.get_backdrop((canvas_width, canvas_height), box=image_box, text=get_text(current_overlay.name))
except Failed as e:
new_poster.paste(overlay_image, (0, 0), overlay_image)
if overlay.image:
new_poster.paste(overlay.image, addon_box, overlay.image)
if current_overlay.image:
new_poster.paste(current_overlay.image, addon_box, current_overlay.image)
overlay_image = overlay.landscape if isinstance(item, Episode) else overlay.portrait
overlay_image = current_overlay.landscape if isinstance(item, Episode) else current_overlay.portrait
new_poster.paste(overlay_image, (0, 0), overlay_image)
if overlay.has_coordinates():
if overlay.portrait is not None:
overlay_image = overlay.landscape if isinstance(item, Episode) else overlay.portrait
if current_overlay.has_coordinates():
if current_overlay.portrait is not None:
overlay_image = current_overlay.landscape if isinstance(item, Episode) else current_overlay.portrait
new_poster.paste(overlay_image, (0, 0), overlay_image)
overlay_box = overlay.landscape_box if isinstance(item, Episode) else overlay.portrait_box
new_poster.paste(overlay.image, overlay_box, overlay.image)
overlay_box = current_overlay.landscape_box if isinstance(item, Episode) else current_overlay.portrait_box
new_poster.paste(current_overlay.image, overlay_box, current_overlay.image)
new_poster = new_poster.resize(overlay.image.size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
new_poster.paste(overlay.image, (0, 0), overlay.image)
new_poster = new_poster.resize(current_overlay.image.size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
new_poster.paste(current_overlay.image, (0, 0), current_overlay.image)
for queue, weights in queue_overlays.items():
if queue not in queues:
@ -243,24 +244,24 @@ class Overlays:
if len(sorted_weights) <= o:
over_name = sorted_weights[o][1]
overlay = properties[over_name]
if overlay.name.startswith("text"):
image_box = overlay.image.size if overlay.image else None
current_overlay = properties[over_name]
if current_overlay.name.startswith("text"):
image_box = current_overlay.image.size if current_overlay.image else None
overlay_image, addon_box = overlay.get_backdrop((canvas_width, canvas_height), box=image_box, text=get_text(overlay.name), new_cords=cord)
overlay_image, addon_box = current_overlay.get_backdrop((canvas_width, canvas_height), box=image_box, text=get_text(current_overlay.name), new_cords=cord)
except Failed as e:
new_poster.paste(overlay_image, (0, 0), overlay_image)
if overlay.image:
new_poster.paste(overlay.image, addon_box, overlay.image)
if current_overlay.image:
new_poster.paste(current_overlay.image, addon_box, current_overlay.image)
if overlay.has_back:
overlay_image, overlay_box = overlay.get_backdrop((canvas_width, canvas_height), box=overlay.image.size, new_cords=cord)
if current_overlay.has_back:
overlay_image, overlay_box = current_overlay.get_backdrop((canvas_width, canvas_height), box=current_overlay.image.size, new_cords=cord)
new_poster.paste(overlay_image, (0, 0), overlay_image)
overlay_box = overlay.get_coordinates((canvas_width, canvas_height), box=overlay.image.size, new_cords=cord)
new_poster.paste(overlay.image, overlay_box, overlay.image)
overlay_box = current_overlay.get_coordinates((canvas_width, canvas_height), box=current_overlay.image.size, new_cords=cord)
new_poster.paste(current_overlay.image, overlay_box, current_overlay.image)
temp = os.path.join(self.library.overlay_folder, f"temp.png")
new_poster.save(temp, "PNG")
self.library.upload_poster(item, temp)
@ -297,7 +298,7 @@ class Overlays:
if not isinstance(v, list):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Queue: {k} must be a list")
queues[k] = [util.parse_cords(q, f"{k} queue", required=True) for q in v]
queues[k] = [overlay.parse_cords(q, f"{k} queue", required=True) for q in v]
except Failed as e:
for k, v in overlay_file.overlays.items():

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ from pathvalidate import is_valid_filename, sanitize_filename
from plexapi.audio import Album, Track
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound, Unauthorized
from plexapi.video import Season, Episode, Movie
from PIL import Image, ImageColor, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import msvcrt
@ -93,11 +92,8 @@ collection_mode_options = {
parental_types = ["nudity", "violence", "profanity", "alcohol", "frightening"]
parental_values = ["None", "Mild", "Moderate", "Severe"]
parental_labels = [f"{t.capitalize()}:{v}" for t in parental_types for v in parental_values]
github_base = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager-Configs/master/"
previous_time = None
start_time = None
rating_mods = ["0", "%", "#"]
special_text_overlays = [f"text({a}{s})" for a in ["audience_rating", "critic_rating", "user_rating"] for s in [""] + rating_mods]
def make_ordinal(n):
return f"{n}{'th' if 11 <= (n % 100) <= 13 else ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][min(n % 10, 4)]}"
@ -853,407 +849,3 @@ class YAML:
self.yaml.dump(self.data, fp)
portrait_dim = (1000, 1500)
landscape_dim = (1920, 1080)
def parse_cords(data, parent, required=False):
horizontal_align = parse("Overlay", "horizontal_align", data["horizontal_align"], parent=parent,
options=["left", "center", "right"]) if "horizontal_align" in data else "left"
vertical_align = parse("Overlay", "vertical_align", data["vertical_align"], parent=parent,
options=["top", "center", "bottom"]) if "vertical_align" in data else "top"
horizontal_offset = None
if "horizontal_offset" in data and data["horizontal_offset"] is not None:
x_off = data["horizontal_offset"]
per = False
if str(x_off).endswith("%"):
x_off = x_off[:-1]
per = True
x_off = check_num(x_off)
error = f"Overlay Error: {parent} horizontal_offset: {data['horizontal_offset']} must be a number"
if x_off is None:
raise Failed(error)
if horizontal_align != "center" and not per and x_off < 0:
raise Failed(f"{error} 0 or greater")
elif horizontal_align != "center" and per and (x_off > 100 or x_off < 0):
raise Failed(f"{error} between 0% and 100%")
elif horizontal_align == "center" and per and (x_off > 50 or x_off < -50):
raise Failed(f"{error} between -50% and 50%")
horizontal_offset = f"{x_off}%" if per else x_off
if horizontal_offset is None and horizontal_align == "center":
horizontal_offset = 0
if required and horizontal_offset is None:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: {parent} horizontal_offset is required")
vertical_offset = None
if "vertical_offset" in data and data["vertical_offset"] is not None:
y_off = data["vertical_offset"]
per = False
if str(y_off).endswith("%"):
y_off = y_off[:-1]
per = True
y_off = check_num(y_off)
error = f"Overlay Error: {parent} vertical_offset: {data['vertical_offset']} must be a number"
if y_off is None:
raise Failed(error)
if vertical_align != "center" and not per and y_off < 0:
raise Failed(f"{error} 0 or greater")
elif vertical_align != "center" and per and (y_off > 100 or y_off < 0):
raise Failed(f"{error} between 0% and 100%")
elif vertical_align == "center" and per and (y_off > 50 or y_off < -50):
raise Failed(f"{error} between -50% and 50%")
vertical_offset = f"{y_off}%" if per else y_off
if vertical_offset is None and vertical_align == "center":
vertical_offset = 0
if required and vertical_offset is None:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: {parent} vertical_offset is required")
return horizontal_align, horizontal_offset, vertical_align, vertical_offset
class Overlay:
def __init__(self, config, library, original_mapping_name, overlay_data, suppress):
self.config = config
self.library = library
self.original_mapping_name = original_mapping_name
self.data = overlay_data
self.suppress = suppress
self.keys = []
self.updated = False
self.image = None
self.landscape = None
self.landscape_box = None
self.portrait = None
self.portrait_box = None
self.group = None
self.queue = None
self.weight = None
self.path = None
self.font = None
self.font_name = None
self.font_size = 36
self.font_color = None
self.addon_offset = 0
self.addon_position = None
logger.debug("Validating Method: overlay")
logger.debug(f"Value: {self.data}")
if not isinstance(self.data, dict):
self.data = {"name": str(self.data)}
logger.warning(f"Overlay Warning: No overlay attribute using mapping name {self.data} as the overlay name")
if "name" not in self.data or not self.data["name"]:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay must have the name attribute")
self.name = str(self.data["name"])
if self.original_mapping_name not in library.overlay_names:
self.mapping_name = self.original_mapping_name
name_count = 1
test_name = f"{self.original_mapping_name} ({name_count})"
while test_name in library.overlay_names:
name_count += 1
test_name = f"{self.original_mapping_name} ({name_count})"
self.mapping_name = test_name
if "group" in self.data and self.data["group"]:
self.group = str(self.data["group"])
if "queue" in self.data and self.data["queue"]:
self.queue = str(self.data["queue"])
if "weight" in self.data:
self.weight = parse("Overlay", "weight", self.data["weight"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", minimum=0)
if "group" in self.data and (self.weight is None or not self.group):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's group requires the weight attribute")
elif "queue" in self.data and (self.weight is None or not self.queue):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's queue requires the weight attribute")
elif self.group and self.queue:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's group and queue cannot be used together")
self.horizontal_align, self.horizontal_offset, self.vertical_align, self.vertical_offset = parse_cords(self.data, "overlay")
if (self.horizontal_offset is None and self.vertical_offset is not None) or (self.vertical_offset is None and self.horizontal_offset is not None):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's horizontal_offset and vertical_offset must be used together")
def color(attr):
if attr in self.data and self.data[attr]:
return ImageColor.getcolor(self.data[attr], "RGBA")
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay {attr}: {self.data[attr]} invalid")
self.back_color = color("back_color")
self.back_radius = parse("Overlay", "back_radius", self.data["back_radius"], datatype="int", parent="overlay") if "back_radius" in self.data else None
self.back_line_width = parse("Overlay", "back_line_width", self.data["back_line_width"], datatype="int", parent="overlay") if "back_line_width" in self.data else None
self.back_line_color = color("back_line_color")
self.back_padding = parse("Overlay", "back_padding", self.data["back_padding"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", default=0) if "back_padding" in self.data else 0
self.back_align = parse("Overlay", "back_align", self.data["back_align"], parent="overlay", default="center", options=["left", "right", "center", "top", "bottom"]) if "back_align" in self.data else "center"
self.back_box = None
back_width = parse("Overlay", "back_width", self.data["back_width"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", minimum=0) if "back_width" in self.data else -1
back_height = parse("Overlay", "back_height", self.data["back_height"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", minimum=0) if "back_height" in self.data else -1
if (back_width >= 0 and back_height < 0) or (back_height >= 0 and back_width < 0):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attributes back_width and back_height must be used together")
if self.back_align != "center" and (back_width < 0 or back_height < 0):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute back_align only works when back_width and back_height are used")
elif back_width >= 0 and back_height >= 0:
self.back_box = (back_width, back_height)
self.has_back = True if self.back_color or self.back_line_color else False
if self.has_back and not self.has_coordinates() and not self.queue:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: horizontal_offset and vertical_offset are required when using a backdrop")
def get_and_save_image(image_url):
response = self.config.get(image_url)
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Image not found at: {image_url}")
if "Content-Type" not in response.headers or response.headers["Content-Type"] != "image/png":
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Image not a png: {image_url}")
if not os.path.exists(library.overlay_folder) or not os.path.isdir(library.overlay_folder):
os.makedirs(library.overlay_folder, exist_ok=False)
logger.info(f"Creating Overlay Folder found at: {library.overlay_folder}")
clean_image_name, _ = validate_filename(self.name)
image_path = os.path.join(library.overlay_folder, f"{clean_image_name}.png")
if os.path.exists(image_path):
with open(image_path, "wb") as handler:
while is_locked(image_path):
return image_path
if not self.name.startswith("blur"):
if "file" in self.data and self.data["file"]:
self.path = self.data["file"]
elif "git" in self.data and self.data["git"]:
self.path = get_and_save_image(f"{github_base}{self.data['git']}.png")
elif "repo" in self.data and self.data["repo"]:
self.path = get_and_save_image(f"{self.config.custom_repo}{self.data['repo']}.png")
elif "url" in self.data and self.data["url"]:
self.path = get_and_save_image(self.data["url"])
if "|" in self.name:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Name: {self.name} cannot contain '|'")
elif self.name.startswith("blur"):
match = re.search("\\(([^)]+)\\)", self.name)
if not match or 0 >= int(match.group(1)) > 100:
raise ValueError
self.name = f"blur({match.group(1)})"
except ValueError:
logger.error(f"Overlay Error: failed to parse overlay blur name: {self.name} defaulting to blur(50)")
self.name = "blur(50)"
elif self.name.startswith("text"):
if not self.has_coordinates() and not self.queue:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's horizontal_offset and vertical_offset are required when using text")
if self.path:
if not os.path.exists(self.path):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Text Overlay Addon Image not found at: {self.path}")
self.addon_offset = parse("Overlay", "addon_offset", self.data["addon_offset"], datatype="int", parent="overlay") if "addon_offset" in self.data else 0
self.addon_position = parse("Overlay", "addon_position", self.data["addon_position"], parent="overlay", options=["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]) if "addon_position" in self.data else "left"
image_compare = None
if self.config.Cache:
_, image_compare, _ = self.config.Cache.query_image_map(self.mapping_name, f"{self.library.image_table_name}_overlays")
overlay_size = os.stat(self.path).st_size
self.updated = not image_compare or str(overlay_size) != str(image_compare)
self.image = Image.open(self.path).convert("RGBA")
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_image_map(self.mapping_name, f"{self.library.image_table_name}_overlays", self.name, overlay_size)
except OSError:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay image {self.path} failed to load")
match = re.search("\\(([^)]+)\\)", self.name)
if not match:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: failed to parse overlay text name: {self.name}")
self.name = f"text({match.group(1)})"
self.font_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), "fonts", "Roboto-Medium.ttf")
if "font_size" in self.data:
self.font_size = parse("Overlay", "font_size", self.data["font_size"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", default=self.font_size)
if "font" in self.data and self.data["font"]:
font = str(self.data["font"])
if not os.path.exists(font):
fonts = get_system_fonts()
if font not in fonts:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: font: {font} not found. Options: {', '.join(fonts)}")
self.font_name = font
self.font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font_name, self.font_size)
if "font_style" in self.data and self.data["font_style"]:
variation_names = [n.decode("utf-8") for n in self.font.get_variation_names()]
if self.data["font_style"] in variation_names:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Font Style {self.data['font_style']} not found. Options: {','.join(variation_names)}")
except OSError:
logger.warning(f"Overlay Warning: font: {self.font} does not have variations")
self.font_color = None
if "font_color" in self.data and self.data["font_color"]:
self.font_color = ImageColor.getcolor(self.data["font_color"], "RGBA")
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay font_color: {self.data['font_color']} invalid")
if self.name not in special_text_overlays:
box = self.image.size if self.image else None
self.portrait, self.portrait_box = self.get_backdrop(portrait_dim, box=box, text=self.name[5:-1])
self.landscape, self.landscape_box = self.get_backdrop(landscape_dim, box=box, text=self.name[5:-1])
if not self.path:
clean_name, _ = validate_filename(self.name)
self.path = os.path.join(library.overlay_folder, f"{clean_name}.png")
if not os.path.exists(self.path):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Image not found at: {self.path}")
image_compare = None
if self.config.Cache:
_, image_compare, _ = self.config.Cache.query_image_map(self.mapping_name, f"{self.library.image_table_name}_overlays")
overlay_size = os.stat(self.path).st_size
self.updated = not image_compare or str(overlay_size) != str(image_compare)
self.image = Image.open(self.path).convert("RGBA")
if self.has_coordinates():
self.portrait, self.portrait_box = self.get_backdrop(portrait_dim, box=self.image.size)
self.landscape, self.landscape_box = self.get_backdrop(landscape_dim, box=self.image.size)
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_image_map(self.mapping_name, f"{self.library.image_table_name}_overlays", self.mapping_name, overlay_size)
except OSError:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay image {self.path} failed to load")
def get_backdrop(self, canvas_box, box=None, text=None, new_cords=None):
overlay_image = None
text_width = None
text_height = None
image_width, image_height = box if box else (None, None)
if text is not None:
_, _, text_width, text_height = self.get_text_size(text)
if image_width is not None and self.addon_position in ["left", "right"]:
box = (text_width + image_width + self.addon_offset, text_height if text_height > image_height else image_height)
elif image_width is not None:
box = (text_width if text_width > image_width else image_width, text_height + image_height + self.addon_offset)
box = (text_width, text_height)
box_width, box_height = box
back_width, back_height = self.back_box if self.back_box else (None, None)
start_x, start_y = self.get_coordinates(canvas_box, box, new_cords=new_cords)
main_x = start_x
main_y = start_y
if text is not None or self.has_back:
overlay_image = Image.new("RGBA", canvas_box, (255, 255, 255, 0))
drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(overlay_image)
if self.has_back:
cords = (
start_x - self.back_padding,
start_y - self.back_padding,
start_x + (back_width if self.back_box else box_width) + self.back_padding,
start_y + (back_height if self.back_box else box_height) + self.back_padding
if self.back_radius:
drawing.rounded_rectangle(cords, fill=self.back_color, outline=self.back_line_color, width=self.back_line_width, radius=self.back_radius)
drawing.rectangle(cords, fill=self.back_color, outline=self.back_line_color, width=self.back_line_width)
if self.back_box:
if self.back_align == "left":
main_y = start_y + (back_height - box_height) // 2
elif self.back_align == "right":
main_x = start_x + back_width - (text_width if text is not None else image_width)
elif self.back_align == "top":
main_x = start_x + (back_width - box_width) // 2
elif self.back_align == "bottom":
main_y = start_y + back_height - (text_height if text is not None else image_height)
main_x = start_x + (back_width - box_width) // 2
main_y = start_y + (back_height - box_height) // 2
addon_x = None
addon_y = None
if text is not None and image_width:
addon_x = main_x
addon_y = main_y
if self.addon_position == "left":
if self.back_align == "left":
main_x = start_x + self.addon_offset
elif self.back_align == "right":
addon_x = start_x + back_width - self.addon_offset
main_x = addon_x + image_width + self.addon_offset
elif self.addon_position == "right":
if self.back_align == "left":
addon_x = start_x + self.addon_offset
elif self.back_align == "right":
addon_x = start_x + back_width - image_width
main_x = start_x + back_width - self.addon_offset
addon_x = main_x + text_width + self.addon_offset
elif text_width < image_width:
main_x = main_x + ((image_width - text_width) / 2)
elif text_width > image_width:
addon_x = main_x + ((text_width - image_width) / 2)
if self.addon_position == "top":
if self.back_align == "top":
main_y = start_y + self.addon_offset
elif self.back_align == "bottom":
addon_y = start_y + back_height - self.addon_offset
main_y = addon_y + image_height + self.addon_offset
elif self.addon_position == "bottom":
if self.back_align == "top":
addon_y = start_y + self.addon_offset
elif self.back_align == "bottom":
addon_y = start_y + back_height - image_height
main_y = start_y + back_height - self.addon_offset
addon_y = main_y + text_height + self.addon_offset
elif text_height < image_height:
main_y = main_y + ((image_height - text_height) / 2)
elif text_height > image_height:
addon_y = main_y + ((text_height - image_height) / 2)
if text is not None:
drawing.text((int(main_x), int(main_y)), text, font=self.font, fill=self.font_color, anchor="lt")
if addon_x is not None:
main_x = addon_x
main_y = addon_y
return overlay_image, (int(main_x), int(main_y))
def get_overlay_compare(self):
output = f"{self.name}"
if self.group:
output += f"{self.group}{self.weight}"
if self.has_coordinates():
output += f"{self.horizontal_align}{self.horizontal_offset}{self.vertical_offset}{self.vertical_align}"
if self.font_name:
output += f"{self.font_name}{self.font_size}"
if self.back_box:
output += f"{self.back_box[0]}{self.back_box[1]}{self.back_align}"
if self.addon_position is not None:
output += f"{self.addon_position}{self.addon_offset}"
for value in [self.font_color, self.back_color, self.back_radius, self.back_padding, self.back_line_color, self.back_line_width]:
if value is not None:
output += f"{value}"
return output
def has_coordinates(self):
return self.horizontal_offset is not None and self.vertical_offset is not None
def get_text_size(self, text):
return ImageDraw.Draw(Image.new("RGBA", (0, 0))).textbbox((0, 0), text, font=self.font, anchor='lt')
def get_coordinates(self, canvas_box, box, new_cords=None):
if new_cords is None and not self.has_coordinates():
return 0, 0
if self.back_box:
box = self.back_box
def get_cord(value, image_value, over_value, align):
value = int(image_value * 0.01 * int(value[:-1])) if str(value).endswith("%") else value
if align in ["right", "bottom"]:
return image_value - over_value - value
elif align == "center":
return int(image_value / 2) - int(over_value / 2) + value
return value
if new_cords is None:
ho = self.horizontal_offset
ha = self.horizontal_align
vo = self.vertical_offset
va = self.vertical_align
ha, ho, va, vo = new_cords
return get_cord(ho, canvas_box[0], box[0], ha), get_cord(vo, canvas_box[1], box[1], va)
