anilist_season_summary:A collection of Anime from the Current Season according to AniList.
anilist_season_summary:A collection of Anime from the Current Season according to AniList.
basic_released_name:Newly Released
basic_released_name:Newly Released
basic_released_summary:A collection of newly-released <<library_type>>s.
basic_released_summary:A collection of newly-released <<library_translation>>s.
basic_episodes_name:New Episodes
basic_episodes_name:New Episodes
basic_episodes_summary:A collection of newly-released <<library_type>>s.
basic_episodes_summary:A collection of newly-released <<library_translation>>s.
# possible key_name: Netflix, Disney, HBO, Hulu, Paramount Plus, Prime Video
# possible key_name: Netflix, Disney, HBO, Hulu, Paramount Plus, Prime Video
flixpatrol_name:<<key_name>> Top <<limit>>
flixpatrol_name:<<key_name>> Top <<limit>>
flixpatrol_summary:Top <<limit>> <<library_type>>s on <<key_name>> according to FlixPatrol.
flixpatrol_summary:Top <<limit>> <<library_translation>>s on <<key_name>> according to FlixPatrol.
imdb_popular_name:IMDb Popular
imdb_popular_name:IMDb Popular
imdb_popular_summary:List of IMDb Popular <<library_type>>s.
imdb_popular_summary:List of IMDb Popular <<library_translation>>s.
imdb_top_name:IMDb Top 250
imdb_top_name:IMDb Top 250
imdb_top_summary:List of IMDb Top 250 <<library_type>>s.
imdb_top_summary:List of IMDb Top 250 <<library_translation>>s.
imdb_lowest_name:IMDb Lowest Rated
imdb_lowest_name:IMDb Lowest Rated
imdb_lowest_summary:List of IMDb Lowest Rated <<library_type>>s.
imdb_lowest_summary:List of IMDb Lowest Rated <<library_translation>>s.
mal_popular_name:MyAnimeList Popular
mal_popular_name:MyAnimeList Popular
mal_popular_summary:A collection of the most popular Anime according to MyAnimeList.
mal_popular_summary:A collection of the most popular Anime according to MyAnimeList.
@ -133,7 +144,7 @@ translations:
anidb_popular_summary:A collection of Popular Anime on AniDB.
anidb_popular_summary:A collection of Popular Anime on AniDB.
commonsense_selection_name:Common Sense Selection
commonsense_selection_name:Common Sense Selection
commonsense_selection_summary:A collection of Common Sense <<library_type>>s. Common Sense recognizes outstanding entertainment with an official seal for quality and impact. Common Sense Selections include age-appropriate media with the potential to spark family conversations, entertain families of all kinds, and have a positive, lasting effect on society.
commonsense_selection_summary:A collection of Common Sense <<library_translation>>s. Common Sense recognizes outstanding entertainment with an official seal for quality and impact. Common Sense Selections include age-appropriate media with the potential to spark family conversations, entertain families of all kinds, and have a positive, lasting effect on society.
stevenlu_popular_name:StevenLu's Popular Movies
stevenlu_popular_name:StevenLu's Popular Movies
stevenlu_popular_summary:A collection of StevenLu's Most Popular Movies.
stevenlu_popular_summary:A collection of StevenLu's Most Popular Movies.
@ -142,10 +153,10 @@ translations:'s Weekly Top Ten Pirated Movies.'s Weekly Top Ten Pirated Movies.
tautulli_popular_name:Plex Popular
tautulli_popular_name:Plex Popular
tautulli_popular_summary:A collection of <<library_type>>s Popular on Plex.
tautulli_popular_summary:A collection of <<library_translation>>s Popular on Plex.
tautulli_watched_name:Plex Watched
tautulli_watched_name:Plex Watched
tautulli_watched_summary:A collection of Top <<library_type>>s Watched on Plex.
tautulli_watched_summary:A collection of Top <<library_translation>>s Watched on Plex.
tmdb_airing_name:TMDb Airing Today
tmdb_airing_name:TMDb Airing Today
tmdb_airing_summary:A collection of shows with episodes airing today.
tmdb_airing_summary:A collection of shows with episodes airing today.
@ -154,13 +165,13 @@ translations:
tmdb_air_summary:A collection of shows that are still actively airing episodes.
tmdb_air_summary:A collection of shows that are still actively airing episodes.
tmdb_popular_name:TMDb Popular
tmdb_popular_name:TMDb Popular
tmdb_popular_summary:A collection of the most watched <<library_type>>s according to TMDb.
tmdb_popular_summary:A collection of the most watched <<library_translation>>s according to TMDb.
tmdb_top_name:TMDb Top Rated
tmdb_top_name:TMDb Top Rated
tmdb_top_summary:A collection of the top rated <<library_type>>s according to TMDb.
tmdb_top_summary:A collection of the top rated <<library_translation>>s according to TMDb.
tmdb_trending_name:TMDb Trending
tmdb_trending_name:TMDb Trending
tmdb_trending_summary:A collection of <<library_type>>s trending on TMDb.
tmdb_trending_summary:A collection of <<library_translation>>s trending on TMDb.
trakt_collected_name:Trakt Collected
trakt_collected_name:Trakt Collected
trakt_collected_summary:A collection of Trakt's Weekly Trakt Collected List.
trakt_collected_summary:A collection of Trakt's Weekly Trakt Collected List.
@ -183,87 +194,87 @@ translations:
# example key_name: Robin Williams
# example key_name: Robin Williams
actor_summary:<<library_typeU>>s with <<key_name>>.
actor_summary:<<library_translationU>>s with <<key_name>>.
# example key_name: English
# example key_name: English
audio_language_name:<<key_name>> Audio
audio_language_name:<<key_name>> Audio
audio_language_summary:<<library_typeU>>s filmed in the <<key_name>> Language.
audio_language_summary:<<library_translationU>>s filmed in the <<key_name>> Language.
audio_language_other_name:Other Audio
audio_language_other_name:Other Audio
audio_language_other_summary:<<library_typeU>>s filmed in other uncommon Languages.
audio_language_other_summary:<<library_translationU>>s filmed in other uncommon Languages.
anilist_season_summary:Une collection d’anime de la saison en cours selon AniList.
anilist_season_summary:Une collection d’anime de la saison en cours selon AniList.
basic_released_name:Nouvellement publié
basic_released_name:Nouvellement publié
basic_released_summary:Une collection de <<library_type>>s nouvellement sortis.
basic_released_summary:Une collection de <<library_translation>>s nouvellement sortis.
basic_episodes_name:Nouveaux épisodes
basic_episodes_name:Nouveaux épisodes
basic_episodes_summary:Une collection de <<library_type>>s nouvellement sortis.
basic_episodes_summary:Une collection de <<library_translation>>s nouvellement sortis.
# possible key_name: Netflix, Disney, HBO, Hulu, Paramount Plus, Prime Video
# possible key_name: Netflix, Disney, HBO, Hulu, Paramount Plus, Prime Video
flixpatrol_name:Top <<limit>> <<key_name>>
flixpatrol_name:Top <<limit>> <<key_name>>
flixpatrol_summary:Top <<limit>> des <<library_type>>s sur <<key_name>> selon FlixPatrol.
flixpatrol_summary:Top <<limit>> des <<library_translation>>s sur <<key_name>> selon FlixPatrol.
imdb_popular_name:IMDb Populaire
imdb_popular_name:IMDb Populaire
imdb_popular_summary:Liste des <<library_type>>s IMDb Popular.
imdb_popular_summary:Liste des <<library_translation>>s IMDb Popular.
imdb_top_name:IMDb Top 250
imdb_top_name:IMDb Top 250
imdb_top_summary:Liste des 250 meilleurs <<library_type>>s IMDb.
imdb_top_summary:Liste des 250 meilleurs <<library_translation>>s IMDb.
imdb_lowest_name:IMDb Le moins bien noté
imdb_lowest_name:IMDb Le moins bien noté
imdb_lowest_summary:Liste des <<library_type>>s IMDb les moins bien notés.
imdb_lowest_summary:Liste des <<library_translation>>s IMDb les moins bien notés.
mal_popular_name:MyAnimeList Populaire
mal_popular_name:MyAnimeList Populaire
mal_popular_summary:Une collection des anime les plus populaires selon MyAnimeList.
mal_popular_summary:Une collection des anime les plus populaires selon MyAnimeList.
@ -133,7 +144,7 @@ translations:
anidb_popular_summary:Une collection d’anime populaire sur AniDB.
anidb_popular_summary:Une collection d’anime populaire sur AniDB.
commonsense_selection_name:Sélection de Common Sense
commonsense_selection_name:Sélection de Common Sense
commonsense_selection_summary:Une collection de <<library_type>>s de Common Sense. Common Sense reconnaît les divertissements exceptionnels avec un sceau officiel de qualité et d’impact. Les sélections de bon sens comprennent des médias adaptés à l’âge qui ont le potentiel de susciter des conversations familiales, de divertir les familles de toutes sortes et d’avoir un effet positif et durable sur la société.
commonsense_selection_summary:Une collection de <<library_translation>>s de Common Sense. Common Sense reconnaît les divertissements exceptionnels avec un sceau officiel de qualité et d’impact. Les sélections de bon sens comprennent des médias adaptés à l’âge qui ont le potentiel de susciter des conversations familiales, de divertir les familles de toutes sortes et d’avoir un effet positif et durable sur la société.
stevenlu_popular_name:Les films populaires de StevenLu
stevenlu_popular_name:Les films populaires de StevenLu
stevenlu_popular_summary:Une collection des films les plus populaires de StevenLu.
stevenlu_popular_summary:Une collection des films les plus populaires de StevenLu.
@ -142,10 +153,10 @@ translations:
pirated_popular_summary:Top 10 des films piratés hebdomadaires de
pirated_popular_summary:Top 10 des films piratés hebdomadaires de
tautulli_popular_name:Plex Populaire
tautulli_popular_name:Plex Populaire
tautulli_popular_summary:Une collection de <<library_type>>s populaires sur Plex.
tautulli_popular_summary:Une collection de <<library_translation>>s populaires sur Plex.
tautulli_watched_name:Plex regardé
tautulli_watched_name:Plex regardé
tautulli_watched_summary:Une collection des meilleurs <<library_type>>s regardés sur Plex.
tautulli_watched_summary:Une collection des meilleurs <<library_translation>>s regardés sur Plex.
tmdb_airing_name:TMDb diffusé aujourd’hui
tmdb_airing_name:TMDb diffusé aujourd’hui
tmdb_airing_summary:Une collection d’émissions avec des épisodes diffusés aujourd’hui.
tmdb_airing_summary:Une collection d’émissions avec des épisodes diffusés aujourd’hui.
@ -154,13 +165,13 @@ translations:
tmdb_air_summary:Une collection d’émissions qui diffusent encore activement des épisodes.
tmdb_air_summary:Une collection d’émissions qui diffusent encore activement des épisodes.
tmdb_popular_name:TMDb Populaire
tmdb_popular_name:TMDb Populaire
tmdb_popular_summary:Une collection des <<library_type>>s les plus regardés selon TMDb.
tmdb_popular_summary:Une collection des <<library_translation>>s les plus regardés selon TMDb.
tmdb_top_name:TMDb le mieux noté
tmdb_top_name:TMDb le mieux noté
tmdb_top_summary:Une collection des <<library_type>>s les mieux notés selon TMDb.
tmdb_top_summary:Une collection des <<library_translation>>s les mieux notés selon TMDb.
tmdb_trending_name:Tendances TMDb
tmdb_trending_name:Tendances TMDb
tmdb_trending_summary:Une collection de <<library_type>>s tendance sur TMDb.
tmdb_trending_summary:Une collection de <<library_translation>>s tendance sur TMDb.
trakt_collected_name:Trakt collecté
trakt_collected_name:Trakt collecté
trakt_collected_summary:Une collection de la liste hebdomadaire collectée de Trakt.
trakt_collected_summary:Une collection de la liste hebdomadaire collectée de Trakt.
@ -183,87 +194,87 @@ translations:
# example key_name: Robin Williams
# example key_name: Robin Williams
actor_summary:<<library_typeU>>s avec <<key_name>>.
actor_summary:<<library_translationU>>s avec <<key_name>>.
# example key_name: English
# example key_name: English
audio_language_name:Audio <<key_name>>
audio_language_name:Audio <<key_name>>
audio_language_summary:<<library_typeU>>s tournés en langue <<key_name>>.
audio_language_summary:<<library_translationU>>s tournés en langue <<key_name>>.
audio_language_other_name:Autres audio
audio_language_other_name:Autres audio
audio_language_other_summary:<<library_typeU>>s tournés dans d’autres langues peu communes.
audio_language_other_summary:<<library_translationU>>s tournés dans d’autres langues peu communes.