@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import glob, logging, os, re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from modules import anidb, anilist, imdb, letterboxd, mal, plex, tautulli, tmdb, trakttv, tvdb, util
from modules import anidb, anilist, imdb, letterboxd, mal, plex, radarr, sonarr, tautulli, tmdb, trakttv, tvdb, util
from modules.util import Failed
from plexapi.collection import Collections
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound
@ -81,13 +81,12 @@ numbered_builders = [
all_details = [
"sort_title", "content_rating",
"summary", "tmdb_summary", "tmdb_description", "tmdb_biography", "tvdb_summary", "tvdb_description", "trakt_description", "letterboxd_description",
"collection_mode", "collection_order",
"sort_title", "content_rating", "collection_mode", "collection_order",
"summary", "tmdb_summary", "tmdb_description", "tmdb_biography", "tvdb_summary",
"tvdb_description", "trakt_description", "letterboxd_description",
"url_poster", "tmdb_poster", "tmdb_profile", "tvdb_poster", "file_poster",
"url_background", "tmdb_background", "tvdb_background", "file_background",
"name_mapping", "add_to_arr", "arr_tag", "arr_folder", "label",
"show_filtered", "show_missing", "save_missing"
"name_mapping", "label", "show_filtered", "show_missing", "save_missing"
collectionless_details = [
"sort_title", "content_rating",
@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ ignored_details = [
boolean_details = [
@ -152,12 +150,12 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
self.name = name
self.data = data
self.details = {
"arr_tag": None,
"arr_folder": None,
"show_filtered": library.show_filtered,
"show_missing": library.show_missing,
"save_missing": library.save_missing
self.radarr_options = {}
self.sonarr_options = {}
self.missing_movies = []
self.missing_shows = []
self.methods = []
@ -167,6 +165,8 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
self.summaries = {}
self.schedule = ""
self.rating_key_map = {}
self.add_to_radarr = None
self.add_to_sonarr = None
current_time = datetime.now()
current_year = current_time.year
@ -355,20 +355,28 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
raise Failed("Collection Error: tmdb_person attribute is blank")
for method_name, method_data in self.data.items():
if "trakt" in method_name.lower() and not config.Trakt: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} requires Trakt todo be configured")
elif "imdb" in method_name.lower() and not config.IMDb: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} requires TMDb or Trakt to be configured")
elif "tautulli" in method_name.lower() and not self.library.Tautulli: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} requires Tautulli to be configured")
elif "mal" in method_name.lower() and not config.MyAnimeList: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} requires MyAnimeList to be configured")
for method_key, method_data in self.data.items():
if "trakt" in method_key.lower() and not config.Trakt: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_key} requires Trakt todo be configured")
elif "imdb" in method_key.lower() and not config.IMDb: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_key} requires TMDb or Trakt to be configured")
elif "radarr" in method_key.lower() and not self.library.Radarr: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_key} requires Radarr to be configured")
elif "sonarr" in method_key.lower() and not self.library.Sonarr: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_key} requires Sonarr to be configured")
elif "tautulli" in method_key.lower() and not self.library.Tautulli: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_key} requires Tautulli to be configured")
elif "mal" in method_key.lower() and not config.MyAnimeList: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_key} requires MyAnimeList to be configured")
elif method_data is not None:
logger.debug(f"Validating Method: {method_name}")
logger.debug(f"Validating Method: {method_key}")
logger.debug(f"Value: {method_data}")
if method_name.lower() in method_alias:
method_name = method_alias[method_name.lower()]
logger.warning(f"Collection Warning: {method_name} attribute will run as {method_name}")
method_name = method_name.lower()
if method_key.lower() in method_alias:
method_name = method_alias[method_key.lower()]
logger.warning(f"Collection Warning: {method_key} attribute will run as {method_name}")
elif method_key.lower() == "add_to_arr":
method_name = "radarr_add" if self.library.is_movie else "sonarr_add"
logger.warning(f"Collection Warning: {method_key} attribute will run as {method_name}")
elif method_key.lower() in ["arr_tag", "arr_folder"]:
method_name = f"{'rad' if self.library.is_movie else 'son'}{method_key.lower()}"
logger.warning(f"Collection Warning: {method_key} attribute will run as {method_name}")
method_name = method_key.lower()
if method_name in show_only_builders and self.library.is_movie:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} attribute only works for show libraries")
elif method_name in movie_only_builders and self.library.is_show:
@ -441,7 +449,7 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
elif method_name == "sync_mode":
if str(method_data).lower() in ["append", "sync"]: self.details[method_name] = method_data.lower()
else: raise Failed("Collection Error: sync_mode attribute must be either 'append' or 'sync'")
elif method_name in ["arr_tag", "label"]:
elif method_name == "label":
self.details[method_name] = util.get_list(method_data)
elif method_name in boolean_details:
if isinstance(method_data, bool): self.details[method_name] = method_data
@ -450,6 +458,52 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
else: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} attribute must be either true or false")
elif method_name in all_details:
self.details[method_name] = method_data
elif method_name == "radarr_add":
self.add_to_radarr = True
elif method_name == "radarr_folder":
self.radarr_options["folder"] = method_data
elif method_name in ["radarr_monitor", "radarr_search"]:
if isinstance(method_data, bool): self.radarr_options[method_name[7:]] = method_data
elif str(method_data).lower() in ["t", "true"]: self.radarr_options[method_name[7:]] = True
elif str(method_data).lower() in ["f", "false"]: self.radarr_options[method_name[7:]] = False
else: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} attribute must be either true or false")
elif method_name == "radarr_availability":
if str(method_data).lower() in radarr.availability_translation:
self.radarr_options["availability"] = str(method_data).lower()
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} attribute must be either announced, cinemas, released or db")
elif method_name == "radarr_quality":
self.radarr_options["quality"] = method_data
elif method_name == "radarr_tag":
self.radarr_options["tag"] = util.get_list(method_data)
elif method_name == "sonarr_add":
self.add_to_sonarr = True
elif method_name == "sonarr_folder":
self.sonarr_options["folder"] = method_data
elif method_name == "sonarr_monitor":
if str(method_data).lower() in sonarr.monitor_translation:
self.sonarr_options["monitor"] = str(method_data).lower()
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} attribute must be either all, future, missing, existing, pilot, first, latest or none")
elif method_name == "sonarr_quality":
self.library.Sonarr.get_profile_id(method_data, "quality_profile")
self.sonarr_options["quality"] = method_data
elif method_name == "sonarr_language":
self.library.Sonarr.get_profile_id(method_data, "language_profile")
self.sonarr_options["language"] = method_data
elif method_name == "sonarr_series":
if str(method_data).lower() in sonarr.series_type:
self.sonarr_options["series"] = str(method_data).lower()
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} attribute must be either standard, daily, or anime")
elif method_name in ["sonarr_season", "sonarr_search", "sonarr_cutoff_search"]:
if isinstance(method_data, bool): self.sonarr_options[method_name[7:]] = method_data
elif str(method_data).lower() in ["t", "true"]: self.sonarr_options[method_name[7:]] = True
elif str(method_data).lower() in ["f", "false"]: self.sonarr_options[method_name[7:]] = False
else: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} attribute must be either true or false")
elif method_name == "sonarr_tag":
self.sonarr_options["tag"] = util.get_list(method_data)
elif method_name in ["title", "title.and", "title.not", "title.begins", "title.ends"]:
self.methods.append(("plex_search", [{method_name: util.get_list(method_data, split=False)}]))
elif method_name in ["year.greater", "year.less"]:
@ -898,10 +952,10 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
self.methods.append((method_name, util.get_list(method_data)))
elif method_name not in ignored_details:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} attribute not supported")
elif method_name in all_builders or method_name in method_alias or method_name in plex.searches:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} attribute is blank")
elif method_key.lower() in all_builders or method_key.lower() in method_alias or method_key.lower() in plex.searches:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_key} attribute is blank")
logger.warning(f"Collection Warning: {method_name} attribute is blank")
logger.warning(f"Collection Warning: {method_key} attribute is blank")
self.sync = self.library.sync_mode == "sync"
if "sync_mode" in methods:
@ -912,14 +966,14 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
self.sync = self.data[methods["sync_mode"]].lower() == "sync"
self.do_arr = False
if self.library.Radarr:
self.do_arr = self.details["add_to_arr"] if "add_to_arr" in self.details else self.library.Radarr.add
if self.library.Sonarr:
self.do_arr = self.details["add_to_arr"] if "add_to_arr" in self.details else self.library.Sonarr.add
if self.add_to_radarr is None:
self.add_to_radarr = self.library.Radarr.add if self.library.Radarr else False
if self.add_to_sonarr is None:
self.add_to_sonarr = self.library.Sonarr.add if self.library.Sonarr else False
if self.collectionless:
self.details["add_to_arr"] = False
self.add_to_radarr = False
self.add_to_sonarr = False
self.details["collection_mode"] = "hide"
self.sync = True
@ -1001,8 +1055,11 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
logger.info(f"{len(missing_movies_with_names)} Movie{'s' if len(missing_movies_with_names) > 1 else ''} Missing")
if self.details["save_missing"] is True:
self.library.add_missing(collection_name, missing_movies_with_names, True)
if self.do_arr and self.library.Radarr:
self.library.Radarr.add_tmdb([missing_id for title, missing_id in missing_movies_with_names], tags=self.details["arr_tag"], folder=self.details["arr_folder"])
if self.add_to_radarr and self.library.Radarr:
self.library.Radarr.add_tmdb([missing_id for title, missing_id in missing_movies_with_names], **self.radarr_options)
except Failed as e:
if self.run_again:
self.missing_movies.extend([missing_id for title, missing_id in missing_movies_with_names])
if len(missing_shows) > 0 and self.library.is_show:
@ -1030,8 +1087,11 @@ class CollectionBuilder:
logger.info(f"{len(missing_shows_with_names)} Show{'s' if len(missing_shows_with_names) > 1 else ''} Missing")
if self.details["save_missing"] is True:
self.library.add_missing(collection_name, missing_shows_with_names, False)
if self.do_arr and self.library.Sonarr:
self.library.Sonarr.add_tvdb([missing_id for title, missing_id in missing_shows_with_names], tags=self.details["arr_tag"], folder=self.details["arr_folder"])
if self.add_to_sonarr and self.library.Sonarr:
self.library.Sonarr.add_tvdb([missing_id for title, missing_id in missing_shows_with_names], **self.sonarr_options)
except Failed as e:
if self.run_again:
self.missing_shows.extend([missing_id for title, missing_id in missing_shows_with_names])