| `Spirit Best Feature Winners` | `best` | Collection of Independent Spirit Best Feature Award Winners. |
| `Independent Spirit Best Feature Winners` | `best` | Collection of Independent Spirit Best Feature Award Winners. |
| `Independent Spirit Awards <<year>>`<br>**Example:** `Independent Spirit Awards 2022` | `<<year>>`<br>**Example:** `2022` | Collection of Independent Spirit Award Winners for the given year. |
| `Independent Spirit Awards <<year>>`<br>**Example:** `Independent Spirit Awards 2022` | `<<year>>`<br>**Example:** `2022` | Collection of Independent Spirit Award Winners for the given year. |
@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ To install a container from docker hub, you will need community applications - a
4. Set the `Console shell command:` to `Bash`
4. Set the `Console shell command:` to `Bash`
5. Click `Show more settings...` to set any [Environmental Variables](../environmental.md) you wish to use. **For the purposes of this walkthrough, the**`Container Path: /config`**path for the unRAID app is**`/mnt/user/appdata/plex-meta-manager`. Other than this, set the `PMM_TIME` variable to `5:00` under the `Show more settings...`
5. Click `Show more settings...` to set any [Environmental Variables](../environmental.md) you wish to use. **For the purposes of this walkthrough, the**`Container Path: /config`**path for the unRAID app is**`/mnt/user/appdata/plex-meta-manager/config` (_**Note the case is ALL lower case**_). Other than this, set the `PMM_TIME` variable to `5:00` under the `Show more settings...`
6. Hit `Apply`, and allow unRAID to download the docker container.
6. Hit `Apply`, and allow unRAID to download the container.