| `use_separator` | **Description:** Turn the [Separator Collection](#use-separators) off.<br>**Values:** `false` to turn of the collection |
| `use_separator` | **Description:** Turn the [Separator Collection](#use-separators) off.<br>**Values:** `false` to turn of the collection |
| `sep_style` | **Description:** Choose the [Separator Style](#separator-styles).<br>**Default:** `orig`<br>**Values:** `orig`, `red`, `blue`, `green`, `gray`, `purple`, or `stb` |
| `sep_style` | **Description:** Choose the [Separator Style](#separator-styles).<br>**Default:** `orig`<br>**Values:** `orig`, `red`, `blue`, `green`, `gray`, `purple`, or `stb` |
| `sort_prefix` | **Description:** Changes the prefix of the sort title.<br>**Default:** `!`<br>**Values:** Any String |
| `sort_title` | **Description:** Changes the sort title of all collections.<br>**Default:** `<<sort_prefix>><<collection_section>>_!<<title>>`<br>**Values:** Any String |
| `placeholder_tmdb_movie` | **Description:** Add a placeholder Movie to the Separator.<br>**Values:** TMDb Movie ID |
| `placeholder_tmdb_movie` | **Description:** Add a placeholder Movie to the Separator.<br>**Values:** TMDb Movie ID |
| `placeholder_tvdb_show` | **Description:** Add a placeholder Show to the Separator.<br>**Values:** TVDb Show ID |
| `placeholder_tvdb_show` | **Description:** Add a placeholder Show to the Separator.<br>**Values:** TVDb Show ID |
| `placeholder_imdb_id` | **Description:** Add a placeholder Movie/Show to the Separator.<br>**Values:** IMDb ID |
| `placeholder_imdb_id` | **Description:** Add a placeholder Movie/Show to the Separator.<br>**Values:** IMDb ID |