@ -842,6 +842,61 @@ class YAML:
portrait_dim = (1000, 1500)
landscape_dim = (1920, 1080)
def parse_cords(data, parent, required=False):
horizontal_align = parse("Overlay", "horizontal_align", data["horizontal_align"], parent=parent,
options=["left", "center", "right"]) if "horizontal_align" in data else "left"
vertical_align = parse("Overlay", "vertical_align", data["vertical_align"], parent=parent,
options=["top", "center", "bottom"]) if "vertical_align" in data else "top"
horizontal_offset = None
if "horizontal_offset" in data and data["horizontal_offset"] is not None:
x_off = data["horizontal_offset"]
per = False
if str(x_off).endswith("%"):
x_off = x_off[:-1]
per = True
x_off = check_num(x_off)
error = f"Overlay Error: {parent} horizontal_offset: {data['horizontal_offset']} must be a number"
if x_off is None:
raise Failed(error)
if horizontal_align != "center" and not per and x_off < 0:
raise Failed(f"{error} 0 or greater")
elif horizontal_align != "center" and per and (x_off > 100 or x_off < 0):
raise Failed(f"{error} between 0% and 100%")
elif horizontal_align == "center" and per and (x_off > 50 or x_off < -50):
raise Failed(f"{error} between -50% and 50%")
horizontal_offset = f"{x_off}%" if per else x_off
if horizontal_offset is None and horizontal_align == "center":
horizontal_offset = 0
if required and horizontal_offset is None:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: {parent} horizontal_offset is required")
vertical_offset = None
if "vertical_offset" in data and data["vertical_offset"] is not None:
y_off = data["vertical_offset"]
per = False
if str(y_off).endswith("%"):
y_off = y_off[:-1]
per = True
y_off = check_num(y_off)
error = f"Overlay Error: {parent} vertical_offset: {data['vertical_offset']} must be a number"
if y_off is None:
raise Failed(error)
if vertical_align != "center" and not per and y_off < 0:
raise Failed(f"{error} 0 or greater")
elif vertical_align != "center" and per and (y_off > 100 or y_off < 0):
raise Failed(f"{error} between 0% and 100%")
elif vertical_align == "center" and per and (y_off > 50 or y_off < -50):
raise Failed(f"{error} between -50% and 50%")
vertical_offset = f"{y_off}%" if per else y_off
if vertical_offset is None and vertical_align == "center":
vertical_offset = 0
if required and vertical_offset is None:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: {parent} vertical_offset is required")
return horizontal_align, horizontal_offset, vertical_align, vertical_offset
class Overlay:
def __init__(self, config, library, overlay_data, suppress):
self.config = config
@ -856,6 +911,7 @@ class Overlay:
self.portrait = None
self.portrait_box = None
self.group = None
self.queue = None
self.weight = None
self.path = None
self.font = None
@ -875,55 +931,17 @@ class Overlay:
if "group" in self.data and self.data["group"]:
self.group = str(self.data["group"])
if "queue" in self.data and self.data["queue"]:
self.queue = str(self.data["queue"])
if "weight" in self.data:
self.weight = parse("Overlay", "weight", self.data["weight"], datatype="int", parent="overlay")
if ("group" in self.data or "weight" in self.data) and (self.weight is None or not self.group):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's group and weight must be used together")
self.horizontal_align = parse("Overlay", "horizontal_align", self.data["horizontal_align"], parent="overlay", options=["left", "center", "right"]) if "horizontal_align" in self.data else "left"
self.vertical_align = parse("Overlay", "vertical_align", self.data["vertical_align"], parent="overlay", options=["top", "center", "bottom"]) if "vertical_align" in self.data else "top"
self.horizontal_offset = None
if "horizontal_offset" in self.data and self.data["horizontal_offset"] is not None:
x_off = self.data["horizontal_offset"]
per = False
if str(x_off).endswith("%"):
x_off = x_off[:-1]
per = True
x_off = check_num(x_off)
error = f"Overlay Error: overlay horizontal_offset: {self.data['horizontal_offset']} must be a number"
if x_off is None:
raise Failed(error)
if self.horizontal_align != "center" and not per and x_off < 0:
raise Failed(f"{error} 0 or greater")
elif self.horizontal_align != "center" and per and (x_off > 100 or x_off < 0):
raise Failed(f"{error} between 0% and 100%")
elif self.horizontal_align == "center" and per and (x_off > 50 or x_off < -50):
raise Failed(f"{error} between -50% and 50%")
self.horizontal_offset = f"{x_off}%" if per else x_off
if self.horizontal_offset is None and self.horizontal_align == "center":
self.horizontal_offset = 0
self.vertical_offset = None
if "vertical_offset" in self.data and self.data["vertical_offset"] is not None:
y_off = self.data["vertical_offset"]
per = False
if str(y_off).endswith("%"):
y_off = y_off[:-1]
per = True
y_off = check_num(y_off)
error = f"Overlay Error: overlay vertical_offset: {self.data['vertical_offset']} must be a number"
if y_off is None:
raise Failed(error)
if self.vertical_align != "center" and not per and y_off < 0:
raise Failed(f"{error} 0 or greater")
elif self.vertical_align != "center" and per and (y_off > 100 or y_off < 0):
raise Failed(f"{error} between 0% and 100%")
elif self.vertical_align == "center" and per and (y_off > 50 or y_off < -50):
raise Failed(f"{error} between -50% and 50%")
self.vertical_offset = f"{y_off}%" if per else y_off
if self.vertical_offset is None and self.vertical_align == "center":
self.vertical_offset = 0
self.weight = parse("Overlay", "weight", self.data["weight"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", minimum=0)
if "group" in self.data and (self.weight is None or not self.group):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's group requires the weight attribute")
elif "queue" in self.data and (self.weight is None or not self.queue):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's queue requires the weight attribute")
elif self.group and self.queue:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's group and queue cannot be used together")
self.horizontal_align, self.horizontal_offset, self.vertical_align, self.vertical_offset = parse_cords(self.data, "overlay")
if (self.horizontal_offset is None and self.vertical_offset is not None) or (self.vertical_offset is None and self.horizontal_offset is not None):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's must be used together")
@ -946,7 +964,8 @@ class Overlay:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attributes back_width and back_height must be used together")
elif back_width >= 0 and back_height >= 0:
self.back_box = (back_width, back_height)
if (self.back_color or self.back_line_color) and not self.has_coordinates():
self.has_back = True if self.back_color or self.back_line_color else False
if self.has_back and not self.has_coordinates():
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: horizontal_offset and vertical_offset are required when using a backdrop")
def get_and_save_image(image_url):
@ -1013,8 +1032,8 @@ class Overlay:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay font_color: {self.data['font_color']} invalid")
text = self.name[5:-1]
if text not in [f"{a}{s}" for a in ["audience_rating", "critic_rating", "user_rating"] for s in ["", "%"]]:
self.portrait = self.get_backdrop(portrait_dim, text=text)
self.landscape = self.get_backdrop(landscape_dim, text=text)
self.portrait, _ = self.get_backdrop(portrait_dim, text=text)
self.landscape, _ = self.get_backdrop(landscape_dim, text=text)
if "|" in self.name:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Name: {self.name} cannot contain '|'")
@ -1038,16 +1057,16 @@ class Overlay:
except OSError:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay image {self.path} failed to load")
def get_backdrop(self, canvas_box, box=None, text=None):
def get_backdrop(self, canvas_box, box=None, text=None, new_cords=None):
overlay_image = None
if text is not None:
_, _, width, height = self.get_text_size(text)
box = (width, height)
x_cord, y_cord = self.get_coordinates(canvas_box, box)
if text is not None or self.back_color or self.back_line_color:
x_cord, y_cord = self.get_coordinates(canvas_box, box, new_cords=new_cords)
if text is not None or self.has_back:
overlay_image = Image.new("RGBA", canvas_box, (255, 255, 255, 0))
drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(overlay_image)
if self.back_color or self.back_line_color:
if self.has_back:
cords = (
x_cord - self.back_padding,
y_cord - self.back_padding,
@ -1088,8 +1107,8 @@ class Overlay:
def get_text_size(self, text):
return ImageDraw.Draw(Image.new("RGBA", (0, 0))).textbbox((0, 0), text, font=self.font, anchor='lt')
def get_coordinates(self, canvas_box, box):
if not self.has_coordinates():
def get_coordinates(self, canvas_box, box, new_cords=None):
if new_cords is None and not self.has_coordinates():
return 0, 0
if self.back_box:
box = self.back_box
@ -1103,5 +1122,11 @@ class Overlay:
return value
return get_cord(self.horizontal_offset, canvas_box[0], box[0], self.horizontal_align), \
get_cord(self.vertical_offset, canvas_box[1], box[1], self.vertical_align)
if new_cords is None:
ho = self.horizontal_offset
ha = self.horizontal_align
vo = self.vertical_offset
va = self.vertical_align
ha, ho, va, vo = new_cords
return get_cord(ho, canvas_box[0], box[0], ha), get_cord(vo, canvas_box[1], box[1], va)