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The original concept for Plex Meta Manager is [Plex Auto Collections](https://github.com/mza921/Plex-Auto-Collections), but this is rewritten from the ground up to be able to include a scheduler, metadata edits, multiple libraries, and logging. Plex Meta Manager is a Python 3 script that can be continuously run using YAML configuration files to update on a schedule the metadata of the movies, shows, and collections in your libraries as well as automatically build collections based on various methods all detailed in the wiki. Some collection examples that the script can automatically build and update daily include Plex Based Searches like actor, genre, or studio collections or Collections based on TMDb, IMDb, Trakt, TVDb, AniDB, or MyAnimeList lists and various other services.
The original concept for Plex Meta Manager is [Plex Auto Collections](https://github.com/mza921/Plex-Auto-Collections), but this is rewritten from the ground up to be able to include a scheduler, metadata edits, multiple libraries, and logging. Plex Meta Manager is a Python 3 script that can be continuously run using YAML configuration files to update on a schedule the metadata of the movies, shows, and collections in your libraries as well as automatically build collections based on various methods all detailed in the wiki. Some collection examples that the script can automatically build and update daily include Plex Based Searches like actor, genre, or studio collections or Collections based on TMDb, IMDb, Trakt, TVDb, AniDB, or MyAnimeList lists and various other services.
cursor.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO image_map(rating_key, library) VALUES(?, ?)",(rating_key,library))
cursor.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO image_map(rating_key, library) VALUES(?, ?)",(rating_key,library))
cursor.execute("UPDATE poster_map SET location = ?, compare = ? WHERE rating_key = ? AND library = ? AND type = ?",(location,compare,rating_key,library,image_type))
cursor.execute("UPDATE image_map SET location = ?, compare = ? WHERE rating_key = ? AND library = ? AND type = ?",(location,compare,rating_key,library,image_type))