@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class Webhooks:
def slack(self, json):
if "end_time" in json:
if json["event"] == "run_end":
title = ":white_check_mark: Plex Meta Manager Has Finished a Run"
rows = [
[("*Start Time*", json["start_time"]), ("*End Time*", json["end_time"]), ("*Run Time*", json["run_time"])],
@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ class Webhooks:
if json["added_to_sonarr"]:
rows.append([("*Added To Sonarr*", json['added_to_sonarr'])])
elif "start_time" in json:
elif json["event"] == "run_start":
title = ":information_source: Plex Meta Manager Has Started!"
rows = [[("*Start Time*", json["start_time"])]]
elif "current" in json:
elif json["event"] == "version":
title = "Plex Meta Manager Has a New Version Available"
rows = [
[("*Current Version*", json["current"]), ("*Latest Version*", json["latest"])],
@ -183,13 +183,12 @@ class Webhooks:
row1.append(("*Playlist Name*", json["playlist"]))
if row1:
if "error" in json:
if json["event"] == "delete":
title = json["message"]
elif "error" in json:
title = f":warning: Plex Meta Manager Encountered {'a Critical' if json['critical'] else 'an'} Error"
rows.append([(json["error"], )])
if json["deleted"]:
title = f":heavy_minus_sign: A {text} has Been Deleted!"
title = f"{':heavy_plus_sign:' if json['created'] else ':infinity:'} A {text} has Been {'Created' if json['created'] else 'Modified'}!"
@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ class Webhooks:
def discord(self, json):
description = None
rows = []
if "end_time" in json:
if json["event"] == "run_end":
title = "Run Completed"
rows = [
[("Start Time", json["start_time"]), ("End Time", json["end_time"]), ("Run Time", json["run_time"])],
@ -251,10 +250,10 @@ class Webhooks:
rows.append([(f"{json['added_to_radarr']} Movies Added To Radarr", None)])
if json["added_to_sonarr"]:
rows.append([(f"{json['added_to_sonarr']} Series Added To Sonarr", None)])
elif "start_time" in json:
elif json["event"] == "run_start":
title = "Run Started"
description = json["start_time"]
elif "current" in json:
elif json["event"] == "version":
title = "New Version Available"
rows = [
[("Current", json["current"]), ("Latest", json["latest"])],
@ -275,12 +274,11 @@ class Webhooks:
row1.append(("Playlist", json["playlist"]))
if row1:
if "error" in json:
if json["event"] == "delete":
title = json["message"]
elif "error" in json:
title = f"{'Critical ' if json['critical'] else ''}Error"
rows.append([("Error Message", json["error"])])
if json["deleted"]:
title = f"{text} Deleted"
title = f"{text} {'Created' if json['created'] else 'Modified'}"