@ -5,108 +5,70 @@ from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
arms_url = "https://relations.yuna.moe/api/ids"
anidb_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anime-Lists/anime-lists/master/anime-list-master.xml"
anime_lists_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Fribb/anime-lists/master/anime-list-full.json"
class Convert:
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.AniDBIDs = self.config.get_html(anidb_url)
self.anidb_ids = {}
self.mal_to_anidb = {}
self.anilist_to_anidb = {}
self.anidb_to_imdb = {}
self.anidb_to_tvdb = {}
for anime_id in self.config.get_json(anime_lists_url):
if "anidb_id" in anime_id:
self.anidb_ids[anime_id["anidb_id"]] = anime_id
if "mal_id" in anime_id:
self.mal_to_anidb[int(anime_id["mal_id"])] = int(anime_id["anidb_id"])
if "anilist_id" in anime_id:
self.anilist_to_anidb[int(anime_id["anilist_id"])] = int(anime_id["anidb_id"])
if "imdb_id" in anime_id and str(anime_id["imdb_id"]).startswith("tt"):
self.anidb_to_imdb[int(anime_id["anidb_id"])] = util.get_list(anime_id["imdb_id"])
if "thetvdb_id" in anime_id:
self.anidb_to_tvdb[int(anime_id["anidb_id"])] = int(anime_id["thetvdb_id"])
def _anidb(self, anidb_id, fail=False):
tvdbid = self.AniDBIDs.xpath(f"//anime[contains(@anidbid, '{anidb_id}')]/@tvdbid")
imdbid = self.AniDBIDs.xpath(f"//anime[contains(@anidbid, '{anidb_id}')]/@imdbid")
if len(tvdbid) > 0:
if len(imdbid[0]) > 0:
imdb_ids = util.get_list(imdbid[0])
tmdb_ids = []
for imdb in imdb_ids:
tmdb_id, tmdb_type = self.imdb_to_tmdb(imdb)
if tmdb_id and tmdb_type == "movie":
if tmdb_ids:
return None, imdb_ids, tmdb_ids
fail_text = f"Convert Error: No TMDb ID found for AniDB ID: {anidb_id}"
return int(tvdbid[0]), [], []
except ValueError:
fail_text = f"Convert Error: No TVDb ID or IMDb ID found for AniDB ID: {anidb_id}"
fail_text = f"Convert Error: AniDB ID: {anidb_id} not found"
if fail:
raise Failed(fail_text)
return None, [], []
def _arms_ids(self, anilist_ids=None, anidb_ids=None, mal_ids=None):
all_ids = []
def collect_ids(ids, id_name):
if ids:
if isinstance(ids, list):
all_ids.extend([{id_name: a_id} for a_id in ids])
all_ids.append({id_name: ids})
collect_ids(anilist_ids, "anilist")
collect_ids(anidb_ids, "anidb")
collect_ids(mal_ids, "myanimelist")
converted_ids = []
unconverted_ids = []
unconverted_id_sets = []
for anime_dict in all_ids:
for id_type, anime_id in anime_dict.items():
query_ids = None
expired = None
if self.config.Cache:
query_ids, expired = self.config.Cache.query_anime_map(anime_id, id_type)
if query_ids and not expired:
if query_ids is None or expired:
if len(unconverted_ids) == 100:
unconverted_ids = []
if len(unconverted_ids) > 0:
for unconverted_id_set in unconverted_id_sets:
for anime_ids in self.config.post_json(arms_url, json=unconverted_id_set):
if anime_ids:
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_anime_map(False, anime_ids)
return converted_ids
def anidb_to_ids(self, anidb_list):
def anidb_to_ids(self, anidb_ids, library):
ids = []
anidb_list = anidb_ids if isinstance(anidb_ids, list) else [anidb_ids]
for anidb_id in anidb_list:
tvdb_id, _, tmdb_ids = self._anidb(anidb_id, fail=True)
if tvdb_id:
ids.append((tvdb_id, "tvdb"))
if tmdb_ids:
ids.extend([(t, "tmdb") for t in tmdb_ids])
except Failed as e:
if anidb_id in library.anidb_map:
ids.append((library.anidb_map[anidb_id], "ratingKey"))
elif anidb_id in self.anidb_to_imdb:
added = False
for imdb in self.anidb_to_imdb[anidb_id]:
tmdb, tmdb_type = self.imdb_to_tmdb(imdb)
if tmdb and tmdb_type == "movie":
ids.append((tmdb, "tmdb"))
added = True
if added is False and anidb_id in self.anidb_to_tvdb:
ids.append((self.anidb_to_tvdb[anidb_id], "tvdb"))
elif anidb_id in self.anidb_to_tvdb:
ids.append((self.anidb_to_tvdb[anidb_id], "tvdb"))
elif anidb_id in self.anidb_ids:
logger.error(f"Convert Error: No TVDb ID or IMDb ID found for AniDB ID: {anidb_id}")
logger.error(f"Convert Error: AniDB ID: {anidb_id} not found")
return ids
def anilist_to_ids(self, anilist_ids):
def anilist_to_ids(self, anilist_ids, library):
anidb_ids = []
for id_set in self._arms_ids(anilist_ids=anilist_ids):
if id_set["anidb"] is not None:
for anilist_id in anilist_ids:
if anilist_id in self.anilist_to_anidb:
logger.error(f"Convert Error: AniDB ID not found for AniList ID: {id_set['anilist']}")
return self.anidb_to_ids(anidb_ids)
logger.error(f"Convert Error: AniDB ID not found for AniList ID: {anilist_id}")
return self.anidb_to_ids(anidb_ids, library)
def myanimelist_to_ids(self, mal_ids):
anidb_ids = []
for id_set in self._arms_ids(mal_ids=mal_ids):
if id_set["anidb"] is not None:
def myanimelist_to_ids(self, mal_ids, library):
ids = []
for mal_id in mal_ids:
if mal_id in library.mal_map:
ids.append((library.mal_map[mal_id], "ratingKey"))
elif mal_id in self.mal_to_anidb:
ids.extend(self.anidb_to_ids(self.mal_to_anidb[mal_id], library))
logger.error(f"Convert Error: AniDB ID not found for MyAnimeList ID: {id_set['myanimelist']}")
return self.anidb_to_ids(anidb_ids)
logger.error(f"Convert Error: AniDB ID not found for MyAnimeList ID: {mal_id}")
return ids
def tmdb_to_imdb(self, tmdb_id, is_movie=True, fail=False):
media_type = "movie" if is_movie else "show"
@ -259,24 +221,37 @@ class Convert:
elif item_type == "thetvdb": tvdb_id.append(int(check_id))
elif item_type == "themoviedb": tmdb_id.append(int(check_id))
elif item_type == "hama":
if check_id.startswith("tvdb"): tvdb_id.append(int(re.search("-(.*)", check_id).group(1)))
elif check_id.startswith("anidb"): anidb_id = re.search("-(.*)", check_id).group(1)
else: raise Failed(f"Hama Agent ID: {check_id} not supported")
if check_id.startswith("tvdb"):
tvdb_id.append(int(re.search("-(.*)", check_id).group(1)))
elif check_id.startswith("anidb"):
anidb_id = int(re.search("-(.*)", check_id).group(1))
library.anidb_map[anidb_id] = item.ratingKey
raise Failed(f"Hama Agent ID: {check_id} not supported")
elif item_type == "myanimelist":
anime_ids = self._arms_ids(mal_ids=check_id)
if anime_ids[0] and anime_ids[0]["anidb"]: anidb_id = anime_ids[0]["anidb"]
else: raise Failed(f"Unable to convert MyAnimeList ID: {check_id} to AniDB ID")
library.mal_map[int(check_id)] = item.ratingKey
if check_id in self.mal_to_anidb:
anidb_id = self.mal_to_anidb[check_id]
raise Failed(f"Convert Error: AniDB ID not found for MyAnimeList ID: {check_id}")
elif item_type == "local": raise Failed("No match in Plex")
else: raise Failed(f"Agent {item_type} not supported")
if anidb_id:
ani_tvdb, ani_imdb, ani_tmdb = self._anidb(anidb_id, fail=True)
if ani_imdb:
if ani_tmdb:
if ani_tvdb:
if anidb_id in self.anidb_to_imdb:
added = False
for imdb in self.anidb_to_imdb[anidb_id]:
tmdb, tmdb_type = self.imdb_to_tmdb(imdb)
if tmdb and tmdb_type == "movie":
added = True
if added is False and anidb_id in self.anidb_to_tvdb:
elif anidb_id in self.anidb_to_tvdb:
raise Failed(f"AniDB: {anidb_id} not found")
if not tmdb_id and imdb_id:
for imdb in imdb_id: