| `limit` | **Description:** The max number of item for the search.<br>**Default:** `all`<br>**Values:** `all` or a number greater than 0 |
| `sort_by` | **Description:** This will control how the filter is sorted in your library.<br>**Default:** `random`<br>**Values:** Any sort options for your search type in the [Sorts Options Table](#sort-options) |
| `type` | **PLAYLIST SEARCHES ONLY****Description:** Allows different types of media to be searched for.<br>**Default:** `movie`, `show`, or `artist` depending on library type<br>**Values:** `movie`, `show`, `season`, `episode`, `artist`, `album` or `track`
| `sort_by` | **Description:** This will control how the filter is sorted in your library. You can do a multi-level sort using a list.<br>**Default:** `random`<br>**Values:** Any sort options for your search type in the [Sorts Options Table](#sort-options) |
| `type` | **PLAYLIST SEARCHES ONLY****Description:** Allows different types of media to be searched for.<br>**Default:** `movie`, `show`, or `artist` depending on library type<br>**Values:** `movie`, `show`, `season`, `episode`, `artist`, `album` or `track`|
| `validate` | **Description:** Determines if a collection/playlist will fail on a validation error<br>**Default:** `true`<br>**Values**: `true` or `false` |
| `limit` | **Description:** The max number of item for the filter.<br>**Default:** `all`<br>**Values:** `all` or a number greater than 0 |
| `sort_by` | **Description:** This will control how the filter is sorted in your library.<br>**Default:** `random`<br>**Values:** Any sort options for your filter type in the [Sorts Options Table](#sort-options) |
| `sort_by` | **Description:** This will control how the filter is sorted in your library. You can do a multi-level sort using a list.<br>**Default:** `random`<br>**Values:** Any sort options for your filter type in the [Sorts Options Table](#sort-options) |
| `validate` | **Description:** Determines if a collection will fail on a validation error<br>**Default:** `true`<br>**Values**: `true` or `false` |
raiseFailed(f"{self.Type} Error: {test_sort} collection_order invalid\n\trelease (Order Collection by release dates)\n\talpha (Order Collection Alphabetically)\n\tcustom (Custom Order Collection)\n\tOther sorting options can be found at https://github.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager/wiki/Smart-Builders#sort-options")